
由于特朗普过渡团队 - 包括当选总统本人 - 变暖对情报机构的评估,对俄罗斯大选黑客攻击,美国国土安全部提名人的容貌构建桥梁与IT业打网络威胁。










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"With high confidence," Kelly responded.

第二天,在他期待已久周三的新闻发布会上,特朗普自己acknowledgedfor the first time that he accepts the intelligence assessment on the attribution of the cyber intrusions into the Democratic National Committee and other targets involved with the election.

[ Related:Trump: It was probably Russia that hacked the DNC, Clinton campaign]

"As far as hacking, I think it was Russia," Trump said, though he went on to call out the massive breach of the Office of Personnel Management that was attributed to China and to suggest that Russia is hardly the only actor attacking sensitive U.S. systems.


[ Related:美国国土安全部应该有一个网络安全部说,专家组组长]

凯利吹捧公共 - 私营部门参与为美国国土安全部的方法来网络威胁

Kelly, meantime, indicated that that he would come to DHS with a respect for the mounting sophistication of the United States' adversaries in the cyber realm, a development that has come into painful focus with the attacks of foreign adversaries, Russia's election hacking being only the most recent example.


凯利称赞即将离任的国防部长阿什顿·卡特的推广到私营部门--particularly硅谷 - 在他的任期内领导五角大楼的一开始,举行了公共和私营部门参与该方案作为一种模式用于国土安全部可能会如何对待他的领导下,网络威胁。

"There's unbelievable ... talent out there in the civilian sector, and I think at this point in time everyone realizes that it's in everyone's interest -- whether it's personal security or corporate security, certainly U.S. security -- everyone realizes, I think, that working together makes an awful lot of sense," he said. "More cooperation amongst the private sector and the federal sector, the state sector -- I think that would go a long way."

This story, "Trump’s DHS pick urges more coordination on cyberthreats" was originally published byCIO

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