


我目前正在着手的追求,使我的整个生活私密性和安全地,同时还具有良好的时间和享受现代世界的成果。在这篇文章中,我不会进入我为什么这样做。为此,请参阅my article introducing this endeavor.


首先,让我们说这一切都不是关于我开始开源要么free software. Licensing of software, while extremely important, is not the focus here. This is about privacy and security and absolutely nothing else.


Follow Bryan Lunduke’s quest to make his life as private and secure as possible:


That said…

If my goal is to secure all of my computing devices, I need access to the source code in order to do a complete and effective security appraisal of the software I am running.

It really is that simple. The need for open source software, in this case, has nothing to do with any ethical implications of software freedom—nor do the benefits of open source to software developers enter into this discussion. But having access to the source code is an undeniable benefit in ensuring the security of a piece of software.

To prove this point, let’s look at a hypothetical situation.



Underneath the button on the left reads the following message:“Proprietary, closed source code. Copyright 2016 SomeRandomCompany. All rights reserved. All requests for code will be ignored. But we totally swear we won’t dump the milk on your head. Pinky swear.”

The button on the right reads:“Open Source code available to all. Reviewed and contributed to by hundreds of developers from around the world. Feel free to review the code and speak with the programmers before pushing the button.”


Easy answer, right?



I am going to use only open source (and, when possible, free software) on my computers, phones, tablets, servers and any other computing devices I have control over.


This is both easier and harder than many people might think.

On the one hand, running a completely open operating system, office suite, web browser and the like is astoundingly simple. Grab one of the (many) open source (and free software) operating systems (such as Linux), and you’re off and running.

至少在你的桌面和laptop computers.


Let’s say, for example, I choose to useSignalfor messaging. It’s encrypted (which is great) and provides a significant amount of源代码under great licenses (also great). But their server also has a large amount of proprietary, closed source code (dealing with making voice calls) that I cannot currently get access to.

That gives me pause. It is, based on what little I have written here, already preferable over solutions such as Google Hangouts and other, far-more-closed services. But the existence of any code that cannot be vetted, tested and analyzed (publicly) by independent programmers raises a not-so-subtle red flag.

So, decision made. Only open source (and/or free software)—at least when possible. And when it isn’t possible, steps should be taken to fully understand both the scope and possible implications of having my data handled by source code that I cannot 100 percent verify the actions of.

I still have a long, long way to go, including:

  • 我连接到互联网的方式
  • How I handle all forms of communication (from email to phone calls to video chat)
  • 我在哪里存储数据(以及我如何与他人分享)
  • 我如何相互保护的软件件
  • 我如何处理地图和步行/行车路线

So many things. So many.

It’s almost overwhelming, but I shall persevere.


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