
Company admits it is technically possible to do what the FBI wants, but adds that is 'something we believe is too dangerous to do'

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苹果today said that the government should create an expert panel to discuss the implications of the FBI's demand that the company help it access an iPhone used by one of the people accused of killing 14 in California nearly three months ago.

In a常见问题发布到其网站周一,苹果的反复last week, when both it and the government交易法庭文件,声明和激烈的言辞。随着呼叫使立法者进入争议,苹果公司表示,FBI应该在进入使用赛义德RIZWAN Farook,谁与他的妻子Tashfeen马利克,圣贝纳迪诺,加利福尼亚州打死14的iPhone撤回其寻求救助。上12月2日,他们在与警察枪战死之前。

“We feel the best way forward would be for the government to withdraw its demands under the All Writs Act and, as some in Congress have proposed, form a commission or other panel of experts on intelligence, technology, and civil liberties to discuss the implications for law enforcement, national security, privacy, and personal freedoms," the FAQ stated. "Apple would gladly participate in such an effort."



它由联邦法官中产生的订单,苹果遵守 - - 在其运动2月16日提交的美国司法部提到的所有令状法时,要求苹果公司帮助该机构进入Farook的iPhone 5C。所有令状法是建立在美国司法系统1789年立法的一部分。自那时以来已多次修订,与1948年进行的最近一次重大变化。



苹果's admission matched what the DOJ said in a motion filed Friday, and what安全专家称有可能earlier.

The government has contended that there may be information on Farook's iPhone that will help in the terrorism investigation, but he locked the device with a passcode. The FBI wants Apple to create a modified version of iOS that disables an auto-erase feature and removes the forced delays between passcode guesses. It would then conduct a brute-force passcode crack from a personal computer at high speeds.

“In plain English, the FBI wants to ensure that it can make an unlimited number of PIN guesses [and] that it can make them as fast as the hardware will allow," said Dan Guido, co-founder and CEO of Trail of Bits, a New York City-based security firm, last week.

On Sunday, FBI Director James Comey issued an在线声明where he said Apple owed it to the San Bernardino victims, their families, and survivors to help in the probe of the iPhone. "Maybe the phone holds the clue to finding more terrorists. Maybe it doesn't. But we can't look the survivors in the eye, or ourselves in the mirror, if we don’t follow this lead," Comey said.

科米还表示,苹果和联邦调查局应该设置相关的隐私和国家安全政策。“[这种情况]确实凸显了我们有一个创建两个值大家都宝之间的严重紧张真棒新技术 - 私密性和安全性,”科米写道。“那紧张不应该由企业对于为生卖东西,也应该不会被FBI解决来解决。它应该由美国人民决定,我们要如何管理自己在我们之前从未见过的世界来解决。“

Some, including Cattanach, say that the FBI purposefully selected the San Bernardino case -- with its terrorism implications -- to get a court to order Apple to help under the All Writs Act and sway public opinion its way. "This was a very strategic decision by the FBI," said Cattanach. "I think it was very calculated on the part of the FBI: 'Let's get a win here.' "

苹果has faced similar demands from the government under the All Writs Act, as the ACLU noted. In fact, the Cupertino, Calif., company first signaled its concern about the law last October, when the DOJ asked a federal court in New York to force Apple to assist in accessing an alleged drug dealer's iPhone.

Even after the defendant pleaded guilty, Apple argued that the matter was not moot, and that the issue about Apple's assistance should continue to be heard by the court. "Apple has also been advised that the government intends to continue to invoke the All Writs Act in this and other districts in an attempt to require Apple to assist in bypassing the security of other Apple devices in the government's possession," wrote Marc Zwillinger, an outside lawyer for Apple, in a letter to the New York court on Feb. 12.

On Friday, the federal judge in California who ordered Apple to assist authorities set the schedule of additional motions she will accept and a March 22 hearing date for the parties' oral arguments. Apple must file any objections to the order by Friday, while others may file amicus briefs supporting either side by March 3.

This story, "Apple calls for commission to discuss FBI's iPhone unlocking demands" was originally published byComputerworld .


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