Azure Stack根据您的条件提供混合云

忘掉OpenStack和云计算吧:微软表示,其Azure Stack私有混合云平台正是企业所需要的。

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对于一件事,您必须购买峰值负载所需的所有硬件,除非您可以突出到Azure以获得额外的尺度。And if you can do that with your existing workload, think about why you’re running it on a private or hybrid cloud in the first place, because Microsoft can buy infrastructure and electricity more cheaply than you can, and they already have the skilled admins who know how to run a cloud. Automation based on what Microsoft has learned running Azure will vastly simplify deploying and maintaining Azure Stack, even down to replacement servers being automatically discovered and configured. But you仍然必须操作它(特别是如果您想添加第三方服务)。

另一方面,Azure总是比Azure Stack拥有更多的服务,而且它会首先获得新的服务。美国东部和西部的Azure地区也有同样的服务;但是Azure堆栈更像是Azure的联邦政府版本或即将到来的德国Azure地区将运行通过德国法律保护所有者或版本中可用的Azure中国——独立的云服务,得到新的Azure特性比公共Azure服务在不同的时间表。

azure服务栈 微软


如果没有Azure的全球规模,一些服务就不太可能有意义,比如Azure媒体服务(Azure Media services)的内容交付网络。其他的可能最好作为依赖Azure的混合服务。Key Vault服务将出现在Azure Stack中,但它将是一个基于软件的解决方案,而不是使用Azure服务所依赖的硬件安全模块(包括防止篡改的炸药)。

It’s not a question of Azure Stack being second class, just that it has the services that make sense in the private cloud and the hosted cloud rather than in a hyperscale, global, public cloud, and it’s important to be aware of what you’re getting.

“我们必须对客户很清楚,因此他们了解他们在数据中心运行蔚蓝的规模局限性,”迈克尼尔解释道。雷竞技电脑网站“我们希望功能 - 从顶级API到门户的经验 - 尽可能地密切地模仿天蓝色,但是当Azure的最小标记大小约为一千台机器时,我们拥有的挑战是挑战。我们如何采取这项技术并将其扩展到以客户的入口价格点更具成本效益,并使其成为可用的系统?“

他的自信Azure堆栈将是有用的,即使它不是天蓝调。“即使在四节点配置中,您也可以运行一个明显强大的系统;对于使用此技术的客户,他们将能够拥有非常好的体验。通过管理工具,我们将允许他们进行容量规划,以便他们可以在他们将耗尽容量和扩展时进行。“The idea of bursting out to the cloud isn’t new, but it’s going to be a lot easier from Azure Stack, because the environment you have with Azure Stack will be set up in the same way, with applications already configured for the cloud platform.


至关重要的是,微软正在创建Azure Stack,因为它是企业客户和托管提供商一直以来所要求的。正如斯诺弗所言,“这就是萨蒂亚•纳德拉(Satya Nadella),他对倾听客户的执着,他说,‘离开雷德蒙德,去倾听客户,找出他们想要什么,然后给他们想要的东西。’”’我们对此是认真的。”




If those enterprise customers are right about what they need, Microsoft can turn Windows Server into a private and hybrid cloud platform that’s in sync with its Azure cloud in a way no other cloud provider can match, addressing worries about regulation and data sovereignty, or latency problems working against data on their own servers. “If that’s the blocking issue for a customer adopting Azure, in the broad sense, we expect this to accelerate adoption,” Neil says. And if enterprises are wrong about what they need, Azure is still growing fast, with over 90,000 new subscribers a month.


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