微软的Windows 10的Wi-Fi意义上说,令人叹为观止的坏主意


来自视窗10 W-Fi无线感测FAQ


  • 自动连接到开放的Wi - Fi网络,它知道,通过众包网络,其他人使用Windows连接。这些是典型的开放Wi - Fi热点,当你外出时可以看到。
  • 自动连接到Wi-Fi网络,你的Facebook好友,Outlook.com联系人或Skype联系人与您共享您分享了至少一个网络与您的联系人后。当你和你的联系人分享彼此的Wi-Fi网络,你给对方上网,但没有能看到对方的密码。没有网络的自动共享。当你第一次连接到网络,你决定要分享,你需要输入密码,然后选择共享网络与我的联系人复选框共享该网络。

的Windows 10系统将具备Wi-Fi感默认打开的,如果快递的设置在安装时选择。This doesn’t do anything unless you are signed in with a Microsoft account then, when you connect to a WiFi network, you’ll be asked if you want to share that network with your bestie (your besties being any or all of your Outlook.com, Skype, and Facebook contacts but, crucially, not friends of friends). If you select that you do want to share, then the WiFi password is encrypted and stored in Microsoft’s cloud somewhere. When one of your besties comes in range of the shared network the SSID is recognized, the encrypted password retrieved, decrypted in the bowels of Windows 10, you get logged on, and you can access the Internet (note that your contacts never have access to the unencrypted password). Importantly, your access via the shared network is to the Internet only, local access (if available) is blocked.

无线网络连接感是从Windows Phone的一个手,我倒在那里,那是相当多的采用Windows Phone三大人们所忽视。As I noted, in Windows 10 it’s turned on by default if you use Express Settings and, should you buy a computer with the OS pre-installed, then you might want to go to Wi-Fi int he control panel, then to "Change Wi-Fi settings." In "Manage Wi-Fi settings" you can turn Wi-Fi Sense off; disable password sharing with your Facebook, Outlook, or Skype contact; and in the list of your known Wi-Fi networks, you can enable and disable password sharing. Note that networks protected by corporate authentication protocols, such as 802.1x EAP, will not be shared while consumer grade authentication protocols such as WPA/WPA2 can be.

如果你不想那么你的网络上共享所有你需要做的做的是追加_optout到WiFi SSID(我宁愿_一定不行但微软未能与我商量)和微软还指出“它可能需要几天的时间为您的网络添加到支持Wi-Fi意义上的选择列表中进行。”了不起。你可以从这里到达那里......最后。



“砍吗?坏了?真的吗?”你说。是的,要么会有一个破坏Wi-Fi感应的漏洞,要么会暴露内部工作原理,否则莫斯科或北京的一些有胆识的黑客就会盯上它。这是一个坏主意的另一个原因;Wi-Fi Sense会将你的社交图谱和位置数据交给微软(这三家字母机构以及任何成功的黑客都能轻易获得)。你将会给微软提供大量的详细且非常有用的个人数据。

结论:尽管Windows 10的Wi-Fi Sense可能(很可能)是一个巨大的问题,但核心问题将是始终存在的问题;不知情的或懒惰的用户,他们更看重便利性而不是安全性。


