4 things iPhone 6 does that Samsung Galaxy S6 can't

The Apple iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S6 are two of the hottest smartphones available, but each has its own individual strengths and weaknesses. Here are four ways the iPhone 6 outperforms the GS6.

Samsung and Apple are the undisputed kings of the smartphone world, and both own right approximately 20 percent of the global market,according to recent researchfrom IDC.Apple and the iPhone beat out Samsungand its seemingly endless array of handhelds in total sales to end users for the first time during the final quarter of last year, thanks in no small part to the white-hot market reception of both theiPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

然而,三星的最新宠儿,银河S6和S6银河边缘即将在下周上市销售在美国和韩国电子领导者偷回来一些份额的每一个意图。雷竞技比分在未来的几个月,数以百万计的消费者会火起来的选择或支柱的他们的Web浏览器到本地无线运营商的商店来比较最新最好的智能手机。其顶上的选项列表将是iPhone 6和Galaxy S6。

I've been using the iPhone 6 since the day it was released last September, and I got both my Samsung GS6 and GS6 edge phones last Tuesday; I've had more than a week to spend with the new Galaxys. One of the first things I do after a company sends a new smartphone that piques my interest (and not all of the review devices I receive do, mind you) is stack it up to the iPhone, to see how (or if) it compares.

That's exactly what I did with the Galaxy S6/S6 edge. While it's too early to make a decision between the iPhone 6 and the Galaxy S6/S6 edge, I will say this: I like the new Galaxys. A lot. However, the iPhone 6 still doesmany事情银河S6手机不能。本文不打算点出所有的人。相反,它的意思聚光灯我最怀念的东西,当我与银河S6,而不是我的iPhone 6离家出走。

As is always the case with these matters, there are two tales to be told, so make sure to check out my companion story,“6件事情银河S6的确是iPhone 6不能。”To be clear,我不是说iPhone是比银河S6更好,或暗示iPhone将与GS6战斗胜利。

现在,这就是出路,就到了东西,iPhone 6确实银河S6不能。(注:和弯曲显示器和稍微不同的电池容量的异常,新的Galaxy手机是相同的,因此,所有下面提出的观点的同时适用于新电话)

1) iPhone 6, Touch ID and Apple Pay

Samsung dramatically improved the fingerprint scanner in the Galaxy S6 devices. The company used finger scanners in number of phones during the past couple of years, but put bluntly, they weregarbage.You used to have swipe a finger vertically over the oval-shaped sensor multiple times to get a good read, and the experience was such that I quickly stopped using the scanner altogether on Galaxy smartphones and tablets and reverted to manual password entry.

You need only touch a finger to the Galaxy S6 finger scanner to unlock the phone or authenticate, and they work very well in my experience. However, the overall value and functionality of the Galaxy S6 finger scanner is limited because it doesn't currently do much more than let you unlock your phone, authenticate your Samsung account and sign into a small set of Web services.

iphone 6 touch id Brian Sacco

在iPhone上使用Touch ID是我最喜欢的功能之一,因为它就像一个魅力,它让我安全简便地访问各种应用程序和服务。像三星手指扫描仪,你可以使用触摸ID解锁你的iPhone,但你也可以用它来制作用于在实体商店使用苹果支付商品和服务的iTunes和App Store购买,工资和网上,并认证通过iOS应用的增长的收藏。

Samsung plans to rollout its mobile payment service,三星支付, at some point this summer, and that should level the playing field — perhaps even tilt it Samsung's way due to some unique features — but right now, Touch ID lets me quickly and securely pay for Groupons in that app, authenticate myself via my AmEx app, unlock my Google Drive and my password manager, and quickly login to my credit union's app for fast access to finance information, among other things.

While many of these same apps are available for Android, they do not support fingerprint authentication via Samsung Galaxy devices. That's not to say that they won't in the future, but today, Touch ID, Apple and iPhone 6 offers a much more compelling finger-authentication system. (You can also only add four different prints to the Samsung finger reader, while Touch ID supports five, but that's honestly not a big deal, at least not for me.)

2)立即iPhone 6的iOS软件更新,直接从源

One of the most frustrating thing about Android, and the Galaxy S6 phones, is that you need to wait for your wireless carrier to test and customize Google's Android software updates before you can install them. More often than not, that takes months, sometimesyears取决于载体和特定的设备模型。例如,谷歌公布了最新版本的Android,V5.0或“棒棒糖”,在去年年底,和AT&T上周刚刚推出的它为我的Galaxy Note 4.其他许多Android用户仍在等待棒棒糖。(这两个银河S6设备运送与Android v.5.0.1)。


There's something gratifying about the capability to install new OS updates as soon as they're announced, and on the flip side, it really sucks to have to wait for Android updates, often with no idea of how long you'll be hanging around, twiddling your typing thumbs.

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