
苹果made all the moneylast quarter—its $18 billion in profit is not only the best quarter Apple’s ever had, it’s the best quarter任何一家公司有过,和a jaw-dropping 74.5 million iPhones sold is a big reason why. But record-shattering $74.6 billion revenues weren’t the most interesting part of Tuesday’s Q1 2015 earnings conference call, in which Tim Cook took questions from analysts about the rest of Apple’s plan for success, and how to keep this momentum going.


First of all,苹果观察在四月更坚实的出货日期,有时。库克表示,他事先准备好的声明,“发展为苹果观察是正确的日程安排,我们预计在4月份出货。开发商都在努力上的应用程序,通知和信息汇总工作,我们称之为几眼,都专门为手表的用户界面设计。创造力和软件创新围绕苹果观看事情是非常令人兴奋的,我们不能等待我们的客户体验到他们时,Apple关注变为可用。”

apple watch keynote

We won't see the Apple Watch this quarter, but soon, my pretty, sooooooooon...

Previous rumors had said March,而苹果只说春天,所以这是很好的得到的确切时间的手表将达到门店更好的主意。后来,在通话的问题和回答的部分,分析师按下多一点细节,库克第一次借机让我们所有的嫉妒,当然有一个已经:


库克甚至进一步阐述了航运一个月,太:“而且我只想澄清,我们一直在说是早期的2015年,我们有点看一年,并认为早在1 - 4月中旬,作为未来四个月和late’s the final four months. And so to us, it’s within the range. It’s basically when we thought. But most importantly, we’re going to be thrilled to start shipping it, because we’ve got a lot of customers who are wanting to get one.”


苹果sold a record number of iPhones in the quarter, 74.5 million units. That’s off the charts high, 23.4 million more than the same quarter last year. Cook doesn’t expect the iPhone train to stop rolling anytime soon, either: “I would point out that only a small fraction of the installed base has upgraded, so there’s a lot more people within the installed base, but I would also point out that we had the highest number of customers new to iPhone last quarter than in any prior launch. And also that the current iPhone lineup experienced the highest Android switcher rate in any of the last three launches in any of the three previous years. We didn’t look back to the other years, I don’t know about those.”

iphone6 layingdown


库克拒绝打破iPhone 6比6加数字,但他却这样说:“我可以告诉你的是,iPhone 6是最流行的iPhone上个季度。但显然卖出7450万,他们真的所有流行。和所有做的很好。显然无论是地域偏好的差异,一些GEOS会扭曲他们的偏好高得多iPhone 6加比其他GEOS。因此,它的东西,这不是在世界各地一致的“。

苹果’s growth in China also contributed to the iPhone 6’s successful launch. Despite not being on sale a full quarter in China (iPhone 6 launched mid-October there, and the quarter ran from October 1 to December 27), Apple saw 100 percent year-over-year growth. Expect China to become a bigger chunk of Apple’s revenue over time, as Apple expands its footprint in the country. “We’ll hit 20 [Apple Stores] soon and we’re doubling that by mid 2016,” Cook said. “In fact our online revenues in China last quarter were more than the sum of the previous five years.”

苹果Pay is working out

蒂姆·库克表示,苹果工资是“在第一局”,但该公司已经高兴与它的进展。它的流行与银行,750银行和信用社已签署和代表的每$ 3非接触式支付花费的三大信用卡网络$ 2。


Even confined to just the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, Apple Pay is dominating the contactless payments space.

招商看到不错的数据了。库克说,“在谁已经接受苹果公司付款的商家,利率甚至更高。Panera Bread的告诉我们,苹果支付代表了他们的移动支付交易的近80%,而自苹果推出收费的,整个食品市场已经看到了移动支付超过400%的增长。”你甚至可以在自动贩卖机 - 用它美国科技宣布的同一天as the earnings call that it was adding Apple Pay support to 200,000 vending machines, coin-op laundry machines, and parking meters across the country.

“With all of this momentum in the early days,” Cook crowed, “We are more convinced than ever that 2015 will be the year of Apple Pay.”



“我们不会做很多大的合作伙伴关系,因为你可能知道。所以当我们做一个,它是重要的和we really believe in this one and what it can do for customers,” Cook explained when asked about苹果与IBM的合作伙伴关系创造为企业客户如迈阿密戴德县和美国鹰牌服饰定制应用程序。

tim cook apple ginni rometty ibm IBM


To really change the way people work, Cook said, they need apps tailored to their exact job, not just general productivity tools like spreadsheets and word processors, which the iPad has in spades. So the partnership with IBM is aimed at helping tailor apps to enterprise customers.

库克说,“In December, we delivered the first 10 mobile first for iOS apps对于银行,零售,保险,金融服务,电信,政府和航空公司,使iPhone和iPad更具效率,为企业提供应用程序和云服务与IBM的大数据和分析能力。另有12个应用程序将公布本季度,包括三个新的产业:医疗保健,能源和公共事业和工业产品。这将会给我们带来共22个应用程序和我们有望在2015年底有100多个”

iPad的sales slid again

This enterprise push couldn’t come at a better time, as iPad sales were soft this quarter at 21.4 million, which is 4.6 million fewer than sold during the same holiday quarter of last year. But Apple remains bullish on the iPad’s long-term prospects, with Cook echoingpretty much the same things he said when iPad sales slid last quarter too

First, iPad is attracting new customers: “I see that the first-time buyer rates are very high. By very high, I mean that if you look at some of the developed markets, like the US, Japan, the UK, you would find that 50 percent of the people are buying an iPad for the first time. If you look in China it’s over 70 percent. And so when you have that kind of first-time buyer rates, you don’t have a saturated market.”

ipadair2舒尔茨比较 Rob Schultz



所以,随着时间的推移,库克认为,人们会继续购买的iPad,但可能不会,因为他们经常倾向于提升自己的iPhone手机。随着iPhone手机越来越大,的Macbook Air的价格去年下降, the iPad is also getting squeezed from both sides by Apple’s own products: “There’s probably some level of cannibalization that’s going on, with the Mac on one side and the phone on the other.”


The Mac had a great holiday quarter, selling 5.5 million, up 14 percent from the previous year’s holiday quarter, when Apple moved 4.8 million Macs. Globally, personal computer sales continue to creep down slowly, but the Mac’s market share has grown in 34 of the last 35 quarters.


在5K的Retina iMac的贡献有一个良好的季度Mac销量。

不过,在Mac没有得到任何特别的关注,在通话,分析师问几乎一切,但:Apple关注,在iPhone,iPad,甚至是苹果电视。而库克取笑2015年将举行的大进步HealthKit,家KitCarPlay-all iOS的举措,为您的健康数据,家庭自动化和车载信息娱乐系统,分别。

下个季度,苹果正在投影的$ 52的收入到$ 55十亿。Apple关注将不会推出还,但iPhone 6和6加电源终于跟上需求,而苹果支付将继续增长。太阳照耀了库比蒂诺上最近,库克和公司的预测提前一年明亮。

This story, "The 6 things you need to know about Apple's best quarter ever" was originally published byMacworld大会


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