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20世纪80年代初在办公软件开发IBM一个有趣的时刻还是新IBM PCand theMS-DOS operating system。WordStar的,WordPerfect以及Microsoft Word和Lotus 1-2-3的只是一些必须具备在三年后发布平台首次亮相的文字处理和电子表格的标题。

In 1983, Ovation Technologies, a startup founded the year before, announced an integrated package that promised to include word processing, spreadsheet, database management, and communications software. By 1984, though, the company declared bankruptcy, having burned through about US$7 million in investor money without releasing a single product.

这个问题是一个可能是熟悉的互联网泡沫的幸存者:花的Ovation更多的时间,金钱和精力促进和比实际创造它销售其产品。该软件的市场上唯一持久的影响是,它是所谓的理由“vaporware“ 被创造出来。


很难想出新东西说abo血型ut Duke Nukem Forever, largely because people have had so much time to make fun of it. Last week marked the eleventh anniversary of 3D Realms' first official announcement of Duke Nukem Forever's release, which was supposed to be in mid-1998. That optimistic announcement came before the developer's decision to switch game engines--something the company would go on to do repeatedly in the ensuing years, while occasionally rewriting most of the existing game design from scratch.

在过去的十年中,开发者已经发布了几个拖车(包括去年十二月一个), screen shots, and demos to show the game's progress. Though 3D Realms wisely stopped providing hard release dates (it'll be released "when it's done“),总裁斯科特·米勒做confirm a 2008 release date在电子邮件发送到达拉斯商业杂志back in February. Still, as the years have gone by, each new tidbit has prompted increasing amounts of snide commentary rather than anticipation. The best of the bunch has to beThe Duke Nukem Forever List, which documents how the gaming and technology industries--as well as the world at large--have changed since that first announcement in 1997.

如果永远的毁灭公爵没有真正看到了曙光 - 这可能会让其创不亚于其他任何人 - 它在高科技snarkiness世界替罪羊的角色可能会被填补Darkfall, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) in development for almost seven years ... so far.

13. Amiga Walker PC

技术没有名单,几乎使它将是不完整的从东西Commodore Amiga主机的折磨历史 - 在其中显着的硬件是由可疑的营销决策,不好的情况下,或两者的某种混合经常绊倒。

之后Commodore在1994年破产,在Amiga品牌和技术是由德国公司Escom公司技术购买和销售为Amiga的技术。1996年初,该公司宣布计划出售在Amiga 1200计算机的升级版,与站在四个小脚一个惊人的设计,暗紫色的情况下 - 因此沃克的名字。




Before the madness of the dot-com boom really got under way, the serious buzz was all about virtual reality. Aside from the movie The Lawnmower Man and VR cafés springing up in tech-friendly cities, a potential battle was shaping up between two giants of the video game industry, both aiming to bring the wonders of virtual reality gaming to the home.

Sega had decided to create the Sega VR as a virtual-reality add-on to itswildly popular Genesis system。虽然双LCD耳机作中玩家的样子之间太空堡垒卡拉狄加的交叉赛昂and Knight Rider's基特,这是一天中的更光滑的外观VR耳机之一。而且,所有帐户,这是关于它的最好的事情。尽管雄心勃勃的规格,包括320×200像素的分辨率,头部跟踪,和彩色显示器,谁试图世嘉的系统外的几个人 - 主要是在贸易展览 - 被远远印象深刻。虽然世嘉VR确实满足了在纸面上的规范,在实践中的图像是一个模糊混乱。该公司取消该项目于1994年(而不是做一种安排所提供的世嘉VR作为一种奖品前阿尔法位谷物大赛。什么是赢家实际上得到是一个谜。)


11. Glaze3D Graphics Cards


In 1999, the Finnish companyBitboys Oyannounced the first two cards using its Glaze3D architecture, with even the less-powerful of the pair promising render speeds that were spectacular by the standards of the day. They weren't playing leapfrog so much as doing long jumps. The not-so-secret secret behind the Glaze3D family's amazing performance numbers was that the chips relied heavily on embedded DRAM, bypassing the bottlenecks that came from using external memory.

While the numbers were enough to inflame any gamer's ardor--including Apple gamers, as the Glaze3D family promised to be Mac-compatible--the overall reaction to the news could best be described as cautious optimism; many people adopted an "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude. Still, most folks gave Bitboys the benefit of the doubt. After all, the company and the people behind it already had a reputation for their graphics architecture work, and they had partnered with Infineon Technologies to produce the chips. Would Bitboys' unconventional method actually work?


10. Atari 2700


The end result was almost a license to print money. The cabinet designers skipped the dated 1970s look of the faux-wood panel and went for a then-futuristic sleek, wedge-shaped design with matte and glossy black finishes, topped with a built-in storage container for the controllers at the top.



2700并没有完全消失无踪,然而。橱柜设计略有改良后的雅达利5200, and the 5200 controllers also used elements of the 2700 controller design. The wireless functionality wound up in an Atari 2600 add-on, which relied on essentially unusable fat-bottomed versions of the classic 2600 joystick.


在90年代末,MP3格式和Napster - 原来,坏男孩的Napster - 有音乐行业运行害怕。虽然美国唱片产业协会(RIAA)在其对钻石多媒体诉讼的中间over that company's Rio MP3 player, a consortium of computer, consumer electronics, and entertainment companies got together to form the Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI).

The goal was to create a new digital music format that would incorporate watermarking files as a means of digital rights management (DRM), as well as a standard for audio players so that they wouldn't play SDMI-compliant files that the owner didn't have the right to listen to. This arrangement would, theoretically, provide the safety net required for the music companies to start distributing music digitally.

在2000年底,the group offered a $10,000 prize任何个人或团体可能,除其他事项外,成功删除水印上,他们提供了四个音乐文件,三个星期的时间限制内。

A team at Princeton led by computer science professor Ed Felten did just that. The SDMI threatened to sue Felten, citing the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), when the group learned that he planned to discuss his research at the 4th International Information Hiding Workshop the following year. The Electronic Frontier Foundation backed Felten by起诉the RIAA, SDMI, Verance (one of the companies whose watermarking technology was cracked), and the U.S. Justice Department on First Amendment grounds.

Felten presented the paper at the 10th USENIX Security Symposium a few months later--but by then theSDMI's prospects had dimmed,并很快完全溶解。


Active Enterprises was a gaming company that valued quantity over quality, releasing cartridges for the任天堂娱乐系统(NES)and世嘉jammed with 52 games, each of dubious quality. The Action GameMaster, which Active announced in 1994, was no deviation from the philosophy. The portable game system would not only play its own cartridges but would also handle NES,超级NES和世嘉游戏(使用适配器的帮助下),以及CD-ROM游戏,通过另一个适配器。有助于厨房水槽的方法进行了电视调谐器加载项以及汽车和AC适配器。(即使所有这些功能,主动声称,游戏管理员将具有“轻量便携性。”)

Despite a wildly enthusiastic新闻资料袋distributed at1994年的消费电子展,行动游戏管理员未能实现。难怪,考虑到它可能永远都没有能够从授权任天堂或世嘉所需的硬件。甚至它自己的概念设计透露的“便携式”是从游戏世界的其他地区明显不同的是活跃的概念:如果公司的一块3.2英寸LCD的要求可以在它的词来取,设计建议,行动游戏管理员会宽为至少10英寸,长8英寸。该公司,并指出这是没有来订单的洪水可能银行,消失后不久。

7. Infinium Phantom

Sometimes a product name is just too perfect. Almost from the moment that Infinium Labs' January 2003新闻稿announced the Phantom, a console that would "outperform the Xbox, Sony PlayStation 2, and GameCube," it encountered skepticism.

该版本是塞满了高科技营销术语的又保持完全免费的关于幻影本身的细节 - 而看好三月揭幕和11月推出。

Details did emerge soon after: The Phantom was slated to be, in essence, a PC running the embedded version of Windows XP, which would allow gamers to play PC games--but the primary hook was Phantom's on-demand system, where subscribers could download any game they wanted over an Internet connection. At one stage,该公司甚至计划免费给控制台远任何人谁订阅了为期两年的服务。


Imagine everyone's surprise when a Phantom unit was actually2004年的E3展会上所示,完成与无线LapBoard(键盘和鼠标配合在倾斜盘),和一个新的发射日期 - 这,当然,来了,没有幻影去了。

A revamped Phantom was on display at the2005 Consumer Electronics Show,但错过了和复位的发布日期的字符串侵蚀,其在公众场合露面可能产生的任何善意。在今年晚些时候,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)发出通知,这将带来对前CEO的Infinium蒂莫西·罗伯茨费用。美国证券交易委员会提交了几个月以后显露的Infinium已经失去了超过百万$ 62.7的三年中,只有350万$要实际开发。之后几个月,的Infinium正式结束幻影项目,更名为幻影娱乐,并集中其对LapBoard努力 - 其中,尽管Alienware公司的订单,至今仍未兑现。



In 1993, Apple partnered with British Telecom (now BT) and Belgacom以生产机顶盒与他们的互动电视服务一起去。在苹果机顶盒是一个修改25兆赫的Macintosh LC-475,并且,相当谦虚,允许用户下载和观看的内容(和快进或快退,类似今天的TiVo的风格录像机)。未来的计划包括互动游戏节目和儿童教育的内容,以及附加的硬件,如鼠标,键盘,和CD-ROM驱动器。


The trials ended, and the Interactive Television Box was shelved. Fast-forward to 2008 (skipping 1996's Internet-enabled but failedApple Pippin @World gaming console), and the company's sleek苹果电视媒体流光lets you rent HD and standard-definition iTunes Store videos directly from your TV.

5. Palm Foleo

Palm Computing's founder, Jeff Hawkins, is a lucky guy. What few people have done once--define a product category--he has done twice, first with the original掌上电脑PDAand later withHandspring的Treo智能手机。(Both categories existed before Hawkins' inventions, but Palm's products made them accessible enough for nontechnophiles to latch on to.)

2007年5月30日,霍金斯去了帽子戏法时,他宣布Foleo的棕榈, a $499 Linux-based subnotebookdesigned to synchronize with a smart phoneso that business travelers could, among other things, work on documents and e-mail without cramping their thumbs.

Even such notable features as its 2.5-pound weight and its instant-on feature failed to muster more than a collective "Why?" from the digerati. Stuck somewhere between a PDA and a notebook in power and size, it seemed to be only an extra device to carry around, with too much feature overlap.

我们自己的首席哈里·麦克拉肯编辑器是声乐少数的一部分谁认为Foleo的正在急匆匆先入为主和动手评论正极和负极之间的交替。仅三个月后,霍金斯提出的Foleo的,Palm pulled the plug on it, citing a need to "让我们的核心平台和智能手机第一完成“麦克拉肯同意,编写了” Foleo的很可能是一个分心,而当时的Palm无力分心 - 也许一LifeDrive的-like flop, too."

Some people might argue that Hawkins could yet be vindicated, as low-cost, lightweight laptops such as the华硕Eee PC似乎尽管被动力不足被迎头赶上 - 足够好一些任务,但不能作为功能丰富的全功能笔记本。

4. Taligent and Microsoft Cairo

史蒂夫·乔布斯,从导演的苹果董事会驱逐,离开了公司于1986年成立,并NeXT Computer。1989年,NeXT公司发布了其第一台电脑,好评如潮。虽然NeXT的电脑只是一个温和的商业成功,其推出并展示了技术(包括先进的操作系统NeXTSTEP)镀锌三家公司特别是:苹果,IBM和微软。


1992年,粉红项目转移到Taligent公司,苹果公司和IBM的合资公司。IBM,最近刚分道扬镳微软在OS / 2,已经在开始工作微内核所谓WorkplaceOS。Taligent公司合并的粉红色和WorkplaceOS工作,意图释放一个多操作系统命名塔洛斯。

While the group did eventually release an object-oriented programming environment named CommonPoint for OS/2 and various flavors of Unix, the actual Taligent operating system never surfaced. The company was absorbed into IBM in 1998.

1991年,微软推出了开罗项目 - 由几个账户,到明年的直接回应。开罗承诺,自动索引的计算机或网络的文件结构和内容的分发,面向对象的文件系统(目标文件存储,或OFS)。

Windows NT的多个版本来来去去开罗继续发展,转移目标,所有的时间。最终,公司简称开罗的继承者Windows NT服务器,然后随着技术的集合。开罗的发展在1996年结束。

Incidentally, two of these object-oriented ventures ended up generating technologies that lots of people use today. Bits and pieces of Cairo (in addition to conventions from Mac OS and NeXTSTEP) helped inspire the Windows 95 interface, and formed the building blocks for Exchange, Server, Active Directory, and Windows Desktop Search. (The OFS vision morphed into the Windows File System, akaWinFS, which was promised for Longhorn but removed from the feature list通过它成为Vista中的时间),苹果买下了NeXT,1997年,得到了史蒂夫·乔布斯与交易;NeXTSTEP的成为的Mac OS X的基础

再次感谢RoughlyDrafted.comfor the image.

3. Silicon Film EFS-1


Despite theconsiderable engineering challenges该公司面临的Imagek预计几个月后有一个工作演示单元,并在商店货架上后,几个月一分$ 1000颗。

观察家招呼着一些怀疑的公告,并没有令人吃惊的是Imagek错过了目标日期。然而,它确实释放规格,其中有些是无可否认适度:为(E)胶片暗盒有130万像素的CMOS传感器,能够在用户之前,以适应在其板上存储器24 1280 - 1024分辨率非压缩图像将它们卸载到通过附带的(e)端口载体中的计算机或CompactFlash卡需要的。(整个软件和硬件包被现在统称为EFS-1)。




Silicon Film's last gasp directly addressed that last point:该EPS10-SF, announced the following year, produced 10-megapixel images while supporting more cameras and providing a 2.5-fps burst rate and an LCD preview screen. And then the company was gone.

2. Project Xanadu

1960年,泰德·纳尔逊first came up with the term "hypertext," which he envisioned as something different from what it has come to mean.

作为现在实施的超文本是单向的;您可以链接到一个文档而不文档所有者不用知道。如果对方移动或重命名文件,链接中断。尼尔森的超文本 - 这是他现在所说的“深电子文献,”为了避免混乱 - 本来是双向的,因此两个链接的文档会保持联系,不管他们是如何移动或复制。更重要的是,这样的设置将允许侧方比较,版本管理,以及自动的版权管理系统,其中,作者可以为所有或文档的份费率;联将采取必要的交易。1967年,纳尔逊想出了他的项目的名称:世外桃源。

第一个为Xana工作代码du was produced in 1972, and since then the project has largely been marked by near-misses and flirtations with bankruptcy. It is still remarkable for a number of reasons, however.


Second is that, even with the advent and popularization of hypertext as we know it, especially on the Web, Nelson's ambitious vision hasn't wavered. (He says the Web as it is "trivializes our original hypertext model.") Third is that, even after all this time, with his undeniable influence on the way we work and play today, he is still, as he puts it, "not a tekkie。"

另外值得一提的是,项目世外桃源不完全雾件。尼尔森发布的世外桃源source code于1999年,XanaduSpace 1.0去年发布的。


Before there was an iPhone--in fact, before there was an "i" anything--Apple attempted two ventures into "portable" communications. Developed between 1991 and 1993 in conjunction with BellSouth, Apple's W.A.L.T. (Wizzy Active Lifestyle Telephone, easily the worst name the company has ever come up with) was a tablet that doubled as a PDA; its killer app was the ability to send and receive faxes from the screen. The W.A.L.T. was never released to the general public.

Tenacious as ever, Apple offered up the possibility of a new portable videophone/PDA concept at 1995's MacWorld Expo. The Newton-like VideoPad three-in-one prototype combined a cell phone, PDA, and videophone, and (get this) sported an integrated CD-ROM drive. While the idea of holding a phone with parts of a CD-ROM unit sticking out of the sides was a little questionable, it was more ambitious than the W.A.L.T. It too failed to pass the prototype stage, however, and Apple would stay away from telephones until 2007. Of course, we all know发生了什么事,然后

Honorable Mentions


While“红粉”继续缓慢搁浅苹果/ IBM的Taligent公司运行,苹果仍然发现自己需要的操作系统,花了很大的飞跃,从系统7.5。Code-named Copland,这款全新的操作系统将包括抢占式多任务(多任务处理我们今天享受,相对于低效率的协作式多任务,旧版Mac系统软件所提供的类型);全彩色,阴影接口(到这一点,Macintosh的图形用户界面仍然回荡他们的黑色和白色的起源);和多用户功能。随着时间的推移科普兰捡到更多的计划功能,如的QuickDraw GX,主题和用户界面的改进,而开发团队的工作效率减少了,陷入了不断增长的需求,并需要获得越来越多的开发商加快速度。

1996年,苹果 - 最明显的是,CEO吉尔阿梅里奥 - 指的是在科普兰公众即将系统8,和平常抢鲜炒作 - 包括贸易展会演示,T恤,和其他赃物 - 钻进齿轮。苹果最终不得不放弃上不可行科普兰,其技术才刚刚开始出现的Mac OS 8。Apple got its great leap forward a few years later with Mac OS X

Sky Commuter Cars

What are the persistent, defining visions of the future? Marauding mutants, to be sure, but also jetpacks and flying cars. Though the jetpacks are (mostly)搁置,研究人员继续从事各种飞行汽车的,设想整洁道路的乌托邦,方便忘记第20分钟第五元素的戏弄我们。

一个这样的尝试是N2001C - 天空通勤车,个人垂直起飞和着陆(VTOL)飞机飞行通过创新设计。的具体细节尚未敲定,但结果是,经过了超过$ 6,000,000的资金,该项目被搁置。一个eBay拍卖自称是最后一个空中通勤原型的存在引起了一些兴奋(和提出了一些持怀疑态度的眉毛)1月,但您可以通过出远门到自己看到一个Halsons Helicopter Museum in Tennessee

那好吧。没有天空通勤,但至少仍然是Falx Stalker或者过渡(a light aircraft that folds its wings to drive on the road) to look forward to.

XtremMac MacThrust G4

In 1999, Swedish company Xtrem promised theXtremMac MacThrust G4--an超频的Macintosh(在Mac世界罕见),可以打1.2 GHz的。只是有一个问题:当时的最快的PowerPC G4处理器是一个单纯的500兆赫。Xtrem声称,它可以实现在苹果的硬件利用现有功能令人难以置信的速度增长,并且,当然,通过冷却一大跳的CPU。

Xtrem错过了8月份的出货日期,然后将其一月的出货日期。由2月公司重新推出了其网站和被裁的规格:新XtremMac将命中率只有1.066 GHz的。与此同时,苹果机台G4已攀升至733 MHz,而谁没有怀疑的几个Mac用户集体耸耸肩。如果它没有得到释放,没有人注意到。

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