
当你在谈论的Linux,三大名总是弹出:Canonical的Ubuntu中,Novell的openSUSE的和Red Hat的Fedora的。Ubuntu已经缠身的消费者和商业支持其目前的排名为的风潮most popular Linux distribution。OpenSUSE, with its business underpinnings, has always been popular in Europe and has been making inroads in the U.S. And it is largely thanks to Fedora that Red Hat has become the biggest Linux company with a major role in community Linux.


To test them, I installed each distro on a Dell Inspiron 530S powered by a 2.2-GHz Intel Pentium E2200 dual-core processor with an 800-MHz front-side bus. The test machine had 4GB of RAM, a 500GB SATA (Serial ATA) drive, and an Integrated Intel 3100 GMA (Graphics Media Accelerator) chip set. This is a standard 2008 computer, which retails for approximately $450.

我也跑在其他PC每个分配得到一个想法,他们是如何工作的某一天到一天的基础。例如,我跑的openSUSE在联想ThinkPad R61的Fedora网关GT5622桌面和Ubuntu的旧网关503GR桌面上。

The Linux distros all had several things in common. First, installing each of them was a no-brainer. I popped in the CD, DVD or (in Fedora's case) a USB memory stick; got the computer to boot from the installation media; agreed on the time zone, the keyboard type and the new username; and then had a cup or two of coffee. At the end, each distribution was installed and ready to go.

在任何情况下,没有一个硬件问题,甚至暗示。这是少一些麻烦,这些天,坦率地说,在PC上安装Linux比它的Windows Vista。

这种情况也与得到每个分配到的工作是与它的服务器和NAS设备我混合动力车的Active Directory / Samba的基于域的网络真实的,并且与各种佳能和惠普打印机。不到半小时,我有每个分布与我的CIFS(通用互联网文件系统)和NFS(网络文件系统)服务器的工作。

In addition,安装新软件每一个新的PC是一个单元。在每个系统上,我增加了女妖的音乐播放器;Adobe Acrobat和Adobe Flash Player;和交叉的Linux,它允许用户在Linux上运行Windows程序。一旦安装完毕,所有这些程序,以及更多再说,跑了作为光滑如丝。

To date, none of these Linux distros have given me a lick of trouble, and they've worked extremely well. Now, more than ever, I can't see any general reason why someone wouldn't use one of these Linux desktops in place of Windows.

这一切都不应该是令人惊讶的,因为这些分布是为核心相同的 - 所有三个都建立在Linux之上2.6.27内核,并使用GNOME2.24 desktop. While their ingredients may be the same, though, the dishes made from them are quite different. What sets these three andother great Linux distributions与众不同的是,他们自己怎么成分混合在一起。

Canonical Ubuntu 8.10


基于GNOME的界面很容易就够用了,但典型备份它与一个强大的社区。如果有要在Ubuntu上做一些事情 - 任何事情 - 那么你可以找到答案的Ubuntu论坛等为一体的Ubuntu论坛和theUbuntu的Community Team Wiki。这种支持是不是本身的特征,但它不应该被低估。一个开放源码的真理是,你总是可以在网上找到帮助 - 嗯,有时候你可以。当涉及到Ubuntu的,不过,你可以几乎总能找到帮助。

当然,你可能不需要这么多的帮助。例如,新的网络管理器0.7不仅可以轻松地挂接到有线和Wi-Fi网络,但你现在也可以轻松地与3G接入点连接。我用了一个AT&T USBCONNECT水银USB设备我的ThinkPad获得3G连接,和它的工作就像一个魅力。由于网络管理器将所有的3G设备的使用PPP(点对点协议)用于网络连接的香草串行设备,它应该有更多的3G设备实际工作比Windows一样。

Another real plus is that Ubuntu 8.10 now includesDell's DKMS(动态内核模块支持)。此功能将是不可见的大多数用户,但它可以对稳定性的影响是深远的。

DKMS automatically updates and downloads drivers that match your system hardware whenever you update your Linux kernel -- even if your kernel doesn't include built-in support for a graphics card or other device. Get it? With this, you don't need to worry about your system working even if you add in new hardware or your distro updates its Linux kernel.

还有我不喜欢新的Ubuntu,但几件事情。首先是,尽管你可以设置Ub​​untu和它的基于KDE的表妹,Kubuntu的,使用旧的KDE 3.5.x的接口,该发行版现在默认使用KDE的4.x的桌面。就个人而言,我觉得KDE 4.x到仅仅是不如KDE 3.5倍,而且我知道我不是唯一的用户谁觉得这种方式

I also wish that Ubuntu had includedOpenOffice 3.0by default. As it is, the distribution comes with the older 2.4 version.获取新的OpenOffice是不是什么大不了的,不过,我只希望尽快不用这个100MB +下载和更新担心。

So who is Ubuntu for? To my mind, there's no question about it -- Ubuntu is the best beginner's Linux in the land. It's also more than good enough for experienced Linux power users, but if you're just getting your feet wet with desktop Linux, Ubuntu is the Linux for you.

OpenSUSE gets more open with new user license and build service

Novell openSUSE 11.1

If I could use one word to describe openSUSE 11.1, it would be "solid." There may be a way to knock this version of openSUSE off-stride, but I haven't found it yet. In the past, updating openSUSE could be a pain, thanks to what seemed like无尽的发展问题with its update routines. Those finally appear to be history.

在那里我看到openSUSE手术吗ing best, based on my look at the release candidate, is in the office. Whether you use it as a desktop system or as a server, openSUSE is the most business-ready of the community distros.

It starts with Novell's customized version of OpenOffice 3.0. With this version, you can read and write to all Microsoft Office files, including Office 2007's Open XML formats.

On the server, however, is where openSUSE really shines. The installation routine lets you automatically set up Web servers, file servers, Internet services servers, database servers -- you get the idea. Any Linux distribution makes a great foundation for servers, but only openSUSE makes it so easy to set them up.

OpenSUSE中,像其他Linux版本,还配备了虚拟化应用KVM(Kernel-based Virtual Machine) andXen。此外,openSUSE的包括我最喜欢的虚拟化软件:Sun公司VirtualBox。根据我的经验,VirtualBox是最简单的虚拟化方案,以建立和运作非常良好在openSUSE。

Finally, while some people dislikeMono, the open-source Linux version of.Net, because of its Microsoft connections, openSUSE has the best integration of Mono and Linux. This functionality, combined with Novell's other Windows-network friendly features, makes openSUSE not just the best of these distros for business use, but for integration with a business' existing Windows infrastructure.

Since I'm frequently working in hybrid Linux/Unix/Windows business network environments, openSUSE is my own Linux of choice. If that's you too, then you should look into openSUSE as well.



