微软发布的MS Office 2010的新的云版本

Office 365的是一个订阅服务,拥有所有微软最新的Office版本。

微软现在今天又一个云服务的办公应用程序,Office 365中的消息公布是怎么回事宣布 - 与微软子网博客罗伯特·马林斯在今天晚些时候将提供详细信息。从本质上讲,这听起来仿佛办公室365是新一代微软企业生产力在线标准套房(BPOS),采用微软最新的Office版本。Office 2010中包括的Lync以订阅形式提供。(BPOS不使用Exchange 2010中,例如尽管Exchange 2010中被标榜为从地上爬起来为云所设计)。

在每月$ 6 /用户的成本,中,产品是再次试图瞄准谷歌企业应用套件。如果它不会要求企业改造写在本地的Microsoft Office应用程序顶部的任何自定义代码,企业可以咬。

在另一方面,微软已经相当软弱无力在其网上隐私政策。它没有被加密存储在服务器上的电子邮件其直播@ edu的客户,例如。该公司意识到,云数据可以是身份窃贼的梦想了。

当我们对这个新的云服务的详细信息,以及它与BPOS和免费版本的Office Web Apps有何不同,我会更新这个帖子的链接。在此期间,这里是微软正在谈论的新服务。

微软Announces Office 365REDMOND, Wash. — Oct. 19, 2010 — Microsoft Corp. today announced Microsoft Office 365, the company’s next generation in cloud productivity that brings together Microsoft Office, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online and Lync Online in an always-up-to-date cloud service. Office 365 makes it easier for millions more organizations to get and use Microsoft’s award-winning business productivity solutions via the cloud. With Office 365, people can work together more easily from anywhere on virtually any device, while collaborating with others inside and outside their organization in a simple and highly secure way. As part of today’s news, Microsoft is also opening a limited beta program for Office 365 in 13 countries and regions.Office 365 is built on years of experience delivering industry-leading business cloud services ranging from the first browser-based e-mail to today’s Business Productivity Online Suite, Microsoft Office Live Small Business and Live@edu. Moving to the cloud with Office 365 means people don’t have to change the way they work, because Office 365 works with the most popular browsers, smartphones and desktop applications people use today.“Office 365 is the best of everything we know about productivity, all in a single cloud service,” said Kurt DelBene, president of the Office Division at Microsoft. “With Office 365, your local bakery can get enterprise-caliber software and services for the first time, while a multinational pharmaceutical company can reduce costs and more easily stay current with the latest innovations. People can focus on their business, while we and our partners take care of the technology.”Microsoft worked closely with existing customers to develop Office 365, resulting in a cloud service that is designed to meet a wide range of customer needs.With Office 365 for small businesses, professionals and small companies with fewer than 25 employees can be up and running with Office Web Apps, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online and an external website in just 15 minutes, for $6 or 5.25 euros per user, per month1.


“For a small business, Office 365 is a perfect way to start,” said Rob Nichols, chief technology officer of Allovus Design, a graphic design firm and member of Microsoft’s Customer Advisory Board for Office 365. “It has all the features we need, and we can come out of the gate with the same tools the big guys have — on day one.” Office 365 creates new growth opportunities for Microsoft and its partners by reaching more customers and types of workers and meeting more business IT needs — all while cutting costs for customers.Product AvailabilityLater next year, Office 365 will expand to include Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online to provide Microsoft’s complete business productivity experience to organizations of all types and sizes. In addition, Office 365 for education will debut later next year, giving students, faculty and school employees powerful technology tailored specifically to their needs. Minimum seat is one.Today at 12 p.m. PDT, Microsoft will launchhttp://www.Office365.com。客户和合作伙伴可以报名参加的Office 365测试版,欲知更多信息,该网站。

Office 365的企业推出的中型和大型企业的选择阵列以及政府机构,开始以低至$ 2或每用户1.75欧元,每MONTH1基本的电子邮件。Office 365的企业还包括以随收随付你去的基础上获得Microsoft Office专业增强的桌面软件,有史以来第一次的选项。对于$ 24或每用户22.75欧元,每MONTH1,组织可以获得Office专业增强版与电子邮件,语音信箱,企业社交网络,即时通讯,门户网站,外联网,voiceconferencing和视频会议,网络会议,全天候电话支持,本地沿许可证等。

Office 365的将在全球明年。从今天开始,微软将开始在世界各地13个国家和地区的几千组织测试的Office 365,以及公测将扩大到包括随着时间的推移越来越多的组织。Office 365的将在40个国家和地区一般可在明年。


