InfoWorld的review: Desktop virtualization made easy
Ever since VMware coined the term,virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)拥有大型数据中心,仡服务器,集中存储,复杂的软件堆栈唤出图雷竞技电脑网站像。这是一个给定的,每个VDI安装需要大量的服务器,软件包和存储系统,以比用户一小撮更提供桌面虚拟化,VDI所以只是必须是既昂贵又复杂的部署。对?
我发现,而评估三个入门级VDI bundles, this doesn't have to be the case. My goal was to find out just how much -- or how little -- was needed to provide a scalable virtualized desktop system for up to 50 users. As with just about all matters computer related, there are many ways to skin a virtualized cat, and some will fit into an existing network infrastructure better than others.
[VDI可以提供类似于台式电脑的瘦客户端的体验,但挑战依然存在。看到InfoWorld的's VDI Deep Dive Report。| Keep up to date on virtualization by signing up forInfoWorld的's Virtualization newsletter。]
The VDI products I tested areKaviza在VDI-in-一箱,NComputing的vSpace的和L系列终端设备,and帕诺逻辑's Pano Express。All three provide centrally hosted, general-purpose desktops to end-users for less than $500 per seat. With all three products, I was able to connect to Windows XP Pro or Windows 7 Pro desktops hosted on a single piece of hardware -- no network storage necessary. While all three solutions set up easily, worked well, and will meet the needs for about 80 percent of businesses, each one did have some shortcomings. IT organizations will have to carefully evaluate any potential solution to make sure it fits in with their use case.
在VDI虚拟化One key difference among the solutions is the choice of virtualization platform. BothKavizaand帕诺逻辑sit on top of a bare-metal hypervisor, or Type 1 virtualization infrastructure, which hosts both the management component and the desktop virtual machines. Pano Logic includes the VMware or Microsoft virtualization infrastructure as part of the bundle, while Kaviza requires an existing virtualized infrastructure (either VMware or Citrix XenServer).NComputing的,在另一方面,提供了它自己的虚拟化的形式,称为vSpace的,这更类似于终端服务比VMware,Hyper-V的,或XenServer的。NComputing的vSpace的是,只需要在Windows XP专业版或Windows Server 2003盒上运行,允许多达30个并发用户基础,现成的,现成的硬件的应用程序。
When choosing among Kaviza, NComputing, and Pano Logic, the question becomes one of virtual machines versus a shared operating system environment for the end-user desktops. WithKavizaand帕诺逻辑,您可以创建不同的用户配置不同的虚拟机镜像。同NComputing的,all users run the same OS and applications as the host. In return for the generic user environment, both hardware and administrative requirements are lower.
像很多热点话题,一些管理员菲el strongly about one flavor of virtualization versus another. During my tests, I had no problems with any of the VDI solutions. While I only scaled up to 10 concurrent users, all three performed well and none gave me any indication that I was in jeopardy of running out of resources. (For more on Terminal Services and thin client computing versus VDI, see InfoWorld's瘦客户机计算深潜andVDI深潜报告)。
个性化的虚拟桌面一个VDI的更多有趣的功能是即时创建与标准图像干净的虚拟机的用户登录。通过部署非持久桌面虚拟机,没有病毒,恶意软件,或用户错误造成永久性损坏的几率。为了使每个用户的个人设置,这些动态的桌面虚拟机(或每一个用户会话中的NComputing的情况下),上述三种溶液Active Directory的漫游配置文件都占据优势。
漫游配置文件是最古老的方式来提供基于Windows的网络用户个性化的。通过Active Directory组策略,用户的个性化信息,从本地配置文件收集并存储在域服务器的某处。该存储配置文件包括My Documents文件夹,Outlook电子邮件设置,打印机分配,桌面图标和其他设置,使用户唯一的桌面环境。
The roaming profile is part of the Windows user identity and independent of the underlying system. That means a roaming profile will provide the personal user settings to any Windows device in the domain: a physical desktop, virtual desktop, or Terminal Services user session. The profile is applied during the logon process, and any changes made during the session are saved on logout. Roaming profiles are not fancy, but they are very effective at giving the end-user the perception of a persistent desktop when in fact the virtual desktop is newly created upon each logon.
Making the virtual desktop connectionThe connection broker is another important component, especially when it comes to handling a VDI infrastructure with dozens of users. With respect to VDI, a connection broker is a service that handles incoming user requests and automatically directs them to an available host server.
Kaviza做处理主机服务器之间进行桌面虚拟机的用户访问和负载均衡作为管理平台的一部分,一个好工作。NComputing的doesn't really have the concept of connection brokering because each user that connects to a vSpace host will run a session of the same operating system as the host itself. Users can pick and choose among vSpace hosts, but it is not an automatic process.Pano Express,like Kaviza, does provide connection brokering. The Pano Express solution can work with third-party connection brokers, too, to provide load balancing.
A major differentiator is the remote access protocol and the endpoints each solution supports. Kaviza will allow any client, fat or thin, that can run Microsoft RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) or Citrix HDX to connect to a guest VM. NComputing developed its own UXP protocol that works only with its proprietary endpoints. Finally, Pano Express uses a proprietary UDP-based protocol to extend the desktop VM's hardware bus to its proprietary endpoint device.
From a deployment standpoint, Kaviza isn't locked into a single endpoint and can work with a wide range of devices. Both NComputing and Pano Logic are locked into using their specific endpoint hardware, eliminating Web-based access. There are advantages to using NComputing's and Pano Logic's client devices -- they draw very little power; have no CPU, RAM, or local storage; and fit in the palm of your hand. There is no chance of anyone walking away with business secrets if a device is stolen, and if a device fails, you simply plug in a new one. They are an excellent way to provide everyday access for moderate line-of-business use.
与所有三个解决方案,虚拟桌面操作系统的支持仅限于32位Windows。所有这三个将与Windows XP专业版,并Kaviza和全景逻辑也与Windows 7 Pro的工作工作。NComputing的vSpace的将在Windows Server 2003 R2中运行,以支持对Windows Server 2008,Windows Vista和Windows 7中在将来的版本到来。查找64位Windows的支持,通过在未来版本中的所有三个供应商来解决。
The result of my testing is that VDI on the cheap is here and quite capable of fitting into the enterprise regardless of your stage of virtualization. I very much like Pano Logic's complete bundle concept, and NComputing's vSpace virtualization software is a real technological achievement. I am not overly fond of being locked into proprietary endpoints with both NComputing and Pano Logic, but I have to admit that in all my testing, the endpoints worked very well and performed all basic office tasks without a complaint.
- 安装方便:简单地导入Kaviza虚拟机到现有的虚拟机基础架构
- VM管理,连接代理和负载均衡在单一封装
- 使用支持RDP或HDX任何客户端工作
- 高效率的虚拟化软件,vSpace的,基本的硬件上运行
- 没有独立的虚拟桌面镜像维护
- Easy-to-use management console
- Complete package at less than $500 per seat
- 易初始设置
- Can use built-in connection broker or will work with third-party brokers
- Must provide VMware ESX or Citrix XenServer infrastructure
- Importing new VMs and creating image templates are more difficult than they should be
- 需要专有的终端硬件连接
- No load balancing in system
- 需要专有的终端硬件连接
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