波斯纳法官裁定上周in a separate case in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois that Apple cannot seek an injunction against Motorola in its smartphone patents lawsuit, throwing out the case "with prejudice," meaning that neither side can refile, although the ruling could be appealed. Posner, an appellate court judge, was designated to hear the claim.
“通过承诺许可其在FRAND条款的专利,摩托罗拉致力于许可[专利]任何人愿意支付FRAND使用费,从而含蓄地承认,特许权使用费足够补偿的许可使用该专利”,法官写道。“?这怎么可能,否则做怎么可能被允许使用,它辩称,如果它想使与UMTS电信能力的手机苹果必须使用的发明责令苹果 - 没有它,它不会是一部手机。”
FTCsaid that ITC's issuance of an exclusion or cease and desist order in matters involving implementation of standards-essential patents, that were committed to be licensed on FRAND terms, has the potential to cause substantial harm to U.S. competition, consumers and innovation.a" FTC made the submission in the context of the ITC investigation into Motorola Mobility's charges of patent infringement against Apple and Microsoft. A number of U.S. Congressmen和高科技公司也采取了类似立场。