Best BYOD management: Work zones for smartphones

Emerging containerization technologies create a separate, protected workspace on employees' personal smartphones.

New containerization technologies can help BYOD initiatives succeed by creating separate spaces on smartphones for work and personal use.


But there's a catch: Not all employees are comfortable with the prospect of having their personal phones locked down and controlled as tightly as the BlackBerries that Perkins would like to phase out. That's where the notion of containerization comes in.

一个把你自己的设备(BYOD)策略是好生意,说帕金斯,CIO对纽约梅隆银行的财富管理业务。它减少了参与维护和管理公司拥有的黑莓的时间和费用。“我们希望在管理软件的业务,而不是硬件。在RIM的世界里,你管理的硬件,”他说,指的是黑莓手机制造商Research In Motion公司。

缺点是,我们今天的流行的移动设备re developed for the consumer market, and third-party management tools don't offer the same degree of control over user devices that RIM systems have over BlackBerries. RIM designed and controls the BlackBerry client architecture and has been especially responsive to the needs of corporate customers.

Because corporate apps and data are often mixed in with the user's personal content, mobile device management (MDM) tools tend to be very strict when it comes to managing corporate resources on users' phones. Usage policies often apply to the entire device, covering both personal and professional apps and data. Users may not be willing to give up control of their personal phones in exchange for the privilege of using them for business.

To get around such user resistance, Perkins is turning to containerization, an emerging class of management technology that carves out a separate, encrypted zone on the user's smartphone within which some corporate apps and data can reside. Under such an arrangement, policy controls apply only to what's in the container, rather than to the entire device.

Containerization tools are typically complementary to MDM software, and an increasing number of MDM vendors are incorporating containerization functionality.

But as great as containment is for safeguarding corporate data, it doesn't necessarily prevent personal data from being lost in a wipe by the IT department if a phone is lost or stolen. Some IT shops recognize that some users may not know how to properly back up their personal data and apps and are helping them set up backup systems.

Ryan Terry, division CIO and chief security officer at University Hospitals Health System in Shaker Heights, Ohio, turned to containerization because he sees the use of traditional MDM tools to control the entire device as a liability issue. The hospital needs to have apps or data delivered securely to clinicians without interfering with the users' ability to access their personal apps and data. "We can't afford to delete things of a personal nature or impede their ability to use their personal asset," he says.

一个lex Yohn, assistant director of technology at West Virginia University, is also wary. "I don't want my guys doing settings on the personal side that could come back to haunt us," such as accidentally deleting data or making configuration changes that affect how the users' personal apps run, he says.


Choose Your Container


一个ll of these approaches offer more granular control over corporate applications and data on users' devices than whatever security comes standard with smartphones currently. And with containerization, users aren't limited to using devices on an approved list of smartphones that have been certified and tested by IT, because corporate apps and data reside inside a secure, encrypted shell.

However, the need to switch back and forth between the business and personal environments may be perceived as inconvenient and affect overall user satisfaction, says Phillip Redman, an analyst at Gartner.

Neither Apple nor Google offer containerization technology, and neither would comment for this story, but each company did point out some resources that might be helpful (see sidebar, below).

Encrypted Folders

The most mature containerization approach is the use of an encrypted, folder-based container, Redman explains. AirWatch has such an offering, and Good Technology is an early market in sales to organizations that have adopted containerization enterprisewide, particularly within regulated industries.

For basic mobile access, BNY Mellon uses Good for Enterprise to create an encrypted space on smartphones within which users can run Good's email and calendar client and use a secured browser. "It's a secure container with an app that can send and receive corporate email that's encrypted," says Perkins. All communications are routed through Good's network operations center, which authenticates mobile users.

Good has been offering its basic email and calendaring tools for several years. Late last year, it added the capability for other apps to run within its protected space using the Good Dynamics Platform, but each app must be modified to run in Good's proprietary environment. So far, about a dozen commercial apps are available, including QuickOffice, which is typically used for reading and editing downloaded Microsoft Office file attachments.

Perkins is using Good only for email and calendar -- the "killer apps" for most employees, he says -- and accessing internal, browser-based apps using Good's browser.



Vendor Perspective

Where Apple and Google Stand on Mobile Device Management



Google Apps for Business, Government and Education administrators can use the Google Apps Control Panel to manage end users' Android, iOS and Windows Mobile devices at the system level. The panel allows the device to sync with Google Apps, encrypts data and configures password settings.


MDM vendors can use Google's Android Device Administration API to provide similar controls outside of Google Apps.



一个pple says it supports third-party MDM tools. It allows MDM servers to manage in-house apps and third-party apps from the App Store and supports the removal of any or all apps and data managed by the MDM server.

In practice, however, MDM servers are limited. While most tools allow for selective deleting or blocking of specific enterprise apps, there's no automated way to identify and erase all of the associated data. "No IT manager can sit around and go through thousands of files that may be on each user's phone," says Phillip Redman, an analyst at Gartner.


-Robert L. Mitchell

What's more, BNY Mellon may wipe devices -- including all personal apps and data -- that are lost or stolen, although MaaS360 and most other major MDM tools do allow selective wipes. Citing security concerns, Perkins declined to say how many times the company has had to wipe phones.


一个pp Wrapping

一个newer, more granular approach is to enclose individual apps in their own encrypted policy wrappers, or containers. This allows administrators to tailor policies to each app. The market for tools that support app wrapping is dominated by small vendors with proprietary products, including Mocana, Bitzer Mobile, OpenPeak and Nukona (which was recently acquired by Symantec).

就其本身而言,这个capabi RIM正在增加lity to its BlackBerry Mobile Fusion MDM software. (Mobile Fusion works with Android and iPhone devices in addition to BlackBerries.) Peter Devenyi, senior vice president of enterprise software at RIM, says the company's offering will be "a containerized solution where one can wrap an application without the need to modify source code so you can run it as a corporate application and manage it as a corporate asset."

With app-wrapping tools, "you can put together a pretty complete, fully wrapped productivity suite that's encrypted and controllable," says Jeff Fugitt, vice president of marketing at mobile integrator Vox Mobile. But the technology has not been widely adopted.


"Application wrapping is not mature," and the existence of competing architectures in this nascent market is holding back growth, says Gartner's Redman. But, he adds, app wrapping will eventually be more widely adopted when the technology is integrated into the larger and more established MDM platforms.

的缺点应用包皮每个应用程序必须进行修改,这意味着管理员需要访问应用程序的二进制代码。这意味着,来吧Android或iOS手机预装一​​些应用程序可能不支持。此外,可实现比因为得到的二进制代码通过苹果的App Store销售的应用问题的iOS与Android设备的工作更加顺畅。出于这个原因,包装工具,往往不与iPhone应用程序的工作。例如,Mocana的移动应用保护产品不支持iPhone上的电子邮件客户端 - 或其他内置应用程序,对于这个问题。


一个pple currently turns a blind eye to users who employ app wrapping or change apps bought from its App Store, "but by their rules, you're not supposed to do that," says Redman. "They could clamp down and not allow that, although so far they haven't." Apple declined to comment.


Cloud-based MDM Services on the Horizon

移动device management typically involves installing agent software on each user's device and setting up a server-based management console. Don't want to do it yourself? Service providers that help IT manage mobile devices and software are plentiful.

For example, integrator Vox Mobile offers a "managed mobility" service that includes comprehensive monitoring and reporting, Fiberlink offers MaaS360 for corporate email and documents, and mobile carrier AT&T introduced its cloud-based Toggle mobile management service last year.

With Toggle, AT&T installs a "work container" on each smartphone, which the user logs in to with a password. Administrators can then manage container policies by way of a cloud-based portal and app store called Toggle Hub. In the third quarter, AT&T plans to add the ability to run antivirus scans on all managed devices, as well as the ability to lock or wipe the container.

"More and more of this will move into the cloud. But today, it's still a small percentage," says Phillip Redman, an analyst at Gartner.

"Where this is leading is dual data plans on the same device," says Mobeen Khan, executive director of advanced mobility solutions at AT&T. "You will have a phone number for the container and one for your personal device."

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