Full-duplex radios could reuse channels, saving mobile spectrum

Researchers are developing technology that would let 3G and 4G networks use the same frequency in both directions

As mobile network and device makers explore many paths to using wireless spectrum more efficiently, one possible solution is still hard to achieve: Sending and receiving data on the same frequency at the same time, in the same space.

There are multiple ongoing efforts to reuse spectrum for mobile data. Equipment vendors are working out how to have traditional "macro" base stations and smaller cells serve the same neighborhood, with automatic coordination. There are also efforts to let mobile operators and government agencies share the same spectrum while staying out of each other's way. Each of these has its own challenges.


But when it comes to a particular base station transmitting and receiving signals on the same channel at the same time, it can't be done on current 3G or 4G mobile networks, according to researchers at the University of California, Riverside. Today's networks send and then receive, or do each on a different frequency. In fact, most mobile broadband networks are built around two separate "paired" blocks of spectrum, one for "upstream" signals coming from devices to the network and one for "downstream" traffic going the other way.

The Riverside researchers think they are close to solving this limitation in a way that would only slightly increase the cost of a cellular base station. Their so-called full-duplex radio could be technically ready by the end of next year, according to Ping Liang, a member of the Riverside team. He and Professor Yingbo Hua are leading a project funded partly by a grant from the U.S. Department of Defense. Liang said a major vendor of mobile equipment, whom he can't name, is actively pursuing full-duplex and is interested the team's work. The technology might also be applied to Wi-Fi, he said.

Doubling efficiency?



Full-duplex could deliver a big benefit if it let carriers take their paired upstream and downstream bands and talk both directions on each, said Ovum analyst Daryl Schoolar. "Any serious base station vendor would want to at least explore it," he said.

f的问题ull-duplex operation isn't radio waves on the same frequency crashing into each other in the air, turning YouTube videos into fuzz. The problem is that signals coming from within a cellular base station drown out the ones that the base station is trying to pick up from across the wireless network. The outgoing signals are about 10 billion times more powerful than the ones coming in over the air, so the external signals get drowned out. The same thing happens inside a phone or tablet as in a base station.



梁和华不是第一个建立一个全双工无线电的人。梁先生说,由Intersil获得的硅卖方,由Intersil获得的硅助商在市场上有一个,梁说。Intersil拒绝评论Quellan Radio。Quellan的技术已被用于GPS和其他应用程序。然而,在今天的移动宽带网络上说,Quellan开发的Quellan不能用于全双工操作。

For one thing, the Quellan radio only works on spectrum bands that are 5MHz wide or less. Most 3G and 4G networks today use far more bandwidth than that: Both AT&T's and Verizon's LTE networks, for example, use two paired bands, each of which is 10MHz wide. The other limitation of the Quellan technology is that it can only cancel out those loud transmission signals by 30 decibels, Liang said. That leaves a signal that's still 1 million times stronger than what's coming in over the air.



Liang said his team is aiming for 96dB of signal cancellation. There should be no theoretical limit to the width of the band it can work in, he said. The best place to start implementing it will be network infrastructure, partly because it takes longer to replace millions of handsets than a much smaller number of base stations, Liang said.


然而,在开发,测试,标准工作和规则之间,全双工可以面对蜂窝网络中的商业用途的漫长道路。事实上,标准和调节是如此根深蒂固,可能永远不会是细胞中的全双工无线电,托拉加研究分析师Phil Marshall说。但工作应该仍然回报,他说:“你不会用这种技术转变[变换]频谱分配,你只是为了获得更多的效率。”


"Anything like that is probably going to be long term. I mean, very long term," Schoolar said.

斯蒂芬·劳森covers mobile, storage and networking technologies forIDG新闻服务。Follow Stephen on Twitter at@sdlawsonmedia。斯蒂芬的电子邮件地址是stephen_lawson@idg.com


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