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Susan Bradley再次为CSO在线报道。今天我将讨论一些您可能没有想到的Office 365安全资源。我坚信,教育和意识可以在很大程度上帮助你保持安全。这里有一些资源,我用来跟上新事物的发展。首先,我总是查看美国CERT网站。下面是他们最近发出的关于托管服务提供商的威胁的警告示例。当托管服务提供商进入云产品和Office 365时,你可以管理你控制下的许多用户的访问。想想。如果你有多个客户端,你只需要攻击你,然后攻击者就会进入你所有的客户端。想想看。 Sometimes it's hard to find a resource for a consultant. You want a place where you can ask private questions and not be in a public venue. So here's an example of a gentleman that I know that has a resource specifically for consultants. It's called the CIAOPS Academy. It's provided by Robert Crane in Australia and he provides a private location some private resources for consultants to ask questions to get some resources. In general he has some very good resources for Office 365 specifically for consultants. He has some private resources that you have to pay for but he also has some public resources for example out here on github. He has quite a few power shell scripts that allow you to setup security in Office 365 do some logging and auditing and some various other scripts that he has out there. Other script repositories on him GitHub include the partners smart office. That segregates information obtained from the intelligence security graph and Office 365 secure secures score that enables parties to take advantage of advanced analytics and electrics. While you're out on github. Just kind of look around and you can see that other people have provided security scripts as well. Here's one on doing an audit of a client's office 365 environment. I find that keeping up with the blogs and the sites regarding 365 helped me stay aware of the latest things to come out. For example here's the Office 365 community out on the tech community site for Microsoft. They also have an Office 365 venue. Microsoft 365 blog. I always keep track of that. There's a Microsoft 365 business blog. There is an office 365 blog as well. And last but not least I always make sure that I track the windows I.T. pro blog for the latest information. And of course I'm a fan of the spiceworks site. Spice works allows you to compare your information with other I.T. pros or other consultants. So it's a good place to share information and to get great information as well. If you work in government or if you need to provide services for government contractors you want to make sure that you are aware of the Microsoft 365 NIST 800-53 action plan and other resources. Here's an example here on the Microsoft site.
