
我在军队的时候,我们经常提醒军队并不是一个“零缺点”的组织。领导人预期的错误,因为他们是不可避免的(特别是当“领导人”使它们)。错误是如何学习和得到更好的。军队的国家训练中心在加州沙漠——一个真正可怕的地方——是建立在这一原则。对方的力量,坏人,经常扮演这个角色。他们知道所有的地形,并定期打败北的部队在那里两个星期的训练。我的单位是其中一个被两个星期的跳动。但是我们学到了很多。今年7月,思科的网络主旨喜剧演员演讲者,约翰。克利斯,犯了错误他的地址的主题——“错误是一件好事,因为你从中学习并做得更好。所以,不要害怕犯错,因为当你开始害怕错误,你停止创新和冒险。当这种情况发生时你的业务会留下。”However, does this rule apply to networking these days, or for that matter, all of IT? Let's be honest, one line missing or changed in Cisco IOS can make a world of difference. For example, if you're trying to give VoIP the highest level of QoS in your network you would want an ACL like this:

ip访问列表扩展Tag_EF允许udp任何范围16384 32767 16384 32767


ip访问列表扩展Tag_EF允许tcp任何范围范围16384 32767 16384 32767

可以为贵公司产生很大的影响。现在,与全球销售团队的电话会议失败,总统的首席执行官的电话是断章取义,并调用与客户保持下降。一个小错误。我们仍然可以顺利组织吗?数百万美元的有效或实际收入可以在直线上。我怀疑CIO会打电话给工程师的问题,说“没关系,我只是想确保你从你的错误”。当然!我敢打赌的CEO,总统,呼叫中心的副总裁告诉CIO。随着技术变得越来越复杂和综合的错误是一定会发生的。但是企业没有对错误或停机时间。 I find myself struggling with this problem day-to-day. As I moved further in my career, my focus is becoming more about "what" technology can do instead of "how" it does it. But I find myself searching for the smallest details to verify there are no mistakes, making sure the "how" lines up with the "what". The last thing you want as a senior architect is to recommend a technology only to find out it doesn't work at implementation. Again, millions of dollars are at risk. I do love networking and IT and look forward to a long career. But honestly, the future is going to be zero defects. And the future is now.


