有个足球雷竞技app探索802.11ax的网络世界:下一代Wi-Fi //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 2020年5月22日星期五20:24:31 -0700 2020年5月22日星期五20:24:31 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 BrandPost: 802.11ax是双5 -GHz无线电APs的终结吗? 2019年4月24日星期三15:30:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

有很多的东西,还有待观察约802.11ax将如何影响无线网络的设计。An interesting side effect of the addition of OFDMA to the standard may be an end to the dual 5 GHz access point (AP). In a typical campus wireless network, we don’t need as many 2.4 GHz radios as 5 GHz radios. Rather, we are more limited in the number we can use because the 2.4 GHz spectrum has fewer channels and a larger coverage area. This issue is even more pronounced in high-density wireless deployments.

Rather than just disable the 2.4 GHz radio, some APs allow you to switch the unneeded 2.4 GHz radio to a 5 GHz radio in software. This can be useful because there are a lot more available 5 GHz channels, so rather than having a bunch of APs with only one radio you can add 5 GHz capacity to the network with the same number of APs.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3390684/is-802-11ax-the-end-of-dual-5-ghz-radio-aps.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost:5分钟不击穿:无线网络连接6 2019年4月18日星期四12:44:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

The Wi-Fi Alliance has announced the standard for the next-generation of Wi-Fi and that standard is Wi-Fi 6.

The first thing that people are thrown off by is the newer, uncommon naming convention. From basic consumers to techies alike, we are used to the 802.11 technology designations. I'm not saying the naming didn’t exist before, but the 802.11 standards designation was much more commonly used. To break it down simply, here is what Wi-Fi 6 translates to along with other well-known technologies:

  • Wi-Fi 6→ 802.11ax
  • Wi-Fi 5→ 802.11ac
  • Wi-Fi 4→ 802.11n
  • Wi-Fi 3→ 802.11g
  • Wi-Fi 2→ 802.11a
  • Wi-Fi 1→ 802.11b

That being said, you can treat the Wi-Fi 6 designation as a generation number of sorts.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3390239/5-minute-breakdown-wi-fi-6.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost: 802.11ax(Wi-Fi - 6)接入点,用于最苛刻的移动和物联网环境。 星期三,2019年4月3日10:07:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

I am sure by now you’ve heard about the latest Wi-Fi technology, which is 802.11ax or Wi-Fi 6. We’ve been very active educating you about this standard for the past year. Please check out this blog series here.

We’ve been building a portfolio of high-performance 802.11ax APs to meet a broad range of enterprise needs. Last fall, we introduced our first 802.11ax campus access point, the 510 Series, which is ideal for midsize mobile and IoT deployments.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3386858/introducing-wi-fi-6-access-points-for-the-most-demanding-mobile-and-iot-environments.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost:6个原因802.11ax(的Wi-Fi 6)接入点是首选的物联网平台 2019年3月22日星期五06:34:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

Walking into Amazon Go store is stepping into the future. You scan your Amazon Go app and the gates open before you. You can pick up a healthy salad for lunch, a quick snack, or dinner. You just drop the items in your bag and walk out. Seconds later, you get a receipt for your purchase. It’s truly frictionless retail. Beyond the magic, there is technology: a foundation of digital signage, cameras, smart shelves, wayfinding, point-of-sale, CRM, connectivity, and much more.

Amazon Go is not alone: Numerous companies are trying to stay competitive by bringing these new experiences to their clients.

Why Use 802.11ax as an IoT Platform
At Aruba, we’ve been providing high-performance secure Wi-Fi connectivity to mobile devices for many years. With the addition of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radios into our access points, we opened up new opportunities that include wayfinding, geofencing, and asset tracking.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3378058/6-reasons-why-802-11ax-wi-fi-6-access-points-are-the-preferred-iot-platform.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost:是什么在11AX OFDMA和MU-MIMO之间的区别是什么? 星期三,2019年3月13日十二时53分00秒-0700 品牌发布 品牌发布 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在IEEE的最新标准,802.11ax,已设计从内到外的高效率。也称为Wi-Fi无线6,11AX承诺真实世界的性能改进,将让今天的移动用户和连接,快乐物联网设备。为了实现这一目标,超过50的功能已被提议作为11AX标准的一部分。一旦通过成标准,它们将被推出到市场分阶段 - 波1和第2波,就像802.11ac标准


//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3366216/what-s-the-difference-between-ofdma-and-mu-mimo-in-11ax.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost:如何比以前的无线标准802.11ax不同? 2019年2月26日星期二06:25:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

Most networking groups have a wireless guy, maybe two – you might be that person. For years, the rest of the campus network group hasn’t really had to think about what they plugged into the network. Give them a gig port, PoE, probably set up a VLAN and that’s it: wireless sorted.

Because when it all came down to it, it didn’t matter how many wireless users connected to the access point because only one device, the client or the access point, could transmit at one time. What’s more, a single wireless client is not going to tax a gig port. In fact, the more clients there are on an AP, the less traffic ends up on the wire since they spend more time trying to get a timeslot to transmit, like the seagulls in “Finding Nemo” yelling “Mine, mine, mine.”

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3343051/how-is-802-11ax-different-than-the-previous-wireless-standards.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网 BrandPost:无线网络下一步:802.11ax或802.11ac标准? 星期二,2019年2月12日7时04分00秒-0800 品牌发布 品牌发布 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

通过一个新的无线标准的准备和提供,2019解开无线难题的解决方案802.11ax取代它们的市场。你也可能会听到有关Wi-Fi 6,这仅仅是在简化的命名约定的努力使用由Wi-Fi联盟(而不是802.11ax)的新命名法。随着帽尖到iOS,这种命名是非常熟悉移动用户因此有一个很好的机会,我们会看到无线网络连接的7,8,9在今后几年里。为了保持一致性,在我们的两个标准在这里讨论比较的缘故,我指的是新标准为802.11ax。

外叫什么新的标准,Aruba和其他已经推出的AP,充分利用了802.11ax的全新性能。新的Wi-Fi标准包括一些聪明的工程是提高性能和节省电池寿命,但它可能不是正确的选择,也不是唯一的选择,以满足您的中小型企业的需求。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3340338/wi-fi-next-steps-802-11ax-or-802-11ac.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网 3种方式802.11ax使Wi-Fi更好 2019年2月5日星期二09:32:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

Introduced in 1997, the IEEE 802.11 standard, more commonly known as Wi-Fi, has continually evolved to address the need of increased speeds in enterprise Wi-Fi networks. Of late, however, data rate and throughput have become table stakes in any high-density WLAN deployment.

That's because there has been an explosion in the number of client devices per household. Offices and public spaces like malls, stadiums, and concert venues also boast of highly dense client environments. The demand has shifted from "high speed Wi-Fi" to "fast and efficient Wi-Fi in extremely dense environments."

Enter 11ax. With the introduction of 802.11ax (also known as Wi-Fi 6), the wireless industry is now delivering bandwidth and efficiency several times that of the legacy 802.11b.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3336228/3-ways-802-11ax-makes-wi-fi-better.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost: 6 Ways 802.11ax提供更好的Wi-Fi体验 2019年1月29日星期二12:34:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

There’s excitement building around 802.11ax, and for good reason. Newly designated as Wi-Fi 6 by the Wi-Fi Alliance, the next-generation 802.11 technology will deliver a better user experience, especially as the number and diversity of mobile and IoT devices continue to grow.

There’s no question that mobility and Wi-Fi have become an essential part of life. More than 35 billion Wi-Fi devices will ship by 2020—that’s four times the number of people on the planet. People already have laptops, phones, and tablets, and they are buying other devices like wearable health monitors and smart watches. The IoT market is set to soar, with some 20 billion IoT devices to be sold in the next few years for everything ranging from helping people to make healthier choices; creating workplaces that automatically adapt to our personal preferences; and helping farmers increase crop yields and to feed the eight billion people who will live on our planet by 2020.  

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3337236/6-ways-802-11ax-gives-you-better-wi-fi-experience.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost: 802.11ax之路 周四,二零一八年十二月二十零日11:38:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

It’s a mobile, cloud and IoT world. Whether it’s a workplace, a classroom or a dorm room, people are using a variety of devices beyond the usual phone and laptop combo—smart TVs, gaming consoles and fitness trackers, for starters. Offices, stores and manufacturing floors are outfitted with sensors that keep us safe, regulate the temperature, water the plants and run the production line. People use a broad variety of applications such as voice and video from their mobile devices. And expectations are at an all-time high. People will simply ditch digital services that don’t work. No one wants jittery presentations and dropped calls. The network experience must be flawless.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3330038/5-steps-to-get-ready-for-802-11ax.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 物联网
BrandPost: 802.11ax意味着更多物联网。现在,我如何保护它? 2018年12月11日星期二09:20:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

Like the teenager with no driving experience who takes the family SUV on the open highway, even the simplest devices that are connecting to corporate networks have the power to participate in an attack and cause serious damage.

Courtesy of Moore’s Law, anything with an IP address must be now considered a potential threat. Ironically, 802.11ax introduces terrific new security features such as WPA3 and OWE. But, it also makes the WLAN even more IoT-friendly, given the support for dense concentrations of clients in environments such as smart buildings, where devices like lighting controls are as likely to be connected wirelessly as wired.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3327211/802-11ax-means-more-iot-now-how-do-i-secure-it.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost:机会主义无线加密......嗯,那是什么来着? 2018年12月4日星期二08:30:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

By now you’ve heard countless stories for how insecure public Wi-Fi networks in coffee shops, bars, and large venues can be too dangerous for users – malware can infect personal devices, hackers can acquire usernames and passwords, and ransomware can hold private data hostage.

In places like airports, potentially millions of travelers are at risk to these types of cyberattacks because of open networks. According to an assessment by Coronet in a CNBC article, you can put a stop to these problems by not joining an open, public Wi-Fi network at all – or if you do, update your device software and use different passwords for different accounts in the event you do get hacked.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3325745/opportunistic-wireless-encryption-um-what-s-that-again.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost:发现一个新的方式来保存:绿色APS 星期二,2018年11月27日七时55分00秒-0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

Patrick LaPorteBlog Contributor Full bio

Over the last decade, mobile has fueled unprecedented innovation. The economy is booming, and productivity has reached new heights. But the reality is that technology we use every day – mobile devices and applications included – consume an organization’s finite resources. With technology fueling customer experience and employee productivity across offices, schools and stores, organizations are always looking for ways to conserve energy and reduce costs.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3324597/discover-a-new-way-to-save-green-aps.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost:使用Aruba 802.11ax提供非凡的体验 周一,2018年11月19日13时40分○○秒-0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

The all-electric powertrain Tesla model S provides a ludicrous acceleration. The car’s most performance-centric model, the P100D, uses its 100-kWh battery and two electric motors to achieve the highest speed—0-60 mph in 2.5 seconds, 762 horsepower, and 687 pound-feet of torque. It can comfortably seat five people with a sizable trunk while making the snowy drive to the mountains safe and comfortable. The sheer power, beauty, and luxury of a Tesla has been a recurring theme as we launch our first series of 802.11ax access points at Aruba.

Introducing the latest 802.11ax access points

Powerful, reliable, and high capacity are what you get from Aruba’s new 510 series 802.11ax (now known as Wi-Fi 6) campus access points. As more mobile and IoT devices rely on wireless access, networks have to accommodate a broad mix of devices, applications, and services. And that is even more challenging, especially now that we have very low tolerance for a bad user experience. Any voice delay or video jitter is no longer acceptable. So, before we jump into the 510 series, let’s see what 802.11ax is all about.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3322496/deliver-an-exceptional-experience-with-aruba-802-11ax.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost:用人工智能驱动的移动创新体验未来 2018年11月13日星期二07:39:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

Your customers want more than a just great product. They want a great experience. Businesses all around the world are embracing digital transformation to deliver new memorable, personalized experiences. Airbnb immerses guests into each host’s unique world. Experiential retail is bringing shoppers back into stores. Hospitals are reinventing themselves to create patient experiences that feel more like a “home away from home” to improve patient outcomes. While the digital era is disrupting business and creating new opportunities, it also brings with it challenges and rising expectations.

User Expectations are Growing

People want a great connected experience wherever they are, whether at work, in the classroom, at their favorite store or at the stadium. They are relentlessly unforgiving when their applications are slow or the Wi-Fi is spotty.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3321016/experience-the-future-with-ai-powered-mobility-innovations.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网 移动
11ax会给你的领空带来什么? 周五,2018年11月2日九点26分00秒-0700 品牌发布 品牌发布 <文章> <节类= “页”> <人物类= “小左”> “汤姆” <小类= “信用”>阿鲁巴

Tom Hollingsworth, Blog Contributor

The industry is on the cusp of a new wireless protocol. It's been almost 10 years since 802.11ac was proposed, and five years since final ratification. 802.11ac has been built upon to deliver speeds past 1 Gpbs and has become the preferred method of wireless connectivity for computers and mobile devices alike.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3317521/what-will-802-11ax-bring-to-your-airspace.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost:用802.11ax扩展企业WLANs的网络容量 2018年10月30日星期二07:21:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

When building networks in the ‘real world’ like city centers, stadiums, apartment buildings, and even office buildings, we frequently come across situations where many access points, installed independently or managed as one network, create overlapping coverage areas. When these access points choose to use the same channel, the performance of all users in such an area is reduced, as the Wi-Fi algorithm used to avoid collisions on the air is quite conservative.

One focus of the next Wi-Fi standard, 802.11ax is to improve the performance of ‘real-world’ networks. To this end, the new standard includes a feature enabling more simultaneous transmissions. This feature is known as ‘spatial reuse’ or ‘BSS coloring.’

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3317838/extending-network-capacity-in-enterprise-wlans-with-802-11ax.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网
BrandPost:如何802.11ax提高每个人的体验 星期二,2018年10月23日6点36分○○秒-0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

The next advance in Wi-Fi, 802.11ax, is fast approaching. As we seek to raise the performance bar yet again for the sixth generation of Wi-Fi, the traditional techniques used in 802.11n and 802.11ac – wider RF channels, more MIMO antennas, higher QAM modulation – have been pushed almost to the limit, and it’s time to look for new ideas.

802.11ax introduces techniques for ‘massive parallelism,’ especially OFDMA, multi-user MIMO, and ‘BSS coloring.’ All of these require the access point to make control decisions that have a significant effect on network performance, a new emphasis for Wi-Fi that will move access point networks closer to cellular base station infrastructure in terms of functionality.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3314833/how-802-11ax-improves-the-experience-for-everyone.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 科技产业
为什么OFDMA是802.11ax标准的一个神奇特性? 2018年10月18日星期四07:24:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在我们探讨出现在802.11ax的新功能,列表是不平衡的。有人会说有一个在蟒蛇猪。一个特点 - OFDMA - 似乎比其他人更显著。首先,将简要背景,则其影响的图。

<强> OFDMA的快速回顾

OFDMA(正交频分多址)是一个扩展在OFDM的(正交频分复用)结构。OFDM需要一个RF信道,如,而不是使用单载波频由AM,FM,或其他方式,集调制出多个子载波的常在无线网络中使用的20MHz信道,和。的802.11ac使用52个数据承载在20MHz的RF信道的子载波,而802.11ax具有234。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3315056/why-is-ofdma-a-magical-feature-in-the-802-11ax-standard.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 科技产业 BrandPost:我们什么时候可以购买802.11ax接入点和客户端设备? 星期二,2018年10月16日7时46分00秒-0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

Today we focus on when new 802.11ax access points and client devices will become available. The Wi-Fi industry has made these questions uniquely difficult to answer, but this blog explains what we expect to happen. If you have the patience, save these predictions for rereading toward the end of 2019!

The three important milestones along the path to commercial equipment are the IEEE 802.11ax standard, the Wi-Fi Alliance 11ax certification, and integrated circuit chips. These are a sequence in time, but with a lot of overlap.

The First Milestone: IEEE
The IEEE writes standards: very detailed definitions of the packet formats, fields, and functions that make the protocols work. IEEE 802.11ax is written as an amendment to the current 802.11 standards and eventually will be folded into the mainstream 802.11 document. Even as an amendment, however, it is 600 pages long. Getting every detail of such a standard correct requires scrutiny from many experts, and the IEEE process involves reviewing drafts and submitting comments and corrections, which then update new drafts, and are reviewed again.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3313108/when-will-we-be-able-to-purchase-802-11ax-access-points-and-client-devices.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 硬件
BrandPost: 802.11ax的目标和关键特性 2018年10月11日星期四06:35:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

As WLAN access point and device vendors work toward product launches at the end of 2018, we will publish a series of blogs covering all aspects of 802.11ax technology. This first one introduces the motivation and main features of 802.11ax.

Download our 802.11ax technical white paper.

How to Improve Today’s Wi-Fi?
When deciding how to improve Wi-Fi beyond the current release, 802.11ac, the IEEE and Wi-Fi Alliance surveyed Wi-Fi deployments and behavior in order to identify obstacles to wider use and causes of dissatisfaction among user communities. The conclusion was to focus more on performance under “typical” field conditions, a departure from previous upgrades that advanced peak data rates under “excellent” field conditions. With 802.11ax, peak performance and average and worst-case performance under real-world conditions will see improvements.

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3313336/goals-and-key-features-of-802-11ax.html#tk.rss_exploring80211axthenextgenerationofwifi 互联网