有个足球雷竞技app网络世界w·柯蒂斯·普雷斯顿 //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 2020年4月10日星期五18:58:43 -0700 2020年4月10日星期五18:58:43 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 关于备份和恢复系统,您需要了解5个指标 2020年3月30日星期一03:35:00 -0700 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>




让我们先从一个非常基本的指标:请问您的备份系统有足够的存储容量,以满足当前和未来的备份和恢复需求?无论你是在谈论一个磁带库或存储阵列,存储系统的容量都是有限的,并且需要您在使用一段时间什么呢个监测什么能力和。 阅读这篇文章完全请点击此处 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3534500/5-metrics-you-need-to-know-about-your-backup-and-recovery-system.html 预防冠状病毒可以促进更好的灾难恢复 2020年3月2日星期一21:00:00 -0800 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

Backup and disaster recovery systems often do not get the respect or budget that they deserve, and despite its potentially dire dangers, the coronavirus COVID-19 could actually help change that.

Most things you would do to prepare for the disease are no different than what you should normally be doing, but concerns about the virus might help accelerate existing plans or to reconsider some long-standing policies.

Prepare for a mobile workforce

Most employees are already very mobile and do most of their work on laptops and mobile devices, so it's perfectly reasonable to think that your company is prepared for a mobile workforce. However, just because your employees can work from virtually anywhere doesn't necessarily mean that you are prepared for all or most of them to be mobile all of the time. Don’t underestimate the degree to which face-to-face interaction is at the core of how you do business.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3530369/coronavirus-could-spark-better-disaster-recovery.html 对于安全的数据备份,这里介绍如何正确执行3-2-1规则 2020年2月25日星期二13:17:00 -0800 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



3-2-1规则说应该有至少三个副本或存储在两段不同的媒体,其中之一就是异地数据的版本。让我们来看看这三个要素以及它的地址。 <抛开类=“fakesidebar”> [通过注册网络世界通讯获取定期的见解]

  • 3级的副本或版本:具有有个足球雷竞技app至少三个不同版本的数据,随着时间的推移,确保不同时期,你可以从影响多个版本的事故中恢复过来。任何一个优秀的备份系统会有很多超过三份
  • 2个不同的媒体:你不应该有你的数据的两个副本在同一介质上。举个例子,苹果的Time Machine。您可以使用光盘实用程序到你的硬盘分成两个虚拟卷,然后使用Time Machine备份第一卷的“第二”卷欺骗它。如果主驱动器发生故障,备份也将失败。 This is why you always have the backup on different media than the original.
  • 1 backup off-site: A speaker at a conference once said he didn't like tapes because he put them in a box on top of a server, and they melted when the server caught fire. The problem wasn't tape; the problem was he put his backups on top of his server. Your backup copies, or at least one version of them, should be stored in a different physical location than the thing you are backing up.

Mind the air gap

An air gap is a way of securing a copy of data by placing it on a machine on a network that is physically separate from the data it is backing up. It literally means there is a gap of air between the primary and the backup. This air gap accomplishes more than simple disaster recovery; it is also very useful for protecting against hackers.

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如何备份库柏内特斯和多克 2020年1月16日星期四21:00:00 -0800 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

Yes, your container infrastructure needs some type of backup.  Kubernetes and Docker will not magically build themselves after a disaster. As discussed in a separate article, you don’t need to back up the running state of each container, but you will need to back up the configuration used to run and manage your containers.

Here’s a quick reminder of what you’ll need to back up.

Configuration and desired-state information

  • The Dockerfiles used to build your images and all versions of those files
  • The images created from the Dockerfile and used to run each container
  • Kubernetes etcd & other - K8s databases that info on cluster state
  • Deployments - YAML files describing each deployment

Persistent data created or changed by containers

  • Persistent volumes
  • Databases


Docker containers are run from images, and images are built from Dockerfiles. A proper Docker configuration would first use some kind of repository such as GitHub as a version-control system for all Dockerfiles. Do not create ad hoc containers using ad hoc images built from ad hoc Dockerfiles. All Dockerfiles should be stored in a repository that allows you to pull historical versions of that Dockerfile should there be a problem with the current build. 

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容器需要备份吗? 2020年1月2日星期四21:00:00 -0800 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

Containers are breaking backups around the world, but there are steps you can take to make sure that the most critical parts of your container infrastructure are protected against the worst things that can happen to your data center.

At first glance it may seem that containers don’t need to be backed up, but on closer inspection, it does make sense in order to protect against catastrophic events and for other, less disastrous eventualities.

Container basics

Containers are another type of virtualization, and Docker is the most popular container platform. Containers are a specialized environment in which you can run a particular application. One way to think of them is like lightweight virtual machines. Where each VM in a hypervisor server contains an entire copy of an operating system, containers share the underlying operating system, and each of them contains only the required libraries needed by the application that will run in that container. As a result, many containers on a single node (a physical or virtual machine running an OS and the container runtime environment) take up far fewer resources than the same number of VMs.

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云中的对象存储:需要备份吗? 2019年10月27日星期日21:00:00 -0700 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

The failure to back up data that is stored in a cloud block-storage service can be lost forever if not properly backed up. This article explains how object storage works very differently from block storage and how it offers better built-in protections.

What is Object Storage?

Each cloud vendor offers an object storage service, and they include Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3), Azure’s Blob Store, and Google’s Cloud Storage.

Think of object storage systems like a file system with no hierarchical structure of directories and subdirectories. Where a file system uses a combination of a directory structure and file name to identify and locate a file, every object stored in an object storage system gets a unique identifier (UID) based on its content.

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备份云块存储中的数据 2019年9月19日星期四14:36:00 -0700 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

最近亚马逊停机导致少数客户失去存储在自己的账户生产数据。这一点,当然,导致了如下这样的事件典型抗云评价。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3439420/backup-the-data-in-cloud-block-storage.html IDG内幕 什么是即时恢复?一种快速恢复丢失的文件和测试备份系统的方法 周一,2019年8月12日21:00:00 -0700 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 < p >即时复苏的概念是相对简单的,能够直接运行虚拟机从一个虚拟机的备份,但这样一个简单的概念所提供的可能性几乎是无限的,这也解释了为什么它被认为是最重要的一个进步备份和恢复多年。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3430903 / what-is-instant-recovery-a-way-to-quickly-restore-lost-files-and-test-backup-systems。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3430903/what-is-instant-recovery-a-way-to-quickly-restore-lost-files-and-test-backup-systems.html IDG内幕
当您切换到超聚合基础设施时,如何处理备份 2019年4月15日星期一21:05:00 -0700 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 >公司迁移到虚拟化,他们通常希望通过迁移到HCI来简化它。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3389396 / how-to-deal-with-backup-when-you-switch-to-hyperconverged-infrastructure。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3389396/how-to-deal-with-backup-when-you-switch-to-hyperconverged-infrastructure.html IDG内幕
将数据转移到备份站点的最佳方法是什么? 2019年2月7日星期四03:00:00 -0800 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

每个人都同意备份发送到站点外。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3338079 / what-s-the-best-way-to-move-data-to-a-backup-site。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

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如何选择异地数据备份方法 2018年12月18日(星期二)15:08:00 -0800 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

大家同意备份应该发送到站点外,但不是每个人都同意应该如何完成。使用哪种方法的决定将影响您的恢复时间目标(RTO)、恢复点目标(RPO)、风险级别和成本——因此这是相当重要的。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3328488 / how-to-pick-an-off-site-data-backup-method。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3328488/how-to-pick-an-off-site-data-backup-method.html IDG内幕
为什么在备份战争中磁盘要打败磁带 2018年11月21日星期三03:00:00 -0800 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

任何备份专家称职多年前交换到磁盘备份的主要目标。磁带仍然统治在长期存档,理由布置此处但是,磁带也相当有问题的,当涉及到天的日常操作的备份和恢复。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3322924/why-disk-beat-tape-in-the-backup-wars.html IDG内幕 磁带与磁盘存储:为什么不胶带死了吗? 2018年10月19日星期五03:00:00 -0700 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

可能会让一些人感到惊讶的是,尽管磁盘存储很流行,但目前存储在磁带上的数据量仍在不断增加。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3315156 / tape-vs-disk-storage-why-isnt-tape-dead-yet。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3315156/tape-vs-disk-storage-why-isnt-tape-dead-yet.html IDG内幕
正确的备份级别可以节省时间、带宽和空间 2018年9月5日星期三03:00:00 -0700 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

备份和恢复中最基本的事情之一是理解备份级别的概念和它们的含义。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3302804 / the-correct-levels-of-backup-save-time-bandwidth-space。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3302804/the-correct-levels-of-backup-save-time-bandwidth-space.html IDG内幕
什么是重复数据删除,它是如何实现的? 2018年8月15日星期三03:00:00 -0700 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿 w·柯蒂斯普雷斯顿

Deduplication is arguably the biggest advancement in backup technology in the last two decades.  It is single-handedly responsible for enabling the shift from tape to disk for the bulk of backup data, and its popularity only increases with each passing day.  Understanding the different kinds of deduplication, also known as dedupe, is important for any person looking at backup technology.

What is data deduplication?

Dedupe is the identification and elimination of duplicate blocks within a dataset. It is similar to compression, which only identifies redundant blocks in a single file. Deduplication can find redundant blocks of data between files from different directories, different data types, even different servers in different locations.

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