Network World Simon Bisson // 在-us 星期六,2020年8月8日17时五十○分45秒-0700 星期六,2020年8月8日17时五十○分45秒-0700 有个足球雷竞技app 510 510 有个足球雷竞技app 796 288 Review: 7 PDF editing tools for iOS and Android Thu, 27 Oct 2016 05:42:00 -0700 Simon Bisson Simon Bisson

The PDF format has long been the standard for legal papers, forms and other documents -- as a result, iOS and Android phones and tablets tend to come with basic PDF readers. However, many users need to do more than just read PDFs -- they need to create and edit PDFs on the move. In this roundup, I look at what I consider the most useful PDF editors for mobile devices.

PDF Expert 5

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// IDG内幕
First look: Microsoft’s API mashup tool for the rest of us 星期一,2016年5月9日4时47分00秒-0700 Simon Bisson Simon Bisson

Not all cloud applications need to be cloud-scale. They’re often simple routing and switching apps that take information from one source, process it minimally, then pass it on. That’s where tools like IFTTT and Yahoo Pipes came into play, allowing you to quickly build and share information flows that linked one service to another. Sadly, Yahoo Pipes has been shut down, and IFTTT has concentrated on simple links to the Internet of things.

That means there’s space in the market for a new tool -- one focused on working with applications and services, and capable of handling more complex chains of operations than IFTTT’s basic one input to one output mapping. You could build microservices on Node.js to automate these sorts of connections between applications and between APIs, but that would be overkill. So would Azure Logic Apps or AWS Lambda.

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Windows 10 Mobile: Will it play in the enterprise? 星期三,2016年3月16日6点16分00秒-0700 Simon Bisson Simon Bisson

You used to see it anywhere business workers congregated: the BlackBerry. Some of them are still out there -- secure messaging devices that can be centrally managed; the heart of the business mobile fleet. But the day of the BlackBerry is over and something new is needed -- a mobile operating system that is built for work as well as personal use.

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// IDG内幕
First look: Microsoft Azure Stack hits the ground running 星期二,2016年1月26日12:16:00 -0800 Simon Bisson Simon Bisson

方的本地IT和云服务,Azure的堆栈带来了微软描述为“云一贯的”平台到数据中心的圆圈微软的最新尝试。雷竞技电脑网站“云一致”指的是天青栈提供相同的门户网站,管理和DevOps的工具,因为Azure云服务 - 虽然它不是建立在同一基础软件上,而是扩展了Windows服务器2016年阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)// IDG内幕 首先看看:运行虚拟机的虚拟机中使用Hyper-V容器 周三,2015年12月9日5时04分00秒-0800 Simon Bisson Simon Bisson

Due for release in the second half of 2016, Windows Server 2016 is a major reworking of the Windows Server platform, with a refactored core that will scale from the minimalist, microservice- and cloud-focused Nano Server to the familiar graphical user experience. Windows Server 2016 is perhaps best thought of as Microsoft delivering its Azure cloud platform to on-premises installations. The latest preview, Windows Server 2016 TP4 (Technical Preview 4), adds a range of new Azure-like features, including enhancing the container features introduced in Windows Server 2016 TP3.

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// IDG内幕
首先看看:运行码头工人在Windows Server 2016 星期三,2015年9月9日五时16分00秒-0700 Simon Bisson Simon Bisson

The way applications are being built and delivered across data centers is changing. The move to a service delivery model is well under way, and it’s closely tied to the shift to a devops culture. Central to this change is the implementation of a continuous delivery processes, using build tooling to deliver new and updated applications.

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// IDG内幕
评论:是微软的浏览器边准备的公司吗? 星期四,2015年8月13日5时29分00秒-0700 玛丽Branscombe,西蒙·比森 玛丽Branscombe,西蒙·比森

Internet Explorer已经早就在企业桌面浏览标准。旧版本已经持续了兼容性的原因,即使是微软试图让用户和企业用户升级到较新的版本。

开发工具和Web平台 <一个HREF = “/条/ 2970185 /审查,是微软-S-边浏览器准备就绪business.html#跳”>阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)// IDG内幕