有个足球雷竞技app网络世界罗杰·格兰姆斯A. //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 星期六2020年21时32分42秒-0700 5月30日 星期六2020年21时32分42秒-0700 5月30日 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 已经在量子密码已经破了? 星期二,2019年11月26日5时三十分00秒-0800 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 更好的量子算法和因为从量子计算的研究人员去年奇怪的沉默表明,我们能更接近打破了传统加密比大多数人相信。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3454845/has-the-quantum-crypto-break-already-happened.html 挫败!15个技巧,以抵挡黑客 星期四,2017年4月27日五点36分零零秒-0700 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. <文章> <节类=“网页”>


每一年,一些黑客做一些真正的新。但在大多数情况下,黑客反复尝试和真正的。它并不需要一个supergenius检查缺少的修补程序或制作一个社会工程攻击。由黑客和大是tradework:一旦你学会一些技巧和工具,其余部分为常规。该通神的工作是安全的捍卫者,那些谁成功破解黑客。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3192850/foiled-15-tricks-to-hold-off-the-hackers.html 9次新的程序来接你 星期二,2017年2月21日6点22分00秒-0800 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. <本文> <节课=“页面”>

Securitywise,物联网作为严重,因为大多数计算机安全专家预测会。事实上,大多数供应商没有完全意识到的潜在威胁物联网设备构成。连接到互联网并运行的代码什么都可以接管用于恶意目的。鉴于互联网连接设备的加速扩散,我们可以向灾难被飞驰而来。个人安全摄像机,例如,正被用于进行拒绝服务攻击最多的世界从未见过,更不用说让陌生人窥探很让人相机都应该保护。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3172401/9-new-hacks-coming-to-get-you.html 嗅出揪出来的Windows恶意软件免费 周三,2017年2月1日5时32分00秒-0800 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. <本文> <节课=“页面”>

没有单一的反恶意软件引擎可以与所有恶意软件跟上在那里。但如何的“时间? <一边类= “fakesidebar”> <强> [ 18项为安全人员令人惊讶的建议。|探索如何与InfoWorld的安全报告的通讯保护您的系统。

在这个视频中,您将学习如何下载和运行的的Windows Sysinternals的Process Explorer的,以测试你的Windows系统对抗 VirusTotal的上所有正在运行的可执行文件57个防病毒引擎,它们共同提供你所能得到(误报是很容易被发现的一小部分)的最佳精度。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3163797/sniff-out-and-kick-out-windows-malware-for-free.html 17,以保护您的在线身份,隐私的重要工具 周一,2016年10月31日6点08分00秒-0700 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. <本文> <节课=“页面”>

请不要搞错:专业和国家资助的网络犯罪分子正在试图破坏你的身份 - 无论是在家里,偷你的钱;or at work, to steal your employer’s money, sensitive data, or intellectual property.

Most users know the basics of computer privacy and safety when using the internet, including running HTTPS and two-factor authentication whenever possible, and checking haveibeenpwned.com to verify whether their email addresses or user names and passwords have been compromised by a known attack.

But these days, computer users should go well beyond tightening their social media account settings. The security elite run a variety of programs, tools, and specialized hardware to ensure their privacy and security is as strong as it can be. Here, we take a look at this set of tools, beginning with those that provide the broadest security coverage down to each specific application for a particular purpose. Use any, or all, of these tools to protect your privacy and have the best computer security possible.

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智能安全专家基本认证 星期二,2016年9月6日5时27分00秒-0700 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A.

如果您正在寻求在IT安全事业,认证只能帮你。认证 - 批评者常说的认证意味着什么,以及敏锐性和经验是真正的差异化,但几十家IT安全认证的持有人,我不敢苟同。所以做雇主。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3116808/essential-certifications-for-smart-security-pros.html IDG内幕 11个标志你的孩子被黑客 - 以及如何对待它 星期二,2016年7月5日五点49分00秒-0700 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. <本文> <节课=“页面”>

我分享了很多的安全知识,在我担任InfoWorld的安全顾问的。 But what I've never shared before is that much of my initial computer security defense knowledge, which I turned into my first book, came from trying to stop my teenage stepson from being a malicious hacker.

I was newly dating his mother and he was a precocious 15-year-old who liked messing around with electronics and computers. He and his closest friends also flirted with malicious hacking, including harassing "ignorant" users, DoS-ing popular computer networks, making malware, and all sorts of unquestionably illegal and unethical hacking behavior.

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高度安全的企业的有效IT安全习惯 周二年,2016年六点48分00秒-0700 5月31日 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. <本文> <节课=“页面”>

当你得到报酬,以评估计算机安全的做法,你得到了很多知名度到什么起作用和整个企业范围不起作用。我很幸运,足以做到这些作为安全顾问超过20年,20至50家企业变的之间的任何分析,每年的大小。If there’s a single conclusion I can draw from that experience, it’s that successful security strategies are not about tools -- it's about teams.

With very good people in the right places, supportive management, and well-executed protective processes, you have the makings of a very secure company, regardless of the tools you use. Companies that have an understanding of the importance and value of computer security as a crucial part of the business, not merely as a necessary evil, are those least likely to suffer catastrophic breaches. Every company thinks they have this culture; few do.

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一个自由,几乎万无一失的方法来检查恶意软件 周五,2015年12月11日4时58分00秒-0800 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. <本文> <节课=“页面”>

没有单一的反恶意软件引擎可以与所有恶意软件跟上在那里。But how about 57 of 'em?

In this video, you'll learn how to download and run Windows Sysinternals Process Explorer to test all currently running executables on your Windows system against VirusTotal's 57 antivirus engines, which together offer the best accuracy you can ever get (with a small percentage of false positives that are pretty easy to spot).

Neither the Sysinternals Process Explorer software nor the VirusTotal service cost anything at all. The whole setup process will take you about five minutes and the scan, which you can execute any time you like, takes less than a minute. Only malware in memory will be detected, but if you're infected, very likely that malicious process will be running -- and this easy method will sniff it out. Watch and learn.

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十大理由为何网络钓鱼攻击比以往厉害 周一,2015年11月9日五点31分00秒-0800 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. <本文> <节课=“页面”>


解决输入spearphishing:有针对性的方法来钓鱼被证明有效nefariously,甚至对最有经验的安全专家。为什么?因为他们是由专业周到谁似乎知道你的业务,你当前的项目,你的兴趣制作的。他们没有试图向你推销任何东西,或声称有钱放弃小费他们的手。In fact, today’s spearphishing attempts have far more sinister goals than simple financial theft.

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往垃圾箱10项安全技术 周一,2015年8月17日6时35分○○秒-0700 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. <本文> <节课=“页面”>


新技术的每一个浪潮,不管多么小的或深奥,给它带来了新的威胁。The security community slaves to keep up and, all things considered, does a pretty good job against hackers, who shift technologies and methodologies rapidly, leaving last year’s well-recognized attacks to the dustbin.

Have you had to enable the write-protect notch on your floppy disk lately to prevent boot viruses or malicious overwriting? Have you had to turn off your modem to prevent hackers from dialing it at night? Have you had to unload your ansi.sys driver to prevent malicious text files from remapping your keyboard to make your next keystroke reformat your hard drive? Did you review your autoexec.bat and config.sys files to make sure no malicious entries were inserted to autostart malware?

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偏执:10名恐怖极端的黑客 星期一,2015年6月15日6时33分零零秒-0700 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. 罗杰·格兰姆斯A. <文章> <节类=“页”>


这些极端黑客上升日常的无休止的泥潭以上,因为单调的黑客什么,他们的目标或者是因为他们采用以前未知的,未使用的,或者先进的方法。他们推动了我们安全专家以前认为可能的极限,开启我们的眼睛,新的威胁和系统漏洞,同时还能赚取吝啬对于那些谁打的恶意黑客。 <一个HREF = “/条/一十分之二百九十三万五千四百零一类极黑客将要-真正的偏执 - about.html#跳”>阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/2935401/10-extreme-hacks-to-be-truly-paranoid-about.html