有个足球雷竞技app网络世界彼得·萨耶 //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 周六,2020年6月27日1时06分25秒-0700 周六,2020年6月27日1时06分25秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 IBM结束中国的5年的统治之上超级计算机排行榜 星期一,2018年6月25日00:00:00 -0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶

There’s a shake-up – and a scandal – in the Top500 ranking of the world’s most powerful supercomputers.

The U.S. has retaken first place in the Top500 list after five years of dominance by China. Computers built by IBM for the U.S. Department of Energy have pushed the previous two record-holders, both Chinese, into second and fourth place.

But the previous fourth placeholder, Japan’s Gyoukou, is nowhere to be found, after one of its creators was arrested on suspicion of fraud.

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峰会:如何IBM和橡树岭实验室正在改变超级计算机 周五,2018年6月8日九点15分00秒-0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶

The team designing Oak Ridge National Laboratory's new Summit supercomputer correctly predicted the rise of data-centric computing – but its builders couldn't forecast how bad weather would disrupt the delivery of key components.

Nevertheless, almost four years after IBM won the contract to build it, Summit is up and running on schedule. Jack Wells, Director of Science for Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), expects the 200-petaflop machine to be fully operational by early next year.

"It's the world's most powerful and largest supercomputer for science," he said.

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互联网交换点组队到互联网带来更好的MANRS 周一,2018年4月23日十七点13分00秒-0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶

Spreading bad routing information to your neighbors on the internet isn’t just bad manners, it could be bad for business.

That, at least, is the message that the Internet Society (ISOC) wants to spread, as it calls on internet exchange points (IXPs) to help eliminate the most common threats to the internet’s routing system.

If they do so, then it’s good news for their members, the ISPs that interconnect there, and for those ISPs’ customers, who will benefit from more secure and robust internet access.

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IBM调整其Z14大型机,使其成为数据中心的一个更好的物理配合雷竞技电脑网站 星期二,2018年4月10日03:00:00 -0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

IBM正在扩大其大型机范围内具有一些窄模型 - ZR1和跳岩II - 是瘦足以安装在一个标准的19英寸机架,这将回答的潜在批评客户在2017年太大7月推出的笨重Z14以适应他们的数据中心(见上面的照片)。

除了新的,更小,包装以其Z14硬件,IBM还推出了安全服务容器雷竞技电脑网站技术。这使得使用Z14的加密加速器和其他安全功能来保护集装箱化应用免受不必要的干扰。 <抛开类=“fakesidebar”> [查看的REVIEW: VMware’s vSAN 6.6 and hear IDC’s top 10 data center predictions . | Get regularly scheduled insights by signing up for Network World newsletters. ]

When IBM introduced the z14 last July, with an accelerator to make encrypting information standard practice in the data center, there was one problem: The mainframe's two-door cabinet was far too deep and too wide to fit in standard data center aisles.

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存在得益于开放计算项目有5个服务器 星期一,2018年4月9日3时00分零零秒-0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
存在由于在打开计算项目 由<跨度类=图片 “slideCreditText”> IDG新闻服务



要阅读本文中满,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3267953/five-servers-that-exist-thanks-to-the-open-compute-project.html 什么是开放计算项目? 周三,2018年3月28日03:00:00 -0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


的Facebook雷竞技电脑网站hoped that other companies would adopt and adapt its initial designs, pushing down costs and improving quality – and they have: Sales of hardware built to Open Compute Project designs topped $1.2 billion in 2017, double the previous year, and are expected to reach $6 billion by 2021.

Those figures, from IHS Markit, exclude hardware spending by OCP board members Facebook, Intel, Rackspace, Microsoft and Goldman Sachs, which all use OCP to some degree. The spend is still a small part of the overall market for data-center systems, which Gartner estimated was worth $178 billion in 2017, but IHS expects OCP’s part to grow 59 percent annually, while Gartner forecasts that the overall market will stagnate, at least through 2019.

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有用的东西互联网 周三,2018年3月14日03:00:00 -0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
事物的工业网络的增长 由<跨度类=图片 “slideCreditText”>彼得萨耶尔/ IDG

When we talk about the internet of things, consumer applications too often get the lion’s share of the attention. But there are also a growing number of industrial applications for IoT technologies, from building better mousetraps to preventing theft of manhole covers.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3262707/the-internet-of-useful-things.html 超级计算正在成为超高效,500强榜单显示 周一,2017年11月13日6时54分○○秒-0800 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


的之一,但世界500强和的Green500的2017年11月版,也显着in other ways, as it marks a tipping point in U.S. dominance of the list.

[ See these top supercomputers at our slideshow 10 of the world’s fastest supercomputers. ]

Chinese systems now outnumber U.S. systems on the list by 202 to 144, a reversal of the situation just six months ago, when the U.S. had 169 systems in the Top500 vs China's 160. It will still be a long while before third-placed Japan overtakes the U.S.: It has 35 systems in the list, followed by Germany with 20, France with 18, and the UK with 15.

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接下页:一次性物联网 星期二,2017年9月26日04:30:00 -0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

如果每包出货包含在$ 0.20跟踪器芯片时约所在的包被打开了?



翻录打开信封,Sigfox科学总监Christophe Fourtet展示了他所说的“超薄电池,超薄联系人和超低成本模块,几十美分“。几秒钟后,他的电话嗡嗡到封装的报告递送 要阅读在这篇文章中满,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3228114/up-next-disposable-iot.html 谷歌服务促进混合云 星期四,2017年9月7日12:43:00 -0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


调用专用互连,它允许企业享受服务器在谷歌的云计算,如果他们自己的私有地址空间的一部分。这对于在金融服务,视频编辑,或其他行业需要能够以扩大处理能力,但要保持在专用网络上的数据进行操作的企业有用的,根据产品经理John Veizades。

通过购买多个10 Gbit / s的连接,客户可以促进云及其本地网络之间的互连的吞吐量,或提高其可用性,或两者。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3223393/google-service-promotes-hybrid-clouds.html 物联网可以从蓝牙网状网络功能中获益 星期二,2017年7月18日九时28分00秒-0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

蓝牙即将得到一些显著新的网格网络功能 - 和最好的位,你可能无法从他们需要新的硬件,以效益


这将提供一种新的方式为设备加入物联网。一旦建筑有一个网状网络来控制照明,也就是说,其它设备可以使用它作为其他应用,如资产跟踪和寻路无线基础设施,马丁·伍利,在蓝牙SIG技术项目经理,蓝牙标准背后的组织说。 要阅读本文中全请点击此处 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3208752/iot-could-benefit-from-mesh-networking-capabilities-in-bluetooth.html IBM希望你一切都与它的新的大型机加密 星期一,2017年7月17日6点17分〇〇秒-0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

IBM希望企业能够利用其新的Z14大型机的几乎所有加密 - 安全的方法调用普遍的加密


为了使这种普遍的加密可行时,Z14具有四倍专门的密码加速器作为它的前身,<得多硅HREF = “//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2914232/big-data-business-intelligence/why-ibm-z13-microprocessor-matters-to-analytics.html”> Z13 ,给它七次加密性能。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3208390/ibm-wants-you-to-encrypt-everything-with-its-new-mainframe.html 如何保护您的CMS,而不打补丁 星期二,2017年6月27日3点01分00秒-0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


"There's just not enough time for normal site owners to apply the updates," said David Jardin, a member of the German association CMS Garden, which promotes the use of open source CMS software including Drupal, Joomla, WordPress and others.

To help ordinary users patch more quickly, CMS Garden is participating in a government-funded project, Secure Websites and Content Management Systems (Siwecos), to make the websites of SMEs more secure. 

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现在是时候升级到TLS 1.3已经表示,CDN工程师 周五,2017年6月23日4时03分00秒-0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

企业拖他们的脚跟在推出TLS 1.2在其网站上可能有一个借口拖延时间稍长:TLS(传输层安全)的1.3版本加密协议会它在今年晚些时候完成,和早期的部署已经展开。


六十年的酝酿,TLS 1.2增加了新的,更强大的加密选项 - 但保留所有的老,弱加密是曾在向后兼容的名义去之前计划。不幸的是,这意味着有人能够执行中间人攻击往往可以降级到较弱的加密系统连接,在用户不知道的。 To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3202319/its-time-to-upgrade-to-tls-13-already-says-cdn-engineer.html 尤伯杯CEO辞职,离开公司寻找新的战略 星期三,2017年6月21日三时54分31秒-0700 彼得·萨耶 彼得·萨耶 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


Kalanick已经决定采取无无限期休假公司,但现在他的离开为好。 The move came at the request of the board of directors, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

The company has already lost Kalanick's right-hand man, Senior Vice President of Business Emil Michael, following a number of gaffes including his suggestion that the company target a journalist who had been investigating the company.

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