有个足球雷竞技appMinda Zetlin //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 太阳,2020年8月9日08:35:24 -0700 太阳,2020年8月9日08:35:24 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 是身份危机吗? 2017年5月2日星期二04:39:00 -0700 寻常Zetlin 寻常Zetlin

In 2007, Michael Spears became CIO of the National Council on Compensation Insurance. It wasn't the usual promotion. Spears had spent two years as the NCCI's chief data officer, and he kept that role when be became CIO. In his dual capacity, he oversees both the IT department and the data resources division, though they operate as separate entities. Over the years, he says, the CIO and CDO roles have sometimes been held by different people and sometimes by the same person.

Spears has taken some ribbing for his CIO role from his colleagues in the data analytics world. "I was just at a data conference where people were making fun of me for being in both roles. They said, 'You can't get lumped in with IT — it's just bits and bytes. You won't be respected for the knowledge you have about data.' But it doesn't have to be that way. It depends where the value is coming from, the skill sets of the leaders, and what's important to the company at that time."

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弥合这一差距的是日益扩大的代沟 2016年8月10日星期三04:56:00 -0700 寻常Zetlin 寻常Zetlin

千禧一代在你们的IT员工中占很大比例吗?如果没有,他们很快就会。不出几年,千禧一代(粗略定义为1981年后出生的人)将成为美国最大的人口群体,超过婴儿潮一代(baby boomers),后者是当今人口最多的一代。据美国南加州大学的研究人员称,到2020年,美国将有三分之一的成年人是“千禧一代”。PricewaterhouseCoopers预测,到那个时候,他们也将占到劳动力总数的50%以上。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3106004 / bridging-its-growing-generation-gap。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

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为什么IT和操作会发生冲突 2015年11月11日星期三04:43:00 -0800 寻常Zetlin 寻常Zetlin

如果你发现你的公司运行的一些软件在几十个补丁和更新上落后于计划,包括关键的安全补丁已经过时好几年了,你会怎么做?你可能认为这永远不会发生。你就错了。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3004378 / why-it-and-operations-are-on-a-collision-course。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

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打破传统科技 2015年9月30日星期三10:40:00 -0700 寻常Zetlin 寻常Zetlin

捐献1,000美元或以上给扶轮基金会的扶轮社员会得到特别的关注。他们被命名为保罗·哈理斯之友以纪念该组织的创始人。他们会得到一份证书和一枚精美的翻领别针。这是扶轮世界的一个重要奖项,也是一个从1957年左右就已经存在的奖项。但最近,它已成为许多不愉快的根源。Discover Financial Services执行副总裁兼首席信息官Glenn Schneider表示,2007年开始,Discover Financial Services开始扩展其产品,该公司的传统技术是一个明显的障碍。他说:“和许多在数据中心拥有好几代技术的人一样,问题是,我们如何利用这些技术?”雷竞技电脑网站该公司进入银行业务,拥有ira、CDs和许多其他类型的账户,使其银行平台成为更新的明显选择。“我们的使命是成为领先的直接银行和支付平台,”施耐德说。“我们都是在线的,所以要创造具有竞争力的差异化,我们觉得有必要从基础开始,创建一个新的平台。”< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 2988056 / breaking-free-of-legacy-tech。html#jump">To read this article in full, please click here

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