有个足球雷竞技app网络世界琳达Musthaler //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 周五,2020年4月10日19点42分29秒-0700 周五,2020年4月10日19点42分29秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 SASE可能快速升温远程访问比VPN的更好 周一,2020年3月30日03:30:00 -0700 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在全球大流行,现在几乎击中了世界的每一个角落,迫使千百万人从家到工作。从某种意义上说,我们很幸运,现在,让我们做到这一点的技术。Between broadband Internet access in the home, corporate VPNs, team workspaces and videoconferencing services, many people can continue to do their jobs as effectively as if they were in their regular office environment.

That doesn’t mean it’s all smooth sailing for the IT departments that have to enable and support those critical work-from-home services. Depending on the type of network architecture a company has, it can be relatively easy or significantly challenging to support tens of thousands of employees now suddenly working from home.

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SD-WAN的爱心关怀支持公司的发展,节省成本 周三,2020年3月18日14:37:00 -0700 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler <本文> <节课=“页面”>


直到最近,爱心关怀外包其IT部门,但这种安排不再能满足需求在快速成长的公司,根据丹尼斯·贝克,副总裁,IT技术运营和架构。“我们过渡到成长的组织,我们的领导很快就意识到,构建内部的技术能力是一个战略上的必要,”贝克说。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3533309/sd-wan-at-kindercare-supports-company-growth-cost-savings.html NetBeez有助于在虚拟环境中的问题,缩小范围根源 星期三,2020年2月5日13点四十零分00秒-0800 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

瑞安里弗尔是一家保险公司只有不到2000名员工的网络管理员。本公司经营主数据中心,加上另外用于灾难恢复,在全国各地的中南部雷竞技电脑网站美国小的分支,以服务于两个主要办事处。三年前,公司安装了一个软件定义的网络基于VMware NSX技术,现在网络的99%以上,在虚拟环境中运行。

软件定义网络的灵活性提供了一个很多的好处。里弗尔说,该公司能够改善其安全状况与微分割在虚拟层的业务应用。(公司不允许使用其名称认可任何产品或供应商的外观。)更重要的是,就不再需要有物理第三方设备是必须从虚拟服务器环境不同的方式管理。他们能够以除去物理设备,包括硬件防火墙,路由器和负载平衡器。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3519869/netbeez-helps-narrow-down-root-causes-of-issues-in-virtual-environments.html 调查:数字变革可以揭示网络的弱点 星期三,2020年1月22日13时28分○○秒-0800 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler

Digital transformation is a catch-all phrase that describes the process of using technology to modernize or even revolutionize how services are delivered to customers. Not only technology but also people and processes commonly undergo fundamental changes for the ultimate goal of significantly improving business performance.

Such transformations have become so mainstream that IDC estimated that 40% of all technology spending now goes toward digital transformation projects, with enterprises spending in excess of $2 trillion on their efforts through 2019.

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上互连的一次全新尝试的托管数据中心雷竞技电脑网站 周一,2020年1月6日十三点36分00秒-0800 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler <本文> <节课= “页面”>

有自的我第一次写关于无国籍公司,致力于将软件定义的互连(SD-IX),以托管的数据中心启动。雷竞技电脑网站当时,该公司刚刚宣布,它计划彻底改造手段跨越的数据中心的,超大规模的云和内雷竞技电脑网站部部署使用SD-IX脚印。这样做的目的是为了更简单的方法给结肠服务供应商快速部署网络服务的租户。这些计划已经取得成果,该公司已宣布全面推出其世昕 SD-IX平台(GA) 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3512576/a-new-spin-on-interconnects-for-colocation-data-centers.html SASE多于为BioIVT流行语 2019年11月12日星期二04:55:00 -0800 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

这似乎从Gartner的分析师那些传来的最新流行语是SASE(发音为“野蛮女友”),表示“安全访问服务的边缘。”有个足球雷竞技app网络世界已发表论文数篇最近解释SASE是什么(也许不是)。See Matt Conran’s The evolution to Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is being driven by necessity as well as Zeus Kerravala’s article How SD-WAN is evolving into Secure Access Service Edge.

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一种SD-WAN服务,在法律上得到中国各地的长城防火墙 2019年11月3日星期日21:00:00 -0800 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler

The saying goes that China is the world’s factory. For many companies around the world, their products or components of their products are produced in mainland China. At the same time, China’s population of more than a billion people makes it one of the world’s largest consumer markets. Thus, for either production or sales, many companies want to do business in China and have established facilities there.

On the networking front, this means that multinational companies need to extend their wide area network into China to support their large or rapidly growing operations—and that’s easier said than done.

Many organizations had done this using VPNs, but in early 2018, the Chinese government placed restrictions on IPsec traffic to basically block it from going in and out of the country. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said these restrictions are in accordance with the China Cross-border Data Telecommunications Industry Alliance (CDTIA), which was created to regulate cross-border data communication.

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Tokalabs软件定义的实验室试验台的实验室能自动化配置 太阳,二○一九年十月二十○日21:00:00 -0700 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler <本文> <节课=“页面”>


运行测试实验室的主要挑战是,花费的时间提供测试环境量的理想场所。网络实验室的基础设施可能包括交换机,路由器,服务器,虚拟机各种服务器集群,安全服务,云计算资源,软件等上运行。这需要相当多的时间进行接线的配置,物理上建立所需的测试床,登录每个单独的设备和加载正确的软件配置。很多时候,实验室工作人员花更多的时间设定比他们上进行实际测试。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3446816/tokalabs-software-defined-labs-automates-configuration-of-lab-test-beds.html 为IT、OT网络和安全的融合做好准备 周五,2019年8月16日七时28分00秒-0700 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler <本文> <节课=“页面”>


传统上,IT和OT有非常不同的组织中的角色。它通常是任务是移动计算机和人类之间的数据,而OT与“东西”,诸如传感器,致动器,智能机,和其他装置,以提高制造和工业过程之间移动数据的任务。不仅是IT和OT完全独立的角色,但他们的技术和网络是也。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3432132/get-ready-for-the-convergence-of-it-and-ot-networking-and-security.html 缓和网络简化了安全网络连接和微分割 2019年7月1日星期一04:52:00 -0700 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler

The TCP/IP protocol is the foundation of the internet and pretty much every single network out there. The protocol was designed 45 years ago and was originally only created for connectivity. There’s nothing in the protocol for security, mobility, or trusted authentication.

The fundamental problem with TCP/IP is that the IP address within the protocol represents both the device location and the device identity on a network. This dual functionality of the address lacks the basic mechanisms for security and mobility of devices on a network.

This is one of the reasons networks are so complicated today. To connect to things on a network or over the internet, you need VPNs, firewalls, routers, cell modems, etc. and you have all the configurations that come with ACLs, VLANs, certificates, and so on. The nightmare grows exponentially when you factor in internet of things (IoT) device connectivity and security. It’s all unsustainable at scale.

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Teridion进入MNS市场支持企业广域网 星期三,2019 13点十六分00秒-0700 5月29日 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler <本文> <节课= “页面”>

几个月前,我写的被管理的网络服务(MNS)市场作为网络运营商的进化方向。其中,在这个空间扮演的公司是 Teridion ,一个叫Teridion服务企业。这是一个全球性的广域网服务使用一些独特的功能,以支持性能和可靠性,企业才能真正体会到。

Teridion企业是一个云中心的解决方案的所有道路。在网络上建立在云中,并且用户使用商品的边缘设备,如SD-WAN设备或思科ISR箱连接。(点击这里阅读有关思科Teridion联盟)客户可通过一个简单的和现代的用户界面请求服务,进行修改和设置策略。他们只需支付他们所使用的能力;和所有的维护和管理完全由Teridion处理。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3398939/teridion-s-entry-in-the-mns-market-supports-enterprise-wide-area-networking.html Allied Telesis将其网络业务重点转向美国市场 2019年5月2日星期四08:38:00 -0700 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler

I recently had the opportunity to talk to Mark Wutzke, chief solution architect with Allied Telesis, to learn about the company’s smart networking offerings. Perhaps you, like me, don’t know much about this networking company, though it’s been in business since 1987. That might be because the global company, until recently, has focused its efforts outside the U.S. However, that focus is beginning to change, so I wanted to learn what the company brings to the table that enterprises would be interested in.

First, a little background on the company. Allied Telesis is headquartered in both Japan and the U.S. The company has global R&D centers and manufactures its own products. Among the products are intelligent switches and stackable chassis, industrial switches, wireless solutions, firewalls and routers, optics, NICs and media converters—basically end-to-end solutions from edge to core for LAN, WLAN and WAN. In addition, Allied Telesis writes its own operating system software for its equipment, as well as the network management software that provides many of the smart networking features the company is touting today.

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除了SD-WAN:VMware的眼光,为网络边缘 周一,2019年4月8日7时54分00秒-0700 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler

VeloCloud is now a Business Unit within VMware since being acquired in December 2017. The two companies have had sufficient time to integrate their operations and fit their technologies together to build a cohesive offering. In January, Neal Weinberg provided an overview of where VMware is headed with its reinvention. Now let’s look at it from the VeloCloud SD-WAN perspective.

I recently talked to Sanjay Uppal, vice president and general manager of the VeloCloud Business Unit. He shared with me where VeloCloud is heading, adding that it’s all possible because of the complementary products that VMware brings to VeloCloud’s table.

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元网络建立用户安全纳入其网络,作为一种服务 星期一,2019年4月1日6点40分○○秒-0700 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler

Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) is growing in popularity and availability for those organizations that don’t want to host their own LAN or WAN, or that want to complement or replace their traditional network with something far easier to manage.

With NaaS, a service provider creates a multi-tenant wide area network comprised of geographically dispersed points of presence (PoPs) connected via high-speed Tier 1 carrier links that create the network backbone. The PoPs peer with cloud services to facilitate customer access to cloud applications such as SaaS offerings, as well as to infrastructure services from the likes of Amazon, Google and Microsoft. User organizations connect to the network from whatever facilities they have — data centers, branch offices, or even individual client devices — typically via SD-WAN appliances and/or VPNs.

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软件定义的周界带来信任的访问多的云应用,网络资源 2019年3月11日星期一11:55:00 -0700 琳达Musthaler 琳达Musthaler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

今天,许多企业有一个混合的方法来他们的网络和IT基础设施。一些元件保持在预置的数据中心,而其它部分都到云,甚至多云。雷竞技电脑网站其结果是,网络边界是可渗透的和弹性的。This complicates access requirements at a time when it’s more important than ever to enable accessibility while preventing unauthorized access to applications and data.

To reduce risk, some organizations are applying a zero-trust strategy of “verification before trust” by incorporating stronger, stateful user and device authentication; granular access control; and enhanced segmentation no matter where the applications and resources reside.

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