有个足球雷竞技app网络世界Gordon Mah Ung //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 2020年4月12日星期日12:45:43 -0700 2020年4月12日星期日12:45:43 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 如何检查英特尔主动管理漏洞,让黑客接管你的电脑 星期二,2017年5月9日四点56分零零秒-0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah)

If you think you're immune from a scary exploit found in Intel's Active Management Technology just because you're a consumer, think again.

The exploit, disclosed on May 1, lets bad actors bypass authentication in Intel's remote management hardware to take over your PC. This hardware, built into enterprise-class PCs, lets IT administrators remotely manage fleets of computers—install patches and software, and even update the BIOS as though they were sitting in front of it. It is, in essence, a God-mode.

Here's the fine print: Many early news reports said "consumer PCs are unaffected." But what Intel actually said was, "consumer PCs with consumer firmware" are unaffected.

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未来的英特尔处理器可以用不同部位拼凑 06:02:00 -0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah)

Today’s processors, made using a single continuous slab of silicon, may soon give way to multiple chips interconnected at high speeds, Intel said Tuesday morning.

Intel said its new Embedded Multi-die Interconnect Bridge, or EMIB, technology would let a 22nm chip connect to a 10nm chip and a 14nm chip, all on the same processor.

“For example, we can mix high-performance blocks of silicon and IP together with low-power elements made from different nodes for extreme optimization,” said Intel’s Murthy Renduchintala, who heads the Client, IoT, and Systems Architecture Group.

That’s a radical departure from how the company has constructed most CPUs and SoCs, where all components of a CPU or SoC are built on the same process. 

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AMD打破了Ryzen的性能神话,清除了Windows 10的过错 2017年3月14日星期二05:36:00 -0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah) <文章> <节类= “网页”>


For starters, the company said Windows 10’s scheduler isn’t guilty. Internet hardware detectives had started to focus their blame on Windows 10 scheduler, the part of the operating system that doles out work to each individual core or thread in a chip. Many believe Windows 10 scheduler is throwing out work to the wrong cores or threads, hobbling performance.

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与英特尔的Skylake相比,AMD还有一个优势:体积更小 星期三,2017年2月8日5时10分零零秒-0800 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah)

AMD’s upcoming Ryzen CPU will occupy less space and offer twice the amount of cache of Intel’s 6th-generation CPU, according a news report. Oh, and there will indeed be a quad-core model.

AMD engineers made the disclosure in a paper this week during the International Solid-State Circuits Conference in San Francisco, according to EE Times' Rick Merritt.

The engineering paper said a quad-core Ryzen chip built on a 14nm process would be about 10 percent smaller than a comparable 6th-generation Intel Skylake CPU built on a 14nm process, while offering twice the L2 cache of the Intel chip. The paper appears to count only the amount of space used for the x86 cores on an Intel CPU in its comparison. Like other mainstream CPUs, Intel’s Skylake chips also include graphics cores aboard.

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经过测试:MacBook Pro糟糕的电池续航能力背后的真相 周三,2017年2月1日5点35分〇〇秒-0800 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah)

Read professional reviews of Apple’s new MacBook Pro lineup, and you’ll come away thinking the new laptops have great battery life.

Dive into a customer forum, though, and the upshot will be exactly the opposite: The new MacBook Pros have “piss poor” battery life.

That characterization came from user yillbs on MacRumors.com. “I don’t think anyone can convince me that this thing isn’t just flat out the worst battery life ever on a MacBook,” yillbs wrote, clearly frustrated. “I’ve been defending it like mad, but at this point... how can you? 4.42 hours is just bad.” 

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Surface Book i7对抗MacBook Pro:战斗! 2016年12月6日星期二04:49:00 -0800 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah)

Now that Apple’s introduced the first major update to its MacBook Pro lineup in years, it’s time to square off the best of the best in Mac and PC laptops to see who currently prevails in this age-old rivalry. 

surfacevsmbp15 2

It’s benchmarks at dawn between the new MacBooks, the new Surface Book i7, and a posse of other Windows laptops.

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表面书i7的观点:仍然是独一无二的,仍然速度极快 2016年11月11日星期五04:33:00 -0800 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah)

It’s always been difficult trying to find the right category for Microsoft’s hybrid tablet/laptop Surface Book. And now with the new Surface Book i7 in hand, it’s even harder to figure out just what square hole to put this round peg into.

Before we get too far into the review, let me say that the Surface Book i7 is incredibly fast for a laptop in its class, offering no less than twice the performance of the original Surface Book, which itself outstripped all others in its day. Even better, it has stupidly long battery life that bests all the laptops we’ve tested.

Done. Fini. Move along, right? Well, not quite. The world isn’t the same as it was a year ago and the Surface Book i7’s competitors have been hard at work too, and there are aspects of Microsoft’s hybrid device that aren’t perfect.

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苹果的新款mac电脑可以(也应该)从个人电脑上复制的10件东西 2016年10月26日星期三05:30 -0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah) <文章类=“幻灯片”> <人物类=“幻灯片”>
什么将在未来的Mac电脑有哪些?向一个PC 由<跨度类Image =“slideCreditText”>戈登·马翁

终于,苹果预计将推出在周四新款MacBook和其他可能的Mac硬件上。The usual rumors fly ahead of the event, hinting at everything from long-overdue internal updates to innovative OLED touch strips.

To find out just what Apple could (and should) introduce, however, all I had to do was look at what PC makers have already been shipping for months. Who knows—maybe Apple did the same thing. As we eagerly await the coming of the new Macs, check out the features we hope Apple ripped off from PC makers.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3135447/10-things-apples-new-macs-could-and-should-copy-from-the-pc.html 最安全的家用电脑不断 2016年9月14日星期三05:28:00 -0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah)

We’ve all heard tales of foreign intelligence entities breaking into hotel rooms and cloning a person’s hard drive while he or she is in the bar downstairs.

You might dismiss it as the stuff of urban legend or Jason Bourne movies, but this style of attack does highlight one of the most basic weaknesses of today’s PCs: Their data is extremely vulnerable once an attacker has physical access to a machine. Cold boot attacks, USB exploits,or DMA attacks over FireWire, among other breaches, are all possible if a bad actor can get his or her hands on the hardware.

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PC硬件书呆子测试 2016年6月10日星期五03:49:00 -0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah) <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>

可以从五个英尺远告诉我们,如果螺钉是用来安装一个电源或一个光盘驱动器。你能背诵多少缓存是在诺斯伍德的Pentium 4,如果你的的那种书呆子,你会不会与我们的PC书呆子测验任何问题。否则你会?我们已经组建了挑战,旨在真正的书呆子从崇拜者分离问题的混合。让我们来看看你怎么做。准备?First question... 

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3082545/the-pc-hardware-nerd-quiz.html 英特尔是如何将迅雷从失败变成成功的 2016年6月2日星期四04:16:00 -0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah) <文章> <节类=“页”>

在第三时间可能是英特尔及其雷电技术的魅力。 A year after introducing Thunderbolt 3 at Computex 2015, Intel is finally starting to see success with its high-speed external I/O—enough that even doubters might agree it’s winning.

You needn’t look far for signs that Thunderbolt 3 will succeed where its two predecessors failed dismally on the PC. This year’s top-tier laptops from HP and Dell, as well models from MSI, Asus, Razer, and Acer, all prominently feature Thunderbolt 3 ports.

Almost all of the high-profile laptops of the last few months have prominently featured Thunderbolt 3 ports.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3078158/how-intel-turned-thunderbolt-from-a-failure-into-a-success.html 下面是你的笔记本电脑的USB Type C端口可能会有多慢 2016年4月28日星期四06:26:00 -0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah)

USB Type C is the intriguing new port that began appearing in laptops, tablets, phones, and other devices well over a year ago, but we had no real way test its throughput performance until now. Thanks to Sandisk’s Extreme 900, we’re finally able to push that tiny reversible port to its limits. To do that I gathered up no fewer than eight laptops equipped with USB Type C ports, and threw in a desktop PCIe card for good measure too.

What your USB-C port isn't telling you

USB Type C is supposed to be a universal standard, but it’s just universally confusing. A USB Type C port can run at either 5Gbps or 10Gbps and still be labeled USB 3.1 by the laptop maker. USB Type C even technically supports USB 2.0 speeds at a pathetic 480Mbps. So when you see a USB Type C port, the only assumption you can make is that its transfer speeds can vary from as low as 480Mbps to as high as 10Gbps.

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英特尔宣称存储至上 2016年4月15日星期五04:15:00 -0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah)

Intel wants you to know just how real and just how fast its game-changing Optane storage technology is, so it demonstrated how its new pervasive memory technology leaves a conventional NAND SSD in the dust.

The demo, the first public one using a traditional desktop environment, took place Wednesday morningat the company’s annual developer forum in Shenzhen, China. Intel executive Rob Crooke showed identical desktop computers performing a simple file copy.

+ MORE INTEL: What's happening with the Intel executive turnover? +

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快速的Windows 10采纳微软吹嘘到超过270万台电脑 2016年3月30日星期三10:10 -0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah) <本文> <节课=“页面”>

的Windows 10采纳依然强劲,微软表示,它开在旧金山举行的构建开发者大会上周三。该公司表示,超过270万台电脑已经在积极运行Windows 10,轻松超过了以前所有的操作系​​统的采用率。 Company officials also said users have logged more than 75 billion hours of time driving Windows 10. 

“Windows 10 is off to an amazing start,” said Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. “It’s the fastest growing version of Windows with both consumers and enterprises.”

The OS roared out the gate with 75 million installs within four weeks of its introduction in August, 2015. In October it hit 110 million. By January 2016, Windows 10 hit 200 million installs. Nearly four months later, the company has added another 70 million.

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Pro平板电脑对决:9.7英寸的iPad Pro vs. Galaxy TabPro S vs. Surface Pro 4 2016年3月22日星期二04:53:00 -0700 戈登Mah) 戈登Mah) <本文> <节课= “页面”>

苹果认为PC用户都蠢蠢欲动的的跳转到iPad的专业版。而不是原来的13英寸的iPad Pro的,其中每个人都同意是太该死的大和昂贵。但对新发布的9.7英寸的iPad Pro中,该公司预计,Windows PC的用户会成群结队采纳。很显然,像这样的要求能不能听之任之。To see how the new iPad Pro really stacks up, I put it against its two natural Windows-based competitors: Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4 and Samsung’s Galaxy ProTab S. Read on to see how the new iPad Pro rates in several key categories.

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