有个足球雷竞技app网络世界布拉德Chacos //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 星期二,2020年4月21日9时29分08秒-0700 星期二,2020年4月21日9时29分08秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 Windows 10创造者更新:5个最大的变化 2017年3月30日星期四05:34:00 -0700 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <本文> <节课=“页面”>

的Windows 10会越来越更大,更好。

微软刚刚宣布,在Windows 10创作者的更新将开始于4月11日推出,于建基础铺设由香草视窗10和其后续的“十一月”和“周年”更新。While not every feature that Microsoft promised at the Creators Update’s reveal last fall actually made the final cut, it’s still overflowing with helpful new extras that polish rough edges and just plain make things more fun.

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Ryzen的CPU解释说:一切你需要知道的关于AMD的破坏性多核芯片 星期三,2017年3月8日五点11分00秒-0800 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos

After a decade of fielding ho-hum FX-series processors, AMD’s finally released its highly disruptive Ryzen chips, throwing down the gauntlet and challenging Intel’s supremacy in high-end computing.

AMD’s new Ryzen chips include several CPUs (and CPU families) of various levels of potency. What’s more, Ryzen introduces a completely new motherboard platform, and the processors require different memory and coolers than their predecessors. There’s a lot to sift through—so let’s sift!

Here’s everything you need to know about AMD’s Ryzen.

Meet AMD’s Ryzen CPUs

ryzen details AMD

Details about the AMD Ryzen chips announced thus far.

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7点省钱的方法,当你建立一个PC 星期一,2017年2月6日七时06分00秒-0800 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <本文> <节课=“页面”>

对于很多发烧友来说,在不花一分钱超过必要建立一个PC谎言的乐趣的一部分。Whether you’re building a basic everyday computer or trying to eke out a $500 gaming rig, shopping smart lets you do more with your money or, well, just plain save some cash on a purchase that’s already pricey enough.

Good news: Costs savings abound, especially if you’re not in a rush. You just have to know where—and how—to look. These tips and tricks will help you save money on your next PC build. 

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10个令人沮丧的谷歌浏览器刺激,以及如何解决这些问题 星期四,2017年1月26日五点24分00秒-0800 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <文章> <节类= “网页”>

铬可能是most-used browser in the world, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. Far from it. Despite receiving over 50 updates over the years, Google’s browser still harbors several rough edges and idiosyncrasies that can make for a less than optimal online experience.

A lot of articles show you how to fiddle with the browser in exotic ways. Not this one. Here, we’ll show you how to make Chrome less annoying—and that sweet, serene sanity is worth more than a thousand experimental features.

Stop accidental closures

Let’s start with something easy. It’s 2017 and Chrome still has no baked-in protection against closing all of your tabs without warning if you accidentally exit the browser.

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你的新电脑需要这15个免费的,优秀节目 周五,2016年12月23日十点54分00秒-0800 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>


是的,放养你的电脑是一个强烈的个人任务。即使如此,有些程序是如此有用,如此得心应手,全线原来我们这么有用他们衷心向大家推荐。这些都是要首先安装在新PC上的程序。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3153042/your-new-pc-needs-these-22-free-programs.html 《一年之后的虚拟现实:什么是正确的,什么是错误的》(Virtual reality, one year out: What went right, What didn’t) 周四,2016年12月22日五点34分零零秒-0800 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos

After years of teases, tantalizing promises, and Kickstarter campaigns, virtual reality finally became actual reality in 2016, with VR’s mere existence thrusting the entire PC industry into glorious, wonderful turmoil. Despite being around for just a handful of months, virtual reality has already inspired totally new genres of computers, wormed its way deep into Windows, and sent the price of graphics cards plummeting.

Not too shabby for VR’s first real year on the streets, though the implementations could still use some fine-tuning. Let’s look back at how this wild new frontier blossomed in 2016.

The birth of consumer virtual reality

From the very start of 2016 it was clear that the dawn of proper PC-powered VR had arrived. You could see evidence of this fact all over CES 2016 in January, where EVGA introduced a specialized graphics card designed to fit VR headset ergonomics; Nvidia rolled out a VR certification program; and seemingly every booth boasted some sort of virtual-reality hook, from VR treadmills to VR porn and VR Everest climbs (the latter two being mind-blowing in their own ways).

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3153145/the-messy-magical-birth-of-virtual-reality.html 22个充满想象力的电脑,看起来一点都不像电脑 周五,2016年12月2日五点25分00秒-0800 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
更多比满足眼睛 图像通过<跨度类= ”slideCreditText“> Anshel凹陷

对于许多人来说,电脑只是一个工具;平淡的米色或黑色盒子猛一桌子底下和物理忽视,除了当你按下电源按钮。但并不适合所有人。在右手,个人电脑可以转化为技术内的作品的进行。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3146711/22-wildly-imaginative-pcs-that-dont-look-like-pcs-at-all.html 微软的$ 300的Windows虚拟现实头盔:我们知道6件事(和1个大问题) 周五,2016年10月28日10:46:00 -0700 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <本文> <节课=“页面”>

大家都以为混合现实技术就发挥微软的大窗户10事件的一部分周三,但没人预料到我们得到什么。Rather than showing yet another HoloLens demonstration, Microsoft instead announced a small army of virtual reality headsets unlike anything available today, and they’re all powered by the forthcoming Windows 10 Creators Update.

The demo raised more questions than it supplied answers, but there was still plenty of info to glean if you were paying attention. Here’s everything we know about Microsoft’s Windows 10 VR headsets—and one massive question spurred by their mere existence.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3136328/microsofts-300-windows-vr-headsets-6-thing-we-know-and-1-big-question.html 7项技术在苹果新的MacBook Pro杀 周五,2016年10月28日五点38分00秒-0700 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <本文> <节课=“页面”>

苹果从来没有避讳在其追求苗条剃断功能,更快速的运行。新的MacBook Pro的阵容也不例外。

在激进的12英寸MacBook的脚步,重组后的MacBook Pro和其光滑的触摸条扑杀几个老从它的备用设计和杀死一个其兄弟姐妹的过程中。这里有七个技术在新款MacBook Pro笔记本根除。For more details on whether we think the eliminations are worthwhile, check out Macworld’s MacBook Pro hands-on impressions.

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微软的一切今天透露:表面工作室时,Windows 10创作者更新,更 2016年10月26日星期三12:45:00 -0700 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
一视窗 由<跨度类=图片 “slideCreditText”>布莱尔汉利弗兰克

Microsoft’s big event in New York on Tuesday included plenty of new Surface hardware, but nevertheless, it’s easy to see why the company called this a Windows event rather than a Surface shindig.

Windows and devices chief Terry Myerson kicked things off with a tantalizing glimpse of the features that will debut with the new Windows 10 Creators Update, scheduled to release in the spring. The rest of event was dedicated to new Surface gear designed specifically to marry powerful, thoughtful hardware with the best of those new software features. But don’t take my word for it! Here’s everything Microsoft announced at its October 26 Windows event.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3135718/everything-microsoft-revealed-today-surface-studio-windows-10-creators-update-and-more.html 10个PC程序的Windows 10渲染过时 周四,二零一六年十月二十零日4时51分00秒-0700 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
踏板到金属 图像通过<跨度类= “slideCreditText”>肖像历史

有关只要Windows已经存在,第三方程序已经萌生了来解决其最显着的头痛和疏漏,只待最终当微软当然纠正压扁。其中几个节目,从PDF阅读器ISO安装工具,文件管理的助推器,的became unnecessary when Windows 8 rolled out. But Microsoft’s relentless axe didn’t stop there.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3133368/10-pc-programs-windows-10-renders-obsolete.html 今天尝试Linux的6个理由 2016年10月13日星期四05:51:00 -0700 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <本文> <节课=“页面”>


等待,不要在后退按钮满贯!我不是那种狂热的“年Linux桌面的”类型中的一种。Windows works just fine for hundreds of millions of people, and—sorry, Linux lovers—there’s little to suggest Linux usage will ever be more than a rounding error compared to Microsoft’s behemoth.

That said, there are some pretty compelling reasons you might want to consider switching to Linux on your computer, or at least give it a hassle-free trial run.

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谷歌的Nexus死了 星期三,2016年10月5日五点23分00秒-0700 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3128089/googles-nexus-is-dead.html 16个有用的Windows 10工具,帮助你完成更多的工作 周五,2016年9月30日5时27分00秒-0700 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
使用更多的事 图像通过<跨度类= “slideCreditText”>亚当帕特里克默里

None of us like wasting time when we’re trying to get stuff done. Every second spent shuffling around open windows or navigating menus is precious time not spent achieving your goals. Fortunately, Microsoft stuffed Windows with all sorts of secretly powerful tools, as we’ve covered in-depth in both 17 obscure Windows tools and tricks too powerful to overlook and 15 simple, secret Windows tips and tricks designed to save you time.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3126196/16-useful-windows-10-tools-that-help-you-get-more-done.html 如何建立一个预算PC不到$ 300 2016年9月27日星期二04:33:00 -0700 布拉德Chacos 布拉德Chacos <文章> <节类=“网页”>


PC可以是昂贵的,但。That’s why hundreds of millions of people rely on 5-year-old-plus computers. For many folks, PCs are appliances rather than toys—pricey tools that are replaced only when they break, and reluctantly even then.

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