
Extreme Networks Q3 financial results reveal double-digit revenue gains despite an increasing backlog of orders.

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Supply chain issues continue to drive networking equipment prices up and impact delivery schedules but despite them, Extreme Networks reported solid product revenue this week.

Exterial表示,其第三季度的业绩是连续第五季度的两位数产品收入增长(2.855亿美元,同比增长13%),这是由云,通用转换平台和Wi-Fi 6e接入点的销售所驱动的。竞争对手的杜松网络也在本周报告的结果扎实,称其连续第四季度的云层增长了两位数,但企业业务的增长却近20%。

While Extreme's results are solid, its backlog of orders is growing substantially, up $130 million just in Q3, with a total backlog of $425 million, largely due to整个行业的半导体供应链问题。More than half of that consists of the company's latest generation products, according to Extreme's presideint and CEO Ed Meyercord.




价格上涨也影响了客户支付的价格,“这帮助我们抵消了供应链的增加成本,” Extreme CFO Remi Thomas在公司的财务分析师电话中说。

尽管财政挑战可能会在可预见的未来持续下去,但Extreme希望进一步追求5G,Wi-Fi 6e和管理云资源。

该公司表示,它一直在与未命名的服务提供商合作,以利用Extreme的Cloud Native Internstructure Solutions Solutions平台在Wan Edge探索5G服务的使用。CNIS针对5G核心网络并设置网络,容器化的应用程序。梅耶尔科德说:“他们的许多客户正在从5G的概念验证变成真实的现场项目,因此我们在那里看到了很多增长机会。”

Meyercord还表示,使用5G作为私人企业产品也是他的公司正在探索的事情。3月,它与Cradlepoint合作,集成了LTE,5G和Wi-Fi 6/6e技术。(Cradlepoint自2020年以来一直由爱立信拥有。)

Meyercord说:“我们的许多合作伙伴都将极端与Cradlepoint融合在一起,可在Wan Edge上进行5G访问和蜂窝访问。”“很多人,尤其是在公共部门,正在研究该解决方案,这是我们活跃的事情。”

He said that within just two quarters, Wi-Fi 6E has become 10% of Extreme's bookings, signifying a fast adoption curve by customers.

Extreme has been listed as a leader in the Gartner Maguc Quadrant for wired and wireless infrastrurefor the past four years. Its 4000 Series wireless access points support Wi-Fi 5, Wi-Fi 6, and Wi-Fi 6E standards.

As for data-center management, the company’s cloud-based wireless and wired network-management offering, ExtremeCloud IQ (XIQ) and its CoPilot AI-based management tool will be further enhanced to evolve its data-analytics, machine-learning, and AI capabilities, he said.


As the network becomes more intelligent, businesses can use information it gathers to feed into other systems, he said, "And that is the next frontier."

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