
While most of those systems are not directly connected to the internet, critics say there are still plenty of ways for hostile actors to get control of them

The debate over the chances of a catastrophic cyber attack taking down a major part of the nation’s critical infrastructure (CI) has been ongoing for a generation.

但一直没有得到解决 - 在某些方面它是更激烈的现在比以往任何时候。

On one side are those, including high government officials, who warn of a “cyber Pearl Harbor” that could leave swaths of the country in darkness and cold – without electric power – for months.

退役海军上将詹姆斯Stavridis,塔夫茨大学弗莱彻学院和前北约盟军最高司令院长,used that term just three months ago,说这样的攻击将在电网和金融业无论是瞄准。

"It is the greatest mismatch between the level of threat, very high, and the level of preparation, quite low," he told CNBC in December.

在另一边是专家谁说,这种警告是巨大的夸张推销FUD(恐惧,不确定和怀疑) - 自然灾害和啮齿动物都超过网络攻击工业控制系统的威胁(ICS)电力电网,配水,交通等关键服务。

证据 - 迄今为止 - 似乎同意后一种观点。在美国,没有网络攻击已经削弱了电网,水,通讯或其他CI系统,甚至数周。事实上,大风暴已经离开的人没有权力成千上万的时间超过任何黑客攻击了。

But the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) may be changing that calculus. The billions – and growing billions more – of connected devices are bringing both unimaginable benefits to society and unprecedented dangers.

正如众多专家已经指出,任何连接到互联网 - 家电,汽车,公用事业,医疗保健和金融机构以及更多 - 是一个“受攻击面”的敌对行为,从所谓的“脚本小子”的一部分政治活动家,犯罪团伙和民族国家。

去年秋天的分布式拒绝服务攻击互联网骨干运营商的Dyn(DDoS)攻击is one recent high-profile example. Attackers used a botnet of tens of thousands of insecure cameras and DVDs (all part of the IoT) to take down a number of popular websites, including Twitter, Netflix, Reddit and PayPal.

Incidents like that have intensified the debate over the risks to CI, which means an increasing focus on the debate is over whether ICSs are part of the IoT or not.

据一些专家,他们不是。他们说,北美电网更加有弹性,几乎无懈可击的理由很简单物联网攻击:它的重要发电和输电部件 - 运行硬件 - 不是物联网的一部分 - 没有连接到互联网。

Marcus Sachs, CSO of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), said many people believe that all three major components of the grid – generation, transmission and distribution – are internet facing.

但他表示,发电和输电部件都没有。他告诉观众在旧金山举行的RSA会议上说,虽然损害网络攻击的风险“大于零的...real threat is Mother Nature and humans doing stupid stuff。”

Sachs agreed that cyber attacks have caused damage to energy infrastructure in other parts of the world – the 2015 hack of the energy grid in Ukraine took out power for several hours to 225,000 people. But he told the audience the North American grid is exponentially less vulnerable because of its, “diversity and separation of infrastructure.”



Marcus Sachs, CSO of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)

“We’ve bent over backwards to decrease our exposure – we’re anal about it,” he said.

This doesn’t mean there are no internet connections in the overall industry – there are many in the corporate networks and the distribution of power to customers. “But that’s at the edge, where you’re flipping the lights on or off,” he said. “We see power companies get spammed and phished all the time. We see ransomware. But even if the lights go out locally, the grid is still working.”


But that message clearly has not reached the mainstream media.The Wall Street Journal标题一二○一六年十二月三十零日故事,“Cyberattacks Raise Alarm for U.S. Power Grid,”和NBC Nightly News just this past week reported that公用事业在本质上是活靶子for cyberattacks



Weiss pointed to Project SHINE (SHodan INtelligence Extraction), an initiative that has扫描互联网寻找SCADA和ICS的设备。“他们发现直接连接到Internet超过200万(控制)系统设备,”他说,争辩说,美国政府一直压抑在已经发生的ICS攻击的信息。“我们的政府不会公布,并承认他们,”他说。“我们已经遇到了敌人,这是我们的。”

In a blog post this week, Weiss said在美国有针对性的攻击ICS有致,“电和水SCADA,制造线损坏,HVAC系统的停机和损坏到设备仪器包括关键电机的损耗”。

其他专家则激烈得多 - 他们说的风险可能超过高盛更大的是说,因为即使有气隙的系统可能会受到影响。但他们一致认为,美国的ICS远离坐在鸭 - 一个灾难性攻击的机会,为梆子说,“遥控器”。


他还表示,他和Dragos的CEO罗伯特·李将在本周投放的基调SANS ICS峰会in Orlando, Fla., on a project titledMIMICS (Malware in Modern ICS),即发现,“千人感染病毒ICS软件的情况下,仅仅过了90天的时间。”



Edgard Capdevielle,希Networks首席执行官也表示,企业网络连接是一个风险。“虽然工业交通可能不会通过互联网从一个站点到达另一个,所有这些网络通常具有对外部的物理路径,因此暴露出来,”他说。“防火墙帮助在网络上提供的分割,但曝光依然存在。”


But he said the risks are very real, even with air-gapped systems. He said they could include downloading an infected software upgrade from a third-party vendor’s website into a SCADA system.


“Are these cyberattacks? You bet they are,” he said. “And they actually happened to two companies in the US.”



But he also agreed with Patterson that, “a cyber kinetic approach using social engineering methods to bridge the air gap and introduce self-replicating malware to a network is actually very possible and not too complicated to do.”

,他说,可能会导致停电区域上的秤2003年8月级联断电that left about 50 million people in southeastern Canada and eight northeastern US states without power for up to two days.

That event was attributed to equipment failure and human error.



虽然争论还会继续,大家都同意的措施,也有好消息 - 更加注重ICS安全。

“网络安全技术的进步,如机器学习和人工智能的应用创造了一些乐观情绪,” Capdevielle说。“这些进展提供更好的可视性经营风险,不论其原因的。”

Kantor said there are various ongoing “best-practices” initiatives. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Utilities Technology Council (UTC) and a group of major utilities, are supporting a new IEEE standard for secure field area networks,


Still, the nation’s critical infrastructure remains a potentially dangerous soft spot.




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