Cloud monitoring: Users review 5 top tools


Cloud technology isbecoming a “staple” in the enterprise-- 70% have at least one application in the cloud – and may become the“default option”for software deployment by 2020. That makes it even more important that systems administrators can monitor, manage and optimize data-processing workloads in the cloud.

For that, corporate IT can turn to cloud monitoring software. According to the IT Central Station user community, the most important criteria to consider when choosing cloud monitoring software include scalability, ease of use, and a customized dashboard.

Five of the top cloud monitoring products are CA’s Unified Infrastructure Management (UIM), SevOne, Opsview Enterprise, ScienceLogic and LogicMonitor, according to online reviews by enterprise users in the IT Central Station community.

But what do enterprise users really think about these tools? Here, users give a shout-out for some of their favorite features, but also give the vendors a little tough love.

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