卡塔琳娜·柯普, director, privacy and data at the Center for Democracy & Technology, said data collection and analytics can result not only in the “micro-targeting” of some voters, but of others being ignored.
“We should not just ask who is getting what message,” she said. “We need to think about who is not being addressed and what topics are being left out. Who is being left out of the conversation?”
对于年轻的投票群体,这看似没什么大不了的。他们已经习惯了零售商知道有足够的了解他们,向他们发送有针对性的广告。他们中许多人喜欢它 - 他们宁愿只看到他们感兴趣的广告,即使它的成本他们一些隐私。
Indeed, the mantra from those in the IT and online security world has been that, thanks to the exploding collection of data on individuals’ locations, activities, social media posts and other online activity,“隐私是死了。”
What is new, and more ominous, according to Evan Selinger, senior fellow with the Future of Privacy Forum and a professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, is what he calls, “an asymmetry of knowledge.
Evan Selinger, senior fellow, Future of Privacy Forum and professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
这也是在一个主要论据之一文章titled “Engineering the public: Big data, surveillance and computational politics” by Zeynep Tufekci, who wrote that while the Internet has enabled much more powerful social movements due to “horizontal communication” that can connect people throughout nations and the world, those same digital technologies, “have also given rise to a data-analytic environment that favors the powerful, data-rich incumbents.”
他说,大数据分析可以“促进更有效地 - 并不太透明的 - ‘同意工程’”
“Computational politics,” he wrote, amounts to, “significant information asymmetry – those holding the data know a lot about individuals while people don’t know what the data practitioners know about them.”
If people did know, there is evidence that Selinger is correct – they would object. The title of a 2012纸published by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communications summed it up rather bluntly: “Americans Roundly Reject Tailored Political Advertising.”
According to a survey conducted by the authors, 86 percent of adults said they, “do not want political campaigns to tailor advertisements to their interests.” The respondents said if they found out they were being targeted in that way, it would make them less likely to vote for the candidate doing it. By contrast, only 46 percent objected to targeted discounts from retailers.
有点小,但还是large, majority – 70 percent – said they would object to a campaign using Facebook to send ads to the friends of a person who “likes” the candidate’s Facebook page.
但是,当然,如果他们不知道这一点,他们是不太可能的对象。柯普和其他人说是个人数据的由政治运动集合另一个问题 - 这在很大程度上是不可见的。
“Part of the problem is that we don’t know enough about these practices,” she said. “The whole process is opaque.”
Tufekci made the same point. He said modern data collection is dramatically different from that of a generation ago, when tracking what magazines a voter reads or the kind of car he or she drives, “required complicated, roundabout inferences about their meaning … and allowed only broad profiling.”
Big data, he wrote, allows for much more individualized profiling, and since it, “can be collected in an invisible, latent manner and delivered individually,” it means a candidate’s organization doesn’t have to ask questions of a voter to know a lot about that voter.
Dixon agreed. “It would astound people to know how our daily actions and even our thoughts about candidates can be predicted from data science – or at least, that is what the sales pitch is,” she said. “It is arguable that data analytics are more predictive than traditional voter polling.”
泽林格说,缺乏认识可以使选民更加脆弱。事实上,国家的爱荷华州秘书criticizedthe Republican winner, Ted Cruz, for sending out a mailer just days before the vote, aimed at driving voters to the caucuses by giving them poor grades based on their voting history and accusing them of a “voter violation.”
“我们没有意识到如何便宜我们的个人信息已经成为政治运动,所以当活动家在个性化的方式与我们沟通,我们可以放下我们的后卫一点 - 方面,我们否则只能从人们期待谁我们正在密切地连接到和准与”泽林格说。
So far, all of this opaque data collection is also essentially unregulated. “We’re sort of at the beginning of this,” Kopp said. “There are academics studying it, but there is no real regulation. And there aren’t a whole lot of people working on it.”
There is also the potential security problem. Colin J. Bennett, in an文章名为“趋势选民监控在西方社会,”写道,敏感选举人数据库“,可以把多个志愿者和竞选工作人员,谁可能没有隐私或安全培训的手中。在当今世界,数据泄露是司空见惯,每天都会发生,选民情报数据的分散可能是等待发生的灾难“。
But, it appears there is little likelihood of anything changing during this election cycle. Kopp notes the obvious – politicians aren’t all that interested in passing a law that would restrict the effectiveness of campaigning.
This story, "Voter targeting becomes voter surveillance" was originally published byCSO .