


There are now more than 3 billion connected devices in use by consumers, according to Gartner, and this number will increase to 4 billion next year.

A big chunk of that increase will come as a result of the holiday season, when 65 percent of Americans say they plan to buy consumer electronics gifts, according to an October report by the Consumer Electronics Association. The amount of spending on tech will reach $34.2 billion, making the the biggest tech shopping season on record, according to Shawn DuBravac, CEA’s chief economist and senior director of research.

许多这些礼物可能是连接开发ices, including smart TVs, tablets, smartphones, notebooks and laptops, and video game consoles. In addition, a third of all consumers -- 33 percent -- plan to buy an emerging technology product this year such as as smart home devices, wearable fitness trackers, smart watches, and drones.

Unfortunately, many of these devices will make homes more vulnerable to hackers.




虽然,所有恶意软件的目标机器人会的97%,根据iOS设备偶尔会被泄露移动安全威胁报告from Pulse Secure.

The iOS ecosystem offers a couple of major security advantages over Android, including tighter control of the apps allowed in the app store, and Apple's ability to quickly push out security-related upgrades to all users. Android security updates, however, typically have to go through individual manufacturers, which can involve significant delays.


"Tablets are used much in the way laptops are used and often contain work related documentation with sensitive information," said Bruce Snell, director of security and privacy at英特尔安全。“但是,与笔记本电脑,平板电脑不会用相同的安全级别处理,尤其是在BYOD环境。”



根据the Pew Research Center, 68 percent of U.S. adults now have a smartphone, and mobile shopping is expected to account for 30 percent of all online sales this year, according to Internet Retailer.




It's not just social media accounts, e-commerce logins and banking credentials that are exposed to hackers who are able to steal or remotely break into a smartphone. There's also emails, private photos and videos, work and personal contacts, login credentials for home and office networks, and saved location data.

Plus, attackers may also be able to activate a smartphone's microphone remotely and listen in to corporate meetings, or track the device owner's location.

根据Snell, a major factor affecting smartphone security, is, as with tablets, the operating system.

"The primary difference is between iOS and Android," he said.

User behavior is also a significant factor, studies show.



And it doesn't stop there, he added.
"The biggest issue with Bluetooth connectivity is that it’s authenticated once," he said. "After pairing once, the device is considered trusted. This leaves the door open for impersonation or man in the middle attacks against the host device and the connected accessory."


The market for drones is still in its infancy, but as these devices get more popular they will increasingly become targets for hackers, said Intel Security's Snell. The attackers can use vulnerability to steal the drone itself, or, if it's used for deliveries, steal its cargo.





This year has seen a spate of reports about hacked baby monitors, nannycams, and similar devices. Any connected device with a camera is potentially vulnerable, said Intel Security's Snell.

"There are numerous websites cataloging unprotected cameras displaying private video," he added.

Earlier this fall, for example, security firm Rapid7 reviewed popular baby monitors from six manufacturers and found that all had significant security problems such as lack of encryption for communications or stored data, and warned that this could just be the tip of the iceberg.

Attackers could use these devices to invade personal privacy, steal recorded videos, track when people were home, or use the devices to get access to the local network.

"It is important to stress that most of the vulnerabilities and exposures discussed in this paper are trivial to exploit by a reasonably competent attacker," researchers said.



TRENDnet found that attackers would not only need physical access to the camera but would also have to rewire the circuit board to exploit the vulnerability, but patched the vulnerability, and the firmware upgrade is available and all users notified either through the email addresses they registered their products with, or through the website next time they log into view their video.

The Philips product involved, the In.Sight Wireless HD Baby Monitor, is a discontinued product that had been produced by another company, Gibson Innovations, under the Philips brand name. The two companies worked together and fixed the problem in September, shortly after the Rapid7 report came out. The companies updated the affected cloud services, updated the firmware, and updated both the Android and iOS apps.

Elnaz Sarraf, VP atiBaby实验室说,他的公司已经采取了一些措施来解决由Rapid7提出的安全问题,包括显示器,应用程序,以及相关的云服务之间的安全通信。


As of deadline, Lens Laboratories has not responded to our request for comment.

Children\'s gadgets


根据Snell, devices that connect children to the Internet can allow criminals to target both the child, and the family. For example, many children use their parents' email addresses and devices to access the apps that control their gadgets.

"If the child's mobile app is infected, it gives a hacker direct access to the parents’ data," said Snell. "This can result in malware being installed and spearphishing."

One such toy is the Star Wars tie-in, the BB-8 Droid by Sphero, which can be remote controlled with a smartphone app.


Another hot toy this season is the Hello Barbie doll from Mattel, he said.




Earlier this year,HP测试最流行的智能手表的10后发现与他们显著的安全问题。例如一半,没有一个密码或其它锁定机制,使任何人谁拿起手表可以进入它。

Many had problems with distribution of security upgrades, with authentication, or with encryption. The apps associated with the devices also had security issues, posing risks to personal privacy. And if hackers are able to access a smartwatch, they could potentially also gain access to the mobile device or network it's connected to.


For example, HP itself did not release the brand names of the watches that were tested.

Fitness trackers

Fitness trackers



"It’s a gateway device," he said.


但是腰带BISKUP,在安全主管Fitbit, said that while an attacker could send data to a Fitbit and see that data echoed back, there was no security vulnerability involved, and that it was impossible to send this data on to a connected computer or use the software bug to spread malware.

"There is no vulnerability with this software bug," he said. "It is not possible to make our client do anything with this data. We spent a lot of time looking at this."


"We stand behind the statement," said Sandra Wheatley Smerdon, the company's VP for global corporate communications. "I’m not aware if Fitbit has since fixed the vulnerability and we have not updated our research."
