
这七个无线充电设备可以弥补供电更痛苦。大多是比较实惠的,他们对你的亲人是伟大的礼物 - 或者你。


无线电力支持烘焙成许多当今最流行的设备,包括三星的Galaxy S6and注5手机, as well the新的摩托罗拉机器人- 即便是Apple Watch。巨大的连锁餐厅和咖啡馆,如麦当劳and星巴克, as well as hospitality companies, includingMarriott,正在建设无线电力“点”直接进入他们的各种面向公众的场所和设施。


换句话说,如果您还没有无线充电的手机或其他移动设备,你很快会。如今,许多技术存在,使无线电力传输,但两个标准引领收费: the无线充电联盟's Qi (say: chee) standard, and the电源事项联盟(PMA) standard. For this reason, we focused on Qi and PMA devices in this roundup.

Wireless power adaptors (Qi and PMA) for Lightning, micro USB


IQI移动(齐)为iPhone /闪电

Fonesalesman's $35iQi Mobile wireless charging adaptor是让齐兼容的无线充电器你的闪电配备iPhone的工作简单,不显眼的方式。你简单的把它插入到你的闪电接口,坚持到你的iPhone的背面,上有弹出一个薄的情况下将其掩盖,你是好去。

该device works exactly as advertised. However, your phone gets rather warm if you charge for extended periods; it's not exactly inconspicuous if you don't use a case; and it adds just enough bulk to make many cases bulge a bit.

Powermat的环(PMA) for Lightning, micro USB

$ 10的Powermat的环looks a lot like a giant救生员薄荷插入到你的闪电或微型USB端口,PMA无线充电。Powermat的和星巴克显然是好哥们,和Powermat的充电点可用于在美国的星巴克选择使用。雷竞技比分您可以使用Powermat iOSandAndroid appsto quickly find nearby businesses with Powermat spots.

该gizmo works as expected, but you'll want to be careful when it's plugged into your phone; if you accidently jerk it up or down, the rigid adaptor can damage your power port.


一个Amazon.com搜索“无线充电垫”产生几十种产品,从几元不等的价格高达$ 50左右。换句话说,你的选择不缺选择无线电力充电器时,你不必花很多钱去得到一个。

Here are three of my favorite wireless charging pads.


Samsung's $49.99,5v Wireless Charge Pad是精心设计和易于使用。它有一个圆形的橡胶脊,有助于保持你的设备就位同时充电。塑料LED覆盖它的圆周和光晕,让你知道,如果你的齐兼容的手机被妥善安置或重新定位的需求。如果你拥有一个银河S6装置或注5,它也采用音频警报,表示充电进度。而且它有黑色和白色两种。

[有关:Is Samsung's new Wireless Charging Pad worth the price?]

三星提供了$ 70“快速充电垫”是进行无线供电您的手机“快1.4倍”比5V版本,以及。哦,你的漫画迷也将高兴地听到了5V垫在可"Avengers Edition" that looks just like Captain America's shield。Just don't attempt to use it in public.

从Fonesalesman WoodPuck(气)

Fonesalesman's unique WoodPuck is made of genuine "Mao Zhu" bamboo, which is apparently the Chinese name for the popular“摩梭人”竹that reportedly grows much more quickly than the average tree and is therefore more sustainable. All that really matters to me is that it looks rather sharp sitting on the glass-and-oak end table in my living room.

5V WoodPuck花费$ 59.99,你可以从许多咖啡色调的灵感,包括咖啡,拿铁和玛奇朵的挑选。

Choetech Fast Charger (Qi)

该smallest and most compact wireless charge pad we reviewed,Choetech's Fast Chargeris also the most featured-packed and the speediest. It provides 10v output, so it charges two times faster than standard, 5v wireless chargers. A light around the bottom half of the charger glows blue when it's charging at 5v and green when a compatible device charges at 10v.

它有白色和黑色两种和成本$ 34.95在Amazon.com,或者$ 44.95为自带版本高通快速充电(QC)2.0adaptor, which is required for use with devices such as the Lumia 950.

2 quirky gadgets that look nothing like wireless chargers

Fonesalesman QiStone +(齐)

该$79.99QiStone +is not only a creatively designed wireless charge pad, it's a portable power bank with a built-in 4,000mAh battery — and you can wirelessly power up that internal battery by placing it on another wireless charge pad. In other words, QiStone+ is a power bank, with both a wireless transmitter and a receiver.

QiStone +也是唯一的小工具,这里的特色是真正的无线。你需要通过软线将其连接到电源插座,以填补内部电池。然而,当电池充电时,可以加电其他齐兼容设备,而无需使用任何导线,这是特时髦


FurniQi wireless charging table (Qi)

Most of today's wireless chargers look more than a little like those silly old UFOs in 50s B movies. These modern wireless chargers are generally designed to stand out, to grab your attention, but wireless chargers of the future will be much more inconspicuous.


FurniQi is available on Indiegogoat a starting price of $119.


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