
Your Apple Watch has room for up to 20 Glance screens, which give you important snapshots from your favorite apps that support this feature. Here are some of our picks.

apple watch music player



But even in the specialized section of the App Store inside the Apple Watch app, Glances are given short shrift. Generally, an app needs to be downloaded before you even know if it has a companion Glance, let alone what it displays. With just 20 spots available to fill on your Watch, finding the right mix can make the difference between forgettable and indispensable, boosting the convenience of Apple Watch and seriously cutting down on the amount of time you need to spend tapping away at your wrist. So, if you still haven’t hit upon your perfect batch of Glances yet, try these selections on for size.




now playing

Now Playing

Apple gives its own Glances a powerful advantage: Users are able to actually interact with the buttons rather than being whisked away to the companion app at the first tap. That’s what makes Now Playing so essential. Whatever you happen to be listening to on your iPhone is shown on a scrolling marquee, and you can use the controls to pause, play, or skip to another track. And if you don’t want to tap the screen, spinning the Digital Crown will also adjust the volume.


Heart Rate

该custom heart rate sensor isn’t just the coolest sensor in Apple Watch, it’s also the most useful. Whether you’re tracking the effect of your exercise routine or keeping tabs for medical reasons, the Heart Rate Glance is the quickest way to get an accurate reading of your ticker whenever you need it. As soon as you select it, the Glance will begin measuring, and in just a few seconds it’ll display your current bpm, along with the most recent previous reading for comparison.



专业的DataMan($6) for iPhone was designed to quickly show you how many megabytes you’ve burned through in your current cycle, so its only natural that it would be right at home on the Apple Watch. DataMan’s Glance is the perfect tool for tracking your data usage, offering a real-time look at the percentage of your plan that’s been used as well as how many gigs you have left, so you’ll know if you need to cut back on your Walking Dead binge watching.



该re are several sporting apps that offer decent Glances—MLB At Bat, NBA, and theScore to name a few—but if you only want one,ESPN(free) is the best choice. Fully customizable based on your favorite teams for each sport (selectable in the iPhone app), the Glance will show you a schedule of who’s playing who, as well as provide quick live score updates during the games so you don’t have rudely whip out your iPhone during dinner.



荒诞(5美元)为iOS无一例外是最好的日历应用程序,一个d its Apple Watch app only continues its superiority. Flexibits brought its stunning user interface and first-rate user experience to its Apple Watch app, but it spent considerable time designing its Glance, too, offering a clean, sophisticated look at your immediate schedule as well as a color-coded representation of how busy the day ahead will be.



Thanks to its gesture-heavy controls,Gneo($ 10)的iPhone拉开序幕寻找一种新的方式待办事项和提醒,拥抱移动多点触控和传统避开任务管理的约定。Gneo对苹果关注也同样令人耳目一新,利用一系列按钮和水龙头的满足您一天的任务迅速压缩。而它的一瞥将尽职尽责地让你更新什么需要立即引起注意,包括方便的“时钟”,显示你到底有多少时间,还需要完成下一个任务的需求之前。



Workflow的($ 4)提取的功率和效率的位我们从来没有想到过我们的iPhone手机,所以一点也不奇怪,它已找到了解决Apple关注的局限性的一种方式,也自动操作和快捷键的独特的系统。它的眼神就特别聪明,只显示那些对苹果观看有益的行动,同时自动滚动突出,一旦点击屏幕将要运行一个。但是,如果你想获得一个更快速,简单地对你的iPhone敲你的观看快速切换到列表中(即使是在你的口袋里),下一个。



依托通知和提醒是伟大的,当我们能够安排的东西,但是这个事情我们需要记住的并不总是适合整齐地在日历上。该手表注意事项($2) Glance is something like tying a ribbon around your finger, letting you store important snippets of text that can easily be accessed throughout your day. Whether it’s something related to a project you’re working on, a motivational quote, or something you’re studying for tomorrow’s test, the Notes Glance won’t let you forget about it.



Just like on the iPhone, weather apps are in abundance on Apple Watch, so much so that you could probably fill every one of your 19 free Glances with a different one. And also like the iPhone,AccuWeather(free) is the best of the bunch. Utilizing as much of the screen that it can, the Glance manages to provide the current conditions, real feel temperature, high and low, wind speed, humidity, and sunset time, all without making it feel too cramped.



我们都有事情,我们似乎无法记住,就像储物柜组合,防盗门代码或车牌号码。无论你的心理障碍是,Cheatsheet(free) will eliminate it, storing it inside its Glance for easy viewing. It can display up to five single-line cheats, complete with identifying icons that can be as cryptic or as literal as you need them to be.



由于一个微小的计算器可能不会是最有效的一瞥,流行的计算器应用程序PCalc($10) had to take a different approach. Swipe over to it and it will show two numbers: The last calculations you made on both your iPhone and Apple Watch. It might seem like a dumb idea, but it actually comes in handy quite often—when comparing two numbers or completing a complex problem, for instance—but the best part is you won’t have to struggle with the confounding m+ button any more.



如果你喜欢的数字,Numerous’(免费)的数字网络,应该使其佤邦y onto your iPhone, if it’s not there already. But if you haven’t installed it on your Apple Watch, you’re missing out on its true beauty. Tailor-made for a tiny screen, Numerous lets you pick any of its number trackers to display in its Glance, from the price of crude oil to the number of days left until Apple’s next event, the current mortgage rates, or anything else you can think up. And it has the two qualities that make a great Glance: Good looks, and smarts.



有很多方法可以跟踪你的Apple关注你的iPhone的电池寿命,但功率’s ($2) full-on embrace of the Unix philosophy is surprisingly comforting. The app and the Glance are one in the same: A simple battery icon that mirrors the one in your iPhone’s status bar and the percentage of juice remaining. That’s it. But it’s the most accurate one you’re likely to find.



该Apple Watch’s diminutive screen isn’t exactly the best way to catch up on the hundreds of new tweets in your timeline, but the推特(free) Glance can at least keep you up to date on what’s happening right now. You can set it to display the last thing tweeted by one of the accounts you follow, but an even better option is showing what’s trending at any given moment—ensuring that you’ll never be too far out of the conversation.



其中万物的iPhone手机取得了访问,天文学是最酷之间。随着SkyView($ 2)应用程序,你只需要指向你的iPhone在天上看到什么天体,填充你上面的天空,恒星,星座,卫星和行星都在众目睽睽之下的增强现实。苹果观看概览不提供这样的细节,但它会告诉你什么时候下一个主要对象将是可见的,所以你会知道什么时候抬起头来。



No one wants to hold up their wrist to read full-length news stories all day, but we shouldn’t have to pull out our iPhone just to find out what’s happening in the world, either. TheNYTimes(免费)概览击中了完美的平衡,让您的头条新闻,将让你通知所有在你的一天的旋转流。






该re’s no doubt that the Apple Watch has helped wearers boost their activity and exercise, but lost in the tri-colored circles is the simplicity of a basic pedometer. That functionality is actually buried inside the Activity app, but if just you want a quick way to see how far you’ve walked throughout the day,Pacer的(免费)概览比Fitbit好,说明你的累计步骤,你需要走多远,以达到自己的目标。



It’s not entirely clear why Apple didn’t include a Glance for its Mail app, but火花(免费),很好地满足这一空白。即使你不使用的Spark作为主电子邮件客户端,你仍然可以享受它的一瞥。在一瞬间,它会让你知道你有多少新的消息有,也显示发件人和你收到的最后一个主题。这几乎足以让你不讨厌的电子邮件。

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