Galaxy Tab的S2回顾:为您的智能手机值得同行

三星的第二代平板电脑系列,坚固耐用且更轻 - 比空气底盘再次敲出来的公园中。

Florence Ion
  • 三星Galaxy Tab S2

这是一个相对平静的一年Android平板电脑。除了Nexus 9Dell Venue 8- 既它们都是一岁左右,不是很多Android平板电脑都掀起了波澜。这就是为什么我很高兴三星加倍下来了片S 9系列。

The Galaxy Tab S2 is one of the best Android tablets, though it’s only an incremental improvement over its predecessor. It offers solid performance, a stunning display, and comes in two very thin, very comfortable-to-hold sizes. As far as premium Android tablets go, Samsung still reigns supreme.

Light as a feather

TABS2 9825 Florence Ion


I was in love with last year’s 8.4-inch Galaxy Tab S. It was a stylish tablet and, with its snap-on folio case, it quickly became my daily gadget companion. I’d typically tether it to whatever smartphone I was using at the time to answer emails and get a little writing done on the train ride in to work. I also used it to play through the entirety ofPeggle Blast.

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Old versus new: the Galaxy Tab S on the left and the Galaxy Tab S2 on the right. Both tablets are winners in their own respect, though I prefer the plain Jane style of this year’s Tab S2.

现在,我已经切换到8英寸的标签S2,虽然有一个更大的,类似iPad的9.7英寸的版本太多。这对下期或播放阅读一本杂志的伟大Pokemon Shuffle—my new obsession. It’s so much lighter than its counterparts, too. The Wi-Fi-only versions of the 8.4-inch and 10.5-inch Tab S weigh 0.648 pounds and 1.025 pounds, while the 8-inch and 9.7-inch Tab S2 weigh 0.584 pounds and 0.858 pounds, respectively. The Tab S was light, but a bit dense. With the Tab S2, I’m constantly checking to see if it’s still in my bag.

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The plastic construction of the Tab S2 doesn’t feel hokey like older generations of Samsung devices—and there’s a fingerprint scanner embedded in the Home button.

为了保持它的重量轻,三星内置的标签S2出来的塑料和铝。The tablets aren’t as fancy-looking as the latest crop of Galaxy smartphones, but the plastic construction of the Tab S2 ensures it’s a bit more drop-resistant than its smartphone counterparts—which I know a thing or two about, because I’ve dropped both review units a few times in the last two weeks. Oops.

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The Galaxy Tab S2’s Super AMOLED display is just as bright and vibrant as the rest of the Samsung device family. It’s set at a 2048x1536 screen resolution, which nets 320 pixels-per-inch (ppi) on the 8-inch Tab S2, and 264 on the 9.7-inch variant. I especially like the display at its lowest brightness setting, which is dim enough that reading an ebook before bed won’t stimulate my eyes so much that I can’t fall sleep.

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Reading is comfortable on the Galaxy Tab S2.

Samsung switched to a 4:3 aspect ratio for this year’s Tab S2 duo. It makes watchingBeverly Hills, 90210一种乐趣,因为它实际上使用了整个屏幕,但你必须要小心,不要覆盖那些底部扬声器或你看会一声闷响什么。我也不太热衷于一个事实,即USB接口和耳机插孔都沿着底部边缘;当你有他们两个插好,很难保持在纵向的平板电脑没有电线的方式获得。


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Both the 8-inch and 9.7-inch Galaxy Tab S2 come with an octa-core 1.9GHz Exynos 5433 processor and 3GB of RAM. It’s a slight specification bump from last year’s Tab S, though it’s unnoticeable. The Tab S2 is a casual-use device; it’s not particularly aimed at professionals or digital artists, though it能够处理繁重的任务。你也不必担心滞后和冻结了,而推出的应用程序。

我读过提到的设备的低于恒星的电池寿命几个Galaxy Tab的S2的评论,但我有不同的体验。Both tablets got through a day’s worth of mixed usage, including playing games, streaming video, and reading ebooks at the brightest display setting, though by the end of the night they needed to be plugged in. In our Geekbench battery tests, the 8-inch Tab S2’s 4000 mAh battery pack lasted five hours and 57 minutes—about an hour less than Samsung’s Galaxy S6—while the 9.7-inch Tab S2’s 5,870 mAh battery pack lasted six hours and 12 minutes. Both devices also offer the Galaxy S6’s fast charging capabilities, so you’ll be able to charge it up enough in an hour to last through a flight from New York to San Francisco.

People still use their tablets to take photos

还有人拍摄的照片with their tablets. I’m not happy about this, but I’ve learned to accept that this is a thing that happens in the world. And anyway, it’s not like tablet makers are discouraging this behavior. Samsung certainly isn’t.

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在光明的一面,如果你选择捕捉使用Tab S2的照片,你覆盖。

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Samsung improved the 8-megapixel rear-facing camera sensor on the Tab S2 by enlarging the aperture so that it takes better photos in low light situations. This will prove helpful if you’re using your tablet to snap a quick and candid photo here and there. The front-facing camera is only 2.1-megapixels, however. I would have rather the Tab S2 come equipped with the same wide-angle, 5-megapixel sensor featured in the latest crop of Galaxy smartphones, since selfies are more likely to happen when you’re casually hanging out on the couch with your tablet already in hand.


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Galaxy Tab的S2运行的Android 5.0.2开箱的两个版本,但有一个Android 5.1.1更新等待,一旦你设置的设备。你必须用一套微软的应用程序,你不能删除的抗衡,但至少有更多的空间的扩展槽。

三星还捆绑在像SideSync,它可以让你换你的设备和您的Mac或PC上,并快速连接,只兼容三星电视作品之间的文件和物联网应用。也有回转的银河礼品可你一旦你注册一个三星交流count, including six months ofThe Economist和severalHearthstone赠品。

I ran a few benchmarks on the 9.7-inch Tab S2 to see if the Android update made a difference in software performance, and it doesn’t. But for what it’s worth, I spent a year using the Galaxy Tab S and I still consider it one of the best tablet devices Samsung’s ever made. It hasn’t slowed down since I set it up with my account. I hope to say the same about the Tab S2 a year from now.

A worthy update

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Samsung’s got another hit on its hands with the Galaxy Tab S2.

这近一个星期写这篇评论苹果宣布规模较大,专业级后感到不可思议iPad的临. Typically, when Samsung announces a new tablet device—or any device, really—there’s a bunch of commotion about whether it will have the same impact on the Android world that Apple’s devices do. But that’s not the case here.

Galaxy Tab的S2是非常放任主义- 它不把自己一样认真去年的标签S,其中三星不断相比,iPad的在其marketing. It’s for Android users who want something a little more premium than Google’s Nexus offerings, but don’t particularly care about whether or not it runs stock Android.

If you’re looking for a tablet companion of your own and you want to stick to Android, either size of the Galaxy Tab S2 will work. I personally prefer the smaller size because of its portability—I typically travel with just my purse on me. However, if you’d rather not pay the full price for an Android tablet but are still looking for something that’s stylish and powerful, there’s plenty of original Tab S tablets on sale that are still worth bringing home.

greenbot rating 45

这个故事,“Galaxy Tab的S2回顾:为您的智能手机值得同行”最初发表Greenbot .

  • Galaxy Tab的S2是一个良好的,坚实的Android设备。这是值得选择或者如果你没有特别的谷歌Nexus平板电脑感兴趣的8英寸或9.7英寸的变种。


    • 明亮,鲜艳的显示有足够的​​变暗在黑暗中让你不紧张,你的眼睛阅读
    • 非常轻巧便携 - 你必须检查,以确保它仍然在你的包!


    • Like most Samsung devices, it comes bundled with apps you can't remove

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