
物联网industry groups are in high gear, driving toward standards they hope will define how connected devices work together for years to come.

On Wednesday, an open-source project sponsored by the Open Interconnect Consortium released a preview of IoTivity, a software framework for implementing OIC's emerging IoT standard. The move came just a week after the AllSeen Alliance introduced一个新的软件框架它自己的,这是为遥控的基于AllJoyn的设备而设计的。



OIC, which includes Intel and Samsung Electronics, and AllSeen, backed by Qualcomm, Cisco and others, are shaping up as the groups most likely to have a showdown. As such, they may be working hardest of all.

"It is really down to the wire for us here," OIC board member and Intel executive Imad Sousou said late last year. "We're really working like crazy to make things available by the end of the year."

The culmination of those efforts was the IoTivity open-source code released on Wednesday.

预览版本现在通常可用。第一个全释放 - 可爱率为1.0 - 伊斯兰州标准应在今年年中,称为IoTivity指导小组的主席Mark Skarpness。他说,基于技术的产品可能会在今年晚些时候打市场。Skarpness也是英特尔开源技术中心的嵌入式软件总监。


The OIC is developing its own standard for IoT connectivity but turned to the Linux Foundation to organize the project that is developing IoTivity. That project is open to anyone who wants to participate, whether they belong to OIC or not.

Vendors will use IoTivity as a reference implementation of the OIC standard. They can add their own components on top of it or build their own implementation of the OIC standard from scratch.

OIC预计采用的标准在c开始onsumer electronics and expand over time to industrial, medical and other applications. For basic products such as light switches and bulbs, OIC-compliant products should work together right out of the box, Skarpness said.

As products come out for widely diverse fields, they should be able to recognize each other at a basic level but not necessarily interact in complex ways, Skarpness said. If they need to, for situations such as medical devices used in a home, they can. Many uses of different OIC-compliant products will fit into overarching services, he said.



Skarpness的Allseen除了所有人外,还有oic oic,它也没有标准。他说,OIC还使用许可证,这些许可证定义了如何处理该技术的专利,众所周知,所有的东西都没有。OIC的标准将在Rand-Z术语下获得许可(合理和非歧视性,带有零特许权限),并且IoItity的Apache许可证包括来自任何供应商的软件中的代码的许可证。


“工作代码描述了您需要的内容,”所有人联盟的IOT高级总监Philip Desautels说。“将大量产品进入市场的最快方式是提供每个人使用的核心开源框架。”对于专利许可,大众拥有一个知识产权政策,阐明了这些条款,并预计今年初期的改进版本,他说。

Stephen Lawson涵盖了移动,存储和网络技术The IDG News Service。跟随斯蒂芬在推特上@sdlawsonmedia。Stephen's e-mail address isstephen_lawson@idg.com.

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