Raids cast doubt on the integrity of TOR

Law enforcement agencies were able to track down the locations of servers and the individuals that ran them

Federal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Europe have shut down more than 400 Web sites using .onion addresses and made arrests of those who run them, which calls into question whether the anonymizing The Onion Router (Tor) network itself is still secure.

The Web sites - which authorities say sold a range of illegal wares including drugs, firearms with the serial numbers filed off, phony credit cards, fake IDs and counterfeit money – have been taken down by seizing the servers that host them.

抓住服务器和逮捕行动表明,执法机关已经找到一种方法来跟踪连接到Tor的设备的物理位置,并追查责任为他们的个人 - 两个东西的Tor旨在防止。

操作Onymous - - 协调努力,甚至连名字表明参与机构破坏的Tor匿名组成部分,他们称之为暗网。“[T]他的时候,我们有......使用Tor这里,很长一段时间,犯罪分子认为自己是可望而不可及打暗网服务。现在,我们可以表明,他们既不是看不见,也不碰不得,”特勒尔斯Oerting,在该机构的新闻稿欧洲网络犯罪中心的负责人说。

Law enforcement officials didn’t say how they had found the physical locations of devices and their owners, and Oerting says it’s not going to.

“这是我们要保持我们自己的东西,”他told Wired. “The way we do this, we can’t share with the whole world, because we want to do it again and again and again.”

“Today we have demonstrated that, together, we are able to efficiently remove vital criminal infrastructures that are supporting serious organized crime. And we are not 'just' removing these services from the open Internet; this time we have also hit services on the Darknet using Tor where, for a long time, criminals have considered themselves beyond reach. We can now show that they are neither invisible nor untouchable. The criminals can run but they can’t hide. And our work continues....”, says Troels Oerting, Head of EC3.

This makes it unclear whether these authorities have broken Tor to the point that it can no longer mask the location of its infrastructure or whether they found them using other intelligence.


“Law enforcement could try to get in that first layer and see the sources and therefore try to reduce the anonymity as much as possible,” says Ben Johnson, chief evangelist at Bit9+Carbon Black. “Combine this with some older versions of the Tor software having some vulnerabilities and this could be how some of these users and sites are tracked down.

“It will be interesting to see how quickly Tor becomes a bunch of systems that are actually owned by intelligence services, much like double agents, or something along those lines.”

But because of its popularity and churn among those who set up nodes, he says he thinks the service will be reliably secure. “I believe enough people use and support Tor that new nodes (both relays and bridges) will spawn and continue to make Tor a viable anonymity service,” he says.

The U.S. Department of Justice detailed some of the sites taken down as follows:

  • “潘多拉”(pandora3uym4z42b.onion),“蓝天”(blueskyplzv4fsti.onion),“九头蛇”(hydrampvvnunildl.onion),和“龙之梦”(xvqrvtnn4pbcnxwt.onion),所有这些都是黑暗的市场相似,丝绸之路2.0,提供了一个广泛的非法商品和服务销售,包括药品,被盗的信用卡资料,伪造货币,而假身份证件的范围。
  • “执行结果s” (http://iczyaan7hzkyjown.onion[external link]), which specialized in firearms trafficking, with offerings including assault rifles, automatic weapons, and sound suppressors. The site stated that it used “secure drop ship locations” throughout the world so that “anonymity [was] ensured” throughout the shipping process, and that all serial numbers from the weapons it sold were “remove[d] . . . and refill[ed] with metal.”
  • “Fake Real Plastic” (http://igvmwp3544wpnd6u.onion[external link]), which offered to sell counterfeit credit cards, encoded with “stolen credit card data” and “printed to look just like real VISA and Mastercards.” The cards were “[g]uaranteed to have at least $2500 left on [the] credit card limit” and could be embossed with “any name you want on the card.”
  • “Fake ID” (http://23swqgocas65z7xz.onion [外部链接]), which offered fake passports from a number of countries, advertised as “high quality” and having “all security features” of original documents. The site further advertised the ability to “affix almost all kind of stamps into the passports.”
  • “快速的现金!”(http://5oulvdsnka55buw6.onion[external link])和“超级笔记计数器”(http://67yjqewxrd2ewbtp.onion[external link]),其提供给销售假冒欧元和美元,以换取比特币。

“This action constitutes the largest law enforcement action to date against criminal websites operating on the “Tor” network,” according to a press release from the DoJ.

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