CCNA实验室,第3部分- 3640和2620非xm如何?

上次我讨论了2500,261X和1841作为CCNA实验室中路由器的可能选项。今天我将根据周一以来的几篇文章的建议,对3600的,特别是3640的,以及2620/2621的非xm路由器线路进行一些讨论。(就我个人而言,我必须说我享受花一点时间写博客,而不是写书,我可以喷出一些想法没有多少时间/审查/等,得到一些别人评论和协作,最终得到一个好的讨论,非常清爽一些交互相比相对真空,当写一本书。感谢你们所有人——把这个男孩从佐治亚带走,但不能把佐治亚从这个男孩身上带走——因为今年已经发布了这么多。)这是系列文章的第三部分。第1部分第2部分首先,有人提出了一个建议,3640可能是不错的选择。这让我想到我也应该看看3620 - 3620,3640和3660都基于相同的技术,支持几乎相同的网络模块,并且在5-7年前作为生产网络的中等功率路由器很流行。3620的,像2600非xm型号,只通过IOS 12.3支持,没有进一步,并购买所有部件使用3620的实验室加起来比非xm 2600的多-所以我将忽略3620的。不过,3640确实支持当前最新的IOS版本,而且价格合理,所以值得一看。3640比我们在这里看到的其他1个毛服路由器要大一些(2个机架)。3640有4个网络模块槽,经常用于生产网络的广域网聚合。然而,二手市场有大量库存,使价格保持在较低水平。快速浏览一下EBay,就会发现有很多最大内存为128M RAM和32m闪存的待售产品,售价约为200美元。但是,3640机箱只有4个网络模块插槽,没有固定的LAN接口或WIC插槽。换句话说,你必须购买至少一个或两个网络模块,才能获得至少一个LAN接口和一个WIC插槽。 For example, you could get a NM-1FE2W, which include 1 FastE interface and 2 WIC slots. Once you buy the router and NM-1FE2W, you need a few serial interfaces, so you can buy the same WIC-2T that you would have bought for the 2600's or 1841's. Another posting suggested the non-XM 2620, which does have 1 built-in FE port, and supports trunking, which was a missing piece when buying the 261X non-XM routers. To be honest, I ignored 2620 non-XM's in the last post due to prior prejudice - last time I had looked a while back, the 2620's were in the $600-700 range on EBay. However, it's been a while, so I looked, and indeed the prices have fallen a lot. Like the 261X non-XM's, you only get up through 12.3 mainline IOS, but you do get trunking. To get 2620 non-XM's with max memory of 64RAM/32Flash looks like it takes around $150-200. (Note that the installation notes say you need a new 2620 boot ROM in order for the 2620 to recognize the 32M flash - it may be better to search for 2620's with all the memory and boot ROM in place. So, where does that leave us with all the options I've brought up here so far? Well, first let's summarize the cost to get a router on EBay, with at least 1 Eth or FastE interface, plus 2 serial interfaces. I did a quick browse of the prices of components, but didn't try to find the absolutely lowest possible cost.

接下来,我修改了表格,列出了一些主要的比较点。在上表中,绿色列显示了可以运行最新IOS版本的路由器。(请注意,在周一的文章中,我错误地指出2610-XM不能运行最新的IOS版本,但这是错误的——它们可以运行最新的IOS版本。)接下来,下表总结了其他几点,并附加了对MPLS Provider Edge (PE)功能的支持。MPLS PE是MPLS vpn中最有趣的地方,所以对于CCNP(我接下来会讲到),你会希望至少有几个支持PE的路由器。(顺便说一下,即使是2610非xm也可以在MPLS VPN中充当提供商(P)路由器)。但正如我所说的,我将等到我进入CCNP的东西,然后再进一步研究它。



