Windows Mobile的Bug…

我在之前的文章我正在测试安装Windows Mobile 6.1的最新Palm Treo 800w,这样我就可以运行SQL Server Compact Edition并使用HTTP使用集中服务器进行复制。我很享受这个设备,因为我试图把它推向它的极限。Sprint支持这款手机的3G EV-DO Rev A标准,所以你可以在Sprint提供的任何地方获得宽带下载/上传速度。在家里,我的网速是5格,所以我可以获得每秒1Mbps左右的3G网速,没问题。但是在路上呢?这个设备有多好?

上周,我利用GPS芯片和Sprint导航去了北卡罗来纳州的山区(很容易就错过了飓风汉纳的影响)。通过阿什维尔,我一直可以通过Sprint网络连接互联网,还可以使用免提耳机和麦克风打电话。当我停下来加油和喝咖啡时,我可以查看最新的电子邮件。我甚至可以通过Slingbox手机软件收听英国广播公司的电视节目(“只有音频”功能!)当我到达阿什维尔机场时,转机似乎是向南的。还不错,因为我走的是山路。在山的另一边,我回到了覆盖。奇怪,我认为Sprint的覆盖范围在这个领域是有限的,不是吗?小心,我是自动漫游-额外收费!尽管在我的计划中,我可以无限制地使用数据,但这只适用于Sprint网络。 I later found out that one of the factory installed phone settings is "Allow Roaming" with "When roaming, warn me: Automatically". This apparently means allow roaming automatically (without warning) but fortunately I am a suspicious character and I refused to look the gift horse in the mouth. Many Sprint customers are going to get some interesting first month's bills because of this setting! I quickly switched this to "Home Network Only" and "When roaming, warn me: Always". Phew! That could have been expensive! At our mountain cabin, with no Sprint coverage, I was able to switch on the WiFi feature using WPA encryption. Great for the internet and email but what about phone calls? No problem, I had loaded Skype Mobile and was able to make calls via VOIP. I was able to call my sister for free in England since she was on her computer using Skype too. I like the Voice Command feature of Windows Mobile. This means that Calendar notifications (which are synched with my laptop using ActiveSync) are read out loud to me via the speaker when the notify time arrives. Not only that, if I receive an urgent email, the subject line is read out too. These hands-free features are excellent. Of course, you can turn off all audio with a single switch at the top of the phone. Then all notifications and calls will be indicated by vibrate mode.

作为一个移动Windows的新用户,我发现当你“关闭”一个应用程序时,你实际上是在“最小化”它。它保留在内存中,可能会限制其他应用程序,特别是在启动多个应用程序时。我必须养成使用任务管理器(快捷方式:选项按钮和OK按钮)和使用菜单选项“结束所有任务”的习惯。这样可以释放内存并延长电池寿命。也许我可以设计一个按钮来做这个。为什么Windows Mobile不自己清理呢?我认为这是有正当理由的;也许是为了加速重复的应用程序启动速度。Palm Treo 800w有256MB的内存,对于移动设备来说已经足够了,但任何优化都是好的。手册告诉我重置设备(又称重启),你需要取下电池盖,然后更换电池。 Knowing Microsoft Windows, shouldn't there be a Restart option? "If in doubt, reboot" - that holds true for Windows Mobile too. As good as Windows Mobile 6.1 is, I can't help thinking that my background knowledge of Windows and computers in general is helping me get the most out of this device. A novice user might be better suited to the iPhone, but for me, I have the Windows Mobile bug! (Pun intended...). I love this device and can now call myself a "treonaut" (see。

我的下一步是学习如何使用SQL Server 2008, ADO编写Windows移动应用程序。NET和Visual Studio 2008。显然,我的优势在数据库方面,但现在我需要扩展我的视野。我在MSDN网络广播上找到了一个很好的资源:“24小时的Windows Mobile应用程序开发”,这是一个每周三发布的24小时网络广播。9月3日才开始理查德·道金斯但是你可以通过MSDN网站。它是由Constanze Roman和Maarten Struys谁保持会议娱乐和信息。我星期三的午餐时间都订满了!我的Treo会在每节课开始前跟我讲话。我是书呆子还是什么?



MSDN Webcast: 24小时Windows Mobile应用开发:Windows Mobile设备开发介绍(200级):


