A new disaster-recovery vendor is taking the concept of an airplane black box and adapting it to the enterprise to create a new way of protecting crucial data from natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
A new灾难恢复供应商正在采用飞机黑匣子的概念,并将其应用到企业中,以创建一种新的方法来保护关键数据免受自然灾害和恐怖袭击的影响。
阿克萨那,一家以色列公司,其首席技术官曾是国际商用机器公司发明大师,说它已经嵌入flash memory装进一个400磅重的盒子里,这个盒子可以在1700华氏度的大火、地震、30英尺的水、500磅的压力下生存——基本上是一颗核弹。该设备配有无线调制解调器、天线和电池,即使无法物理访问,也能在灾难发生后无线传输数据。
Taneja集团的分析师Arun Taneja说:“我认为这很能说明我们所处的时代,我们会考虑这类产品。”。Taneja说,新奥尔良的一家企业担心飓风,或者曼哈顿的一家企业担心再次发生恐怖袭击,肯定会对Axxana的技术感兴趣,这项技术被称为“凤凰”,就像神话中的从灰烬中升起的小鸟。
与黑匣子同样重要的是,Axxana的同步镜像和异步镜像之间的桥梁方法是由CTO Alex Winokur开发的,他在IBM工作期间被命名为“主发明家”,并开发了存储启动技术十四,这是IBM今年购买的。
Axxana首席执行官Eli Efrat解释说,通过异步镜像,一个企业可以将数据复制到另一个站点,不管距离有多远,但可能会丢失一些数据位。使用同步镜像,不会丢失任何数据,但距离限制在45英里左右,应用程序性能可能会受到影响,而且成本可能比某些企业愿意花费的成本要高。
Efrat likens Axxana's approach to bypassing the speed of light, arguing that Phoenix essentially provides synchronous mirroring at any distance. Say you want to replicate data from New York to Los Angeles. An Axxana customer would use asynchronous mirroring just as usual, but those lost bits of data that don't make the trip from New York to Los Angeles are stored on the Phoenix black box, the company says.
导演的想法看起来简单,但是Efrat不是说possible before flash memory became mainstream. Obviously, the black box needs storage resistant to shocks and sudden movement. Axxana is using a 73GB flash drive fromSTEC公司,Efrat说,这是唯一一款3.5英寸的闪存,具有足够的弹性和足够快的速度。
If the Phoenix black box can be physically accessed after a disaster, the customer grabs the data from an Ethernet port. If it can't be physically accessed, the box will transmit the data over a第三代或者更快的无线网络。Winokur说,即使是不做任何镜像的客户,也可能仅仅因为黑盒的极端生存能力就想要备份。
The real question may be this: How do you know the box will survive? Axxana officials say they have several patents pending on Phoenix, but they consider most details on its construction to be confidential.
Efrat was vague on pricing, saying only that Phoenix will cost "six figures, yes, but not seven." Axxana contends Phoenix will save organizations money, because businesses that use asynchronous mirroring often pay for very expensive communication lines to minimize data loss.