为什么它会采用Windows 7

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在接下来的几天里,我想花些时间来解决未来版本的Windows 7。作为一个人谁被任命为Windows Vista的主人,我想看看三Windows 7将地区差异,Windows Vista似乎并没有影响,可以这么说。从今天开始,我将讨论以下主题:1。为什么它会采用Windows 7 2。为什么XP用户切换到Windows 7 3。为什么Windows 7将粉碎Linux(没错,我说的吗粉碎)让我从“为什么它会采用Windows 7。“熟悉企业——或者SMB-level商店的人都知道有一件事是肯定的:生产力远远超过冷却新技术。我写的一篇文章中对Vista回到2008年3月,我说Vista有两个大罢工从一开始就反对它。首先,它是安全的;一样,每个人都要求更安全,UAC也许是最讨厌Vista的特点(至少从所有的电子邮件和谈话我有Vista)。第二,人们讨厌陌生,新的Vista接口只是对于许多用户来说太多了。XP首次发布时,我已经在我的桌面;事实上我一直以来运行测试。新的外观和菜单的变化让我不可能再将它推广了近一年。相信我这不是服务包我很担心,这是用户验收。 As users started getting XP at home to replace Windows 98 or Windows 2000, they started asking for XP at work. I did not have a very savvy user base, so I needed to take it slowly. Other shops successfully rolled out XP immediately; some waited for the first service pack. In all instances, IT believed that Windows XP would be an improvement, that it would bring benefits to users and make managing the desktop easier. Not many IT pros felt that way about Windows Vista: In fact, most felt it would be a nightmare to implement. It started with driver issues -- we had that with XP (how soon people forget); the software-compatibility issue arose next; substandard hardware that was labeled Vista capable was next; and it ended with a huge footprint once the OS was installed. Installing Vista meant changing things that are working just fine. I understand that sentiment. One of the best reviews I ever received as IT director was in a year that my staff and I made no changes. We rolled out nothing new: no new OS, no new Office software, no new applications, servers, databases, e-mail or backup systems. All we did was kept the shop-running status quo; I never received such praise -- ever. So, why throw a monkey wrench into things? Well, there are a few reasons to do so with Windows 7. To begin with, Windows XP is now an 8-year-old operating system that will not see any more service packs. People are starting to get used to the changes in the user interface (which is being carried over into Windows 7). Driver issues will not be an issue in the Windows 7 release. Installations are quick and painless with Windows 7, and the OS has a smaller footprint than Windows Vista. As an added bonus, Windows 7 can run fine on legacy equipment. I read one review that said they used a Pentium 4 processor with 512MB of RAM, and Windows 7 still ran quickly. In this economy, it is important to some IT pros to keep that old equipment until it stops running. Not what we would ever preach as ideal, but reality is far, far different from idealism. User acceptance, smaller footprint, less resource hungry, and security that is easier to control (the new UAC slide controller is a great addition): These make this a worthy upgrade for IT -- and not to be forgotten is that many shops are coming up on their replacement cycles, once again proving that business moves IT as much as IT moves business! Windows 7 will get the attention that Vista did not; tomorrow's post will show how the home consumer will help the transition from XP to Windows 7: I examine “Why XP users will switch to Windows 7.”

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