Cisco发布Windows 7和雪豹的IPSEC和SSLVPN客户端

思科是第一个支持Win7/OSX 10.6客户端的主要VPN供应商

思科刚刚在其IPSEC客户端和SSLVPN客户端软件中发布了对Windows 7操作系统的支持。思科Anyconnect 2.4 SSLVPN客户端现在支持32位和64位Windows 7主机。新的Anyconnect 2.4客户端还支持MAC OSX 10.6.1 32位和64位操作系统。思科还发布了Windows 7 32位版本的Cisco VPN客户端5.0.6。两个客户端都不需要在头端VPN集中器/ASA上做任何更改。你可以下载新的Anyconnect 2.4客户端你可以下载新的Cisco IPSEC VPN客户端5.0.6这里

这两个下载链接都需要一个有效的CCO帐户和有效的Smartnet维护合同才能访问。这里是Anyconnect 2.4的发布说明以下是思科VPN客户端5.0.6版本说明我已经在我的MAC 10.6.1操作系统上使用Anyconnect 2.4客户端几个星期了,它工作得很好。AnyConnect 2.4客户端还有一些新功能。•分裂DNS回退-你定义了应该通过隧道到公司DNS服务器解析的域名。所有其他DNS查询将直接发送到客户端上配置的Internet DNS服务器。•可信网络检测-允许您自动启动vpn隧道,当客户端是在一个不可信的网络。相反,当客户端连接到公司内部可信网络时,Anyconnect客户端将自动断开连接。您定义可信网络列表。•SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol)—现在可以配置Anyconnect客户端,当用户证书检查失败时,可以自动提供证书。客户端将使用SCEP来简化这个过程。或者,您可以向用户显示“获取证书”或“注册”按钮,以便手动提供证书。一旦用户单击此按钮,Anyconnect将使用SCEP协议自动向他们提供用户证书。它还能够向用户提出向CA Authority进行身份验证的挑战请求。 Bottom line is this will make it way easier for you to start using certificates as a second factor auth method. •Prompting Users to Select Authentication Certificate – Before this release the Anyconnect client would auto pick the best certificate. Now you have the option of providing a list of certificates to the end-user that they can choose from. •Scripting – Very useful feature that allows you to run OnConnect scripts and OnDisconnect scripts on the host. You could run login scripts, drive mapping scripts, whatever you want using this new feature. •New Proxy Support Enhancements •PEM File Certificate Store – For MAC and Linux clients the AnyConnect client supports certificate authentication using a Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) formatted file store. Instead of relying on browsers to verify and sign certificates, the client reads PEM-formatted certificate files from the file system on the remote computer, and verifies and signs them. •FIPS Compliant Anyconnect Solution Have fun!


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