IP SLA -主动管理的隐藏宝石?


在EMA,我们花了很多时间讨论如何转变为一种更积极的、预防性的方法来管理IT基础设施。无论您是查看堆栈的底层和设备运行状况,还是查看应用程序和服务的交付情况,一个常见的挑战是如何最大限度地利用可用的管理数据源。虽然收集设备性能指标和收集NetFlow(或类似的东西)变得越来越普遍,但使用IPSLA作为一套支持的测量方法却不那么普遍。在本周的新闻中,SolarWinds宣布了一款新产品,Orion IP SLA Manager,它将取代Orion VoIP Monitor,该产品在很大程度上基于IP SLA VoIP操作集。新产品包括对所有9种IPSLA操作类型的支持,并通过思科的IPSLA功能向网络管理大众开放了一整套可用的功能。需要注意的是,为了部署Orion IP SLA管理器,您还必须购买/部署Orion网络性能管理器。IP SLA是IP服务水平协议(IP Service Level Agreements)的简称,是一种针对运行IOS的思科网络设备的嵌入式功能,它代表的是基于网络的综合测试能力。有关它如何工作以及如何设置的所有细节,请查看思科的网站在这里为一个概述,和在这里查看完整更新的IOS命令参考的链接。简而言之,IP SLA特性允许思科路由器和交换机向网络中其他支持IP SLA的思科设备发送各种类型的测试消息,因此您可以评估网络交付应用程序和服务的能力,并了解交付质量。这九个测量组分别是VoIP、UDP Jitter、UDP Echo、ICMP Path Jitter、ICMP Path Echo、HTTP、DNS/DHCP、TCP Connect和FTP,并且针对MPLS vpn有专门的优化。配置通过CLI或SNMP完成,结果通过FTP或SNMP获取。除了SolarWinds之外,许多其他管理工具也包含了不同级别的IP SLA支持,许多工具已经提供多年了。您将在NetQoS、entity、Nimsoft和Dorado的产品中发现对IP SLA操作集的广泛支持。其他供应商提供部分支持,如CA、NetScout、Fluke、IBM、EMC、Ipswitch、SevOne、ManageEngine、ScienceLogic、PacketTrap和(毫无疑问)其他厂商。甚至还有用于收集IP SLA数据的共享软件和开源工具,如OpenNMS和Zenoss。今天最常见的实现/使用是VoIP监控,特别是跨广域网,从边缘路由器到边缘路由器。事实上,今天的许多网络管理工具只关注IP SLA MOS和抖动测量来评估VoIP质量。 Using IP SLA is a good preventative method for passive approximation in near real-time, and for monitoring quality when no actually traffic is flowing. This means it’s ideal for catching unanticipated impacts of new application or technology roll-outs early in their lifecycle, when corrective changes are less costly. It won’t help when you are trying to troubleshoot any individual end-user incidents, however, since it is not a measure of actual user experience. Bottom line is this – if you aren’t using IP SLA today, you should look into your existing tools to see what you can get started with. Most management tools that support IP SLA provide graphical front ends (so you can avoid the CLI configuration tasks) and orchestrated harvesting (so you don’t have to collect/collate the results yourself). If you are looking support of all nine operation sets and don’t have anything in place yet, SolarWinds has one of the few choices out there today, especially if you need to keep your getting-started costs low. Don’t be shy about checking with your existing tools vendor, however – many of them already have expanded support on their roadmaps.


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