卸载和降级SMB 2.x


我们一直在颂扬SMB 2的优点。但是有时候你可能想要完全禁用SMB,或者把它从2降级。x 1. x。这里有一些建议为你指明正确的方向。我已经试过了,它们似乎像宣传的那样工作,但像往常一样,在测试系统上线之前尝试一下,并在对注册表做任何更改之前总是备份。您可以通过导航到网络连接的属性并卸载“Microsoft网络的客户端”和“Microsoft网络的文件和打印机共享”来卸载SMB服务。您可以考虑这个步骤,例如在Web服务器或DNS服务器上;这些系统通常不需要SMB。如果您不想卸载协议,有多种方法可以禁用SMB。一种相当快速的方法是阻塞TCP端口139和445。您也可以在Server 2003中通过在HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters下将注册表键SMBDeviceEnabled设置为0 (DWORD类型)来禁用SMB。 In Server 2008 systems acting as an SMB server, you can downgrade SMB by creating a DWORD value named “Smb2” under HKLM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters, and setting it to 0 to disable it. (You can re-enable it by setting the value to 1.) Now if you don’t already see a value in the same key named Smb1, create it, and set it to 1. This will enable SMB 1 on the server. If you want to disable server-side SMB completely, set both the Smb2 and Smb1 values to 0. According to Microsoft, on Vista and Server 2008 systems that are acting as SMB clients, you can disable SMB 2 with these two commands: sc config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi sc config mrxsmb20 start= disabled You can undo the change later with these two commands: sc config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/mrxsmb20/nsi sc config mrxsmb20 start= auto If you’re curious, mrxsmb10 is the SMB 1.x “mini-redirector,” mrxsmb20 is the SMB 2.x mini-redirector, and nsi stands for Network Store Interface service.


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