英特尔希望与轻薄的笔记本电脑被称为超极本的一个新类别重新定义PC市场,但在大约$ 1,000美元,本周表示,在英特尔开发者论坛会议出席者的巨大的代价,叶对产品的可行性问题。
英特尔已经投超极本的初始价格约为$ 1,000,并希望这些笔记本电脑将弥补其消费笔记本电脑销量的40%,到明年年底。但参加IDF分析师表示,在买家正在寻求交易的价格可能不会下降以及在低迷的PC市场。超级本可能仍然是一个小众产品一样的MacBook Air如果价格不回落,分析师说。
超极本都不能代替上网本或其他低成本的笔记本电脑,但里德希望超级本将相当大块接管 - 在明年年底消费类PC笔记本电脑销量的 - 高达40%。
本月ultrabook将开始发货。联想has announced the IdeaPad U300S, which is priced starting at US$1,200, Acer has the Aspire S3, which is priced at 799 (US$1,134), and Toshiba has the Portege Z830, which the company said is priced under $1,000. The ultrabooks have Core processors based on the Sandy Bridge microarchitecture.
Though the thin and light designs of ultrabooks demonstrated on the IDF floor impressed analysts, the $1,000 price did not. There are also question marks around the timing of ultrabook launches by PC makers, considering that a new chip architecture with advanced features from Intel is due in a few quarters and Microsoft's Windows 8 OS is also coming up.
如果英特尔正在与超极本重新定义笔记本电脑市场,最初的定价并不能帮助他们,罗杰,公司Endpoint Technologies Associates的总裁说。估计价格有回落的超极本做一个有意义的影响。
“如果有在什么美中不足的地方是它的价格。虽然他们都是伟大的包,你说的是1000 $,”凯说。
Intel officials said emerging markets provide a growth opportunity in the PC market. But buyers in some markets are more price-sensitive than in the others, Kay said. Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe are particularly price-sensitive markets, and high prices could prevent PC growth.
Ultrabooks are being posited as a high-mobility class product, putting them in competition with products like the iPad, which is priced starting at $500. If Intel aims to reach out to the mass market with ultrabooks, a price between $500 and $750 would make more sense, Kay said.
笔记本电脑需要根据需要购买,但分析师Jack Gold说,如果他有一个选择,他可以选择忍住购买基于英特尔即将推出的Ivy Bridge架构,这是由于在明年上半年超极本。
"If you can wait a year, or a year-and-a-half, you'll have Windows 8, Ivy Bridge, which will give you better battery life, and it would be lighter form factors and the price will come down," said Gold, who is principal analyst at J. Gold Associates.
In addition to longer battery life, better graphics and faster performance, Ivy Bridge ultrabooks will have long standby times, no fan and quick responsiveness, which are good characteristics for content consumption and creation, Gold said.
在IDF上,英特尔强调了一些新的超极本的功能,将可与Ivy Bridge的。这种笔记本电脑将不得不从睡眠模式和自动数据更新,其中电子邮件,社交网络饲料和其他资料都会自动即使在笔记本电脑处于空闲状态更新三秒恢复时间。
常春藤Bridge芯片也将使用3D晶体管,这将高达37%更快,消耗在32纳米芯片2D晶体管的不到一半的功率。常春藤桥将使用22纳米工艺制成,并且具有集成的用于雷电和USB 3.0互连技术的支持。
价格应该逐步回落随着竞争的超极本不断升温,金说。用户可以等待Windows 8,这是专为平板电脑和个人电脑,并可以提供一个颠簸的超极本市场,促使价格下降。
但是,如果超极本保持在$ 1,000,它不会是一个核心市场成交量为英特尔。一个$ 600至$ 800超极本会响起,金说。
"There won't be a $300 ultrabook," Gold said.