
的一切network architect needs to know about migrating to 40/100Gigabit Ethernet


Standards-based 40- and 100-gigabit Ethernet switches and routers are starting to show up in enterprise networks, following ratification of the IEEE 802.3ba specification in mid-2010.


It's easy to understand the motivation: Fast downlinks require even faster uplinks. The current solution, link aggregation of multiple 10-gigabit pipes, works well but only scales up to a point.



For network managers, migrating to "higher-speed Ethernet", as it's been dubbed by the Ethernet Alliance, will definitely require some changes. Most of these are at the physical layer (new cabling may be required). Also, some monitoring and management gear may not be able to keep up with HSE rates.

从有利的一面,HSE将有助于减少对10G以太网设备的价格。"The real leverage [with HSE] is with pushing down the price point of 10-gigabit Ethernet, rather than the first-order effects of 100-gigabit deployment," says a senior architect at one of the largest ISPs in the U.S., who requested anonymity. "If bigger pipes are good, then bigger pipes that are affordable and create greater commoditization of 10-gigabit Ethernet are better."




That means, for example, that a network using the rapid spanning tree protocol (RSTP) between switches and open shortest path first (OSPF) between routers can continue to run these protocols across HSE interfaces, without configuration changes.

应用程序,数据库和服务器群同样不会加入的HSE接口,企业网络受到影响。更低的延迟和提高响应时间应该是唯一显着的影响,虽然罗斯警告说,采用更快的网络技术不可避免地暴露了以前没有看到瓶颈。如果,例如,网络延迟之前被屏蔽的磁盘I / O瓶颈,HSE现在比的瓶颈更快,应用性能将不会如预期改善之多。



与以往的速度碰撞,捕获和监控流量以更高的利率将征收更高的功率要求network management安全systems. The old adage "you can't manage what you can't see" still holds true. In other words, the requirement to see all traffic doesn't go away just because the network got faster.


Faster versions of Ethernet pose special challenges for security devices that use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Dedicated hardware already is needed to encrypt and decrypt SSL traffic at gigabit and 10-gigabit rates. Even with the hardware assist,下一代防火墙测试网络世界做了提示有个足球雷竞技app,安全设备处理SSL流量时,移动通信更慢。




What's needed here is a hardware-based analyzer capable of lossless traffic capture at 40G- or 100Gbps rates. The analyzer also will need much larger storage capacity. At 100Gbps rates, an analyzer capturing 1,518-byte frames at line rate will need to store 750GB of data per minute. At 40Gbps rates, the storage requirement is "only" 296GB per minute, but keep in mind both numbers are only for a single port. Hardware-based monitoring tools often are used to capture multiple simultaneous feeds, each with very significant storage requirements.

在监控清单中的最后一个项目是网络龙头 - 分线器能够HSE率。并非所有网络设备都嵌入监控功能,并有在监控无法对行政或技术原因被激活的情况。


One standard, many flavors

在链路层,HSE最显着的特点是,它是完全一样在许多方面以太网的早期版本。以太网著名的帧格式为不变。帧间间隙 - 的帧之间的空间量 - 并没有改变。既不分别具有64个1518字节的最小和最大的基本帧的长度。(在IEEE做最大限度的延长“信封”规模至2000字节的前几年,以适应隧道和VLAN堆叠机制,但这是无关HSE)在帧内容而言,一切都没有之前的版本。




While HSE won't require changes in upper-layer protocols, it is different at the physical layer. Both 40G- and 100Gbps technologies may require not only new transceiver types on switches and routers, but also new cabling and new connectors and interfaces. Rolling out HSE isn't simply a matter of buying faster blades for switches and routers; network architects will need to upgrade cabling plants and test distance limits as well.



对单通道HSE接口演进很可能会随时间发生。在IEEE 802.3ba标准规范描述,可以在每个方向上的单个通道来实现实现这些尚未出货电接口,但产品。暂时,40G-和100千兆位两者都是多车道的技术 - 这,反过来,引入了新的布线要求,无论对于纤维和铜。





OM3 and OM4 cables (which usually have aqua-colored jackets, to distinguish them from older OM1 and OM2 cables with orange jackets) are already recommended for 10-gigabit Ethernet, but that doesn't mean OM3 and OM4 cables can be used interchangeably between 10G- and 40G interfaces.



The transceiver most commonly used for 40G Ethernet is called quad small form-factor pluggable plus (QSFP+). This connector, available for both fiber and copper cabling, resembles a slightly larger version of the SFP+ connectors used in 10G Ethernet, with the "quad" designation referring to its four pairs of transmit and receive lanes. Although QSFP+ transceivers only support 40G Ethernet today, they may support 100G Ethernet in the future when lane rates increase.

现在,100G接口用C可插拔(CFP)收发器。这些比智能电话和支持单模光纤电缆24层的纤维稍大。CFP收发器还可以支持多模光纤和铜布线,虽然QSFP +是比较常见的。CFP的变化较小,称为CXP,将支持所有的各种版本的HSE但这些都还没有得到广泛应用。


Copper interfaces are defined for both 40G- and 100G versions of HSE, but only for short-reach applications such as connections within a rack or between adjacent racks in a data center. Using the currently defined interfaces, HSE connections over copper can be at most 7 meters apart.

QSFP+ transceivers are used for 40G Ethernet over copper. Some large enterprise data centers already use 10/40-gigabit top-of-rack switches. These typically support 48 SFP+ ports for 10-gigabit connections to servers, and four QSFP+ ports for 40-gigabit Ethernet uplinks for switch-to-switch connections.

10-和40千兆位速率之间的转换是QSFP +端口的特别有用的特征,无论是对铜和光纤。在许多顶机架交换机,一个QSFP +端口也可以作为4个10G以太网端口起作用。这包括在一端和四个SFP +上的其他连接器一个QSFP +连接器采用铜或纤维“突破”电缆。双方看到连接的4个10G以太网接口。


直连铜缆(DAC)的电缆已经连接是服务器的常用手段,并在10千兆的速度切换短距离,而这很可能会继续使用40千兆位的DAC。40千兆位单元,其包含通过双轴电缆的运行连接的两个QSFP +收发器,一般为3米或长度以下。

If longer spans are needed (for example, to connect racks more than 7 meters away from a core switch), network managers will need one of the fiber-based options.

In addition to QSFP+ connectors for copper or fiber, there's another fiber-only connector type known as multi-fiber push-on (MPO). These connectors support the parallel-optics approach and require MPO connectors on multimode fiber cabling and MPO interfaces on switches and routers. The LC and SC fiber-optic connector types used in earlier versions of Ethernet aren't suitable for multimode fiber because they terminate only two fibers. Existing single-mode fiber will work with LC connectors.





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