Early OpenFlow user details 'exciting' benefits

Hosting provider Genesis deploying programmable switching technology in Illinois data centers


Genesis Hosting Solutions of Lake Zurich, Ill., implemented OpenFlow in February to make its network more flexible and easier to configure. It helps the hosting provider deal with a large number of VLANs and overcome the challenges of Spanning Tree's reconvergence time in a network. OpenFlow also helps Genesis establish redundant connections while maintaining performance.

"It basically creates a network without loops in a mesh configuration, but without Spanning Tree," says Genesis CEO Eric Miller. "That was really exciting to us."

FAQ:What is OpenFlow and why is it needed?

OpenFlowis a protocol that enables software-defined networking, which means that users can define flows and determine what paths those flows take through a network, regardless of the underlying hardware. OpenFlow can take control of how traffic flows through a network out of the hands of the infrastructure -- the switches and routers -- and put it in the hands of the network owner, individual users or individual应用.


OpenFlow, the result of a six-year research collaboration between Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley, uses a centralized controller to process those reconfigurations on behalf of OpenFlow-enabled switches.

Genesis finds that OpenFlow can reroute traffic around deactivated links between cascaded switches, or around some anomaly downstream that can't be detected through link "beaconing" techniques, which ping for link status but might lack rerouting capabilities. With an API into switch tables, OpenFlow controllers allow Genesis to easily steer traffic around trouble spots and overly congested links, and control the entire switch fabric "from a bird's eye view," Miller says.

INSTANT EXPERT:All you need to know about OpenFlow

OpenFlowalso allows Genesis to create policies based on its hosting customers. These policies can be easily added to or removed from the entire switching fabric so provisioning and de-provisioning of network resources for customers can be achieved through a single API call, Miller says.


So far, it's working as advertised, he says. Genesis has two NEC ProgrammableFlow controllers -- one for redundancy -- in its Chicago雷竞技电脑网站理事2 NEC 48端口,1Gbps以太网交换机ProgrammableFlow。环境是支持2500个的虚拟机。


Currently, failover between one controller and another takes a few seconds, which requires controllers to re-create tables once they come back up. Memory mirroring could solve this by replicating the flow table between the two or more controllers, which would expedite failover, Miller says.

Even though the implementation is running smoothly, there were a few initial hiccups, Miller reports. For example, Common Address Redundancy Protocol, or CARP, advertisements from redundant routers to the Genesis VLANs were disrupting the operations of one of the default OpenFlow controllers. Miller, though, says this was minor and quickly corrected.



The next step for Genesis will be to replace 30 legacy edge switches with 24/48-port 1G edge switches that are OpenFlow-capable to enable the hosting provider's entire network to be OpenFlow software programmable. Currently, these switches support 1,200 Gigabit Ethernet ports, and NEC only manufactures OpenFlow core switches.


But so far, the hosting provider has had no major issues with OpenFlow and is looking forward to broadening its implementation.

"Treating the network as a single entity, not a large number of individual switches, is the goal that we're after," Miller says.

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