Best IT resolutions for 2013

Here are 8 suggested New Year's resolutions that could boost your career prospects.

It's that time of year when IT executives' thoughts turn to setting resolutions for the new year. We've talked to CIOs, IT analysts and other industry experts about the major trends for 2013 to come up with our own list of suggested IT resolutions.

前瞻:Read through Network World's entire Outlook 2013 package


Here's a trend that you can't beat so you might as well join: Employees bringing their own mobile devices to work. Seventy percent of IT organizations are either supporting BYOD now or will be within the next 12 months, according to a recentGartner survey。“那想要做的BYOD,至少有一半是没有准备组织70%,” Gartner公司首席研究分析师迪奥尼西奥Zumerle说。“你需要改变你思考的方式security你启用安全组织n. You can't just say to the users 'Please behave' and hope for the best." Zumerle recommends CIOs deploy mobile device management (MDM) or an alternative called Dual-Persona software to allow companies to control employee-owned mobile devices and keep corporate data secure. "Having a mobile security policy that is well designed first on paper is fundamental and can be enforced through MDM or some other software," Zumerle says. "Enforcing passwords, locking devices and remotely wiping devices gives you a level of security that is close to what you would have on a PC...You need to find a way to secure the devices that you don't own." (For more on where BYOD is headed, read "The cloud will make BYOD a non-issue ...eventually。")


It may seem counter-intuitive to IT executives trying to retain their best developers and project managers, but employees who are trained and certified in emerging technologies usually choose to stay with the organization that paid for their training. "If you train and certify your IT staff, you will keep them," promises Terry Erdle,CompTIA's执行副总裁技能认证。“培训是导致你最好的一流的IT专业人员留在1号的东西,那是因为他们的公司投资于他们。”Erdle建议CIO们提供培训和认证约三分之一的IT每年人员,使整个团队的技能是最新的。2013年流行的认证计划,包括云计算和移动计算,网络安全和项目管理。“那接受培训团队更好的工作,更有动力,与客户较少的质量问题,他们的效率上升,” Erdle说。“经认证项目团队通常命中里程碑按时到达其他成功标准的频率要高于未认证的球队。”


As more IT organizations migrate to a private cloud infrastructure, many are discovering that they don't have the data necessary to accurately charge internal customers for the IT services they provide. "For 2013, I'm resolving to get better at tracking my costs and tracking my revenue," says Corey Kos, enterprise architect for the state of Alaska. Kos recently deployed思科UCS and NetApp FlexPod systems inAlaska's main data centersto enable shared IT services across the state. "If you're going to go to any cloud-based infrastructure and do any usage-sort of capacity, then your chargebacks need to be bullet-proof." Kos said he had some difficulty getting the IT and accounting staffs to cooperate on a billing strategy for the e-mail, voice over IP and other centralized IT services that he provides. "We could use some cross-training between the IT and accounting people so they understand what each department does," Kos added. "It needs to be a two-way, cooperative relationship."


如果你要实现在2013年的一件事,你应该善待你的公司的首席营销官。这对于首席分析师弗兰克·氏族的意见IDC。"If you're in a consumer-driven industry, you need to get very close to the CMO because that's where the real innovation and strategic investment is going to happen," Gens says. "With trends such as social technologies, it's not about employees; it's about customers.'' Gens says a key challenge for corporations will be integrating data from the most popular social networks into back-end business systems. The CMO is just one of the Line of Business executives who is going to drive an increasing amount of IT spending in the future, Gens predicts. "Almost 60% of new IT investment in 2013 will involve Line of Business executives," Gens says. "About 25% of new IT investments are going to be where the Line of Business executive is the decision maker, and that 25% will go up to 40% by 2016. There's a tide rising where Line of Business executives are gaining more control over IT. This doesn't mean that IT is out, but IT needs to make those relationships with other executives work."


When it comes to enterprise application software - from CRM to collaboration - all the momentum is towards the software-as-a-service model. "The time-to-market with SaaS is very helpful," says Shazia Mian, director ofapplicationssystems atHeidrick & Struggles芝加哥recentl高管招聘公司y deployed popular SaaS offering and its collaboration tool, Chatter. "There is truly much to be offered out of the box. These applications are pre-built and ready to go, and they meet our business needs. It's much better than starting from scratch and building it out," Mian added. Heidrick & Struggles is running a pilot project with one of its largest global customers that involves integrating Salesforce and Chatter with its strategic account management process. "Where I see Chatter really helping us is connecting people in a quicker fashion and having all of the account information readily accessible. It should improve the way we manage the account globally," Mian says.

Alwin Brunner, senior vice president and CIO at Heidrick & Struggles, says he plans to measure the return that his company sees from its Salesforce and Chatter investment. "By looking at the customer holistically, we should see that we are filling requests faster and increasing our share of the customer staffing by our global customers," Brunner says.


Expect the hoopla over Hadoop to continue in 2013. Spending on Big Data technologies and services will reach nearly $10 billion in 2013 on the way to over $20 billion in 2016, IDC predicts. Companies will be investing in tools that go beyond search to discover hidden patterns in quantitative data and rich media, IDC says. That's the challenge facingQuantcast,旧金山公司,措施针对性的在线广告受众。CEO康拉德·费尔德曼说,Quantcast每天处理的数据接近30个千兆兆字节。为了处理数据的这种巨量Quantcast建立了自己的分布式文件系统 - 被称为QFS - 它释放open source在2012年2013年,Quantcast的重点是增加新的分析能力,同时继续扩大其数据处理,并按住运营成本。“大数据是实时和批量处理的丰富的生态系统,”费尔德曼说。“在2013年,你会看到我们做更多的创新,围绕降低批量处理的延迟,所以我们可以快速地得到更多的答案。‘’费尔德曼预计Quantcast的大数据系统明年继续增长。”无论我们做什么,现在,我们将有更多的在未来:更多的数据中心,更多的机器,更多雷竞技电脑网站的数据,”他说。“我们一直是真的成本意识。我​​们已经关注到多少计算每美元我们实现了......明年,我们会寻找各种方法来实现更高的效率和更好的成本/性能”

7. Use IT to slash business costs.



"We put in a SaaS-based transportation management system that dropped transportation costs for us, and it's lucky it did because our shipments have been more numerous and smaller in quantity lately," Keefe said. In 2013, Mueller also will deploy new ERP software and a CRM service from Salesforce.

"We hope to have better sales forecasting," Keefe added.

8. Measure IT system configuration compliance.

Cybersecurity expertAlan Pallerhas one simple suggestion for IT professionals who want to improve their organization's network security in 2013: Measure whether your IT systems are configured correctly. Paller, who is the director of research for the SANS Institute, recommends that companies use a tool such as微软的系统中心配置管理器(SCCM),以确定企业系统配置是否正确,正确的修补和使用的操作系统软件的最新版本。“如果你可以让人们衡量配置符合性,他们将他们的发现而震惊,”帕勒说。“你必须衡量它,为了解决这个问题....测量是做事情的方式。”

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